Avtomatika. Hisoblash texnikasi
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Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
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Feedback systems
This book provides an introduction to the basic principles and tools for the design and analysis of feedback systems. It begins with a description of feedback control and then surveys some of the classical topics in control such as stability, frequency response, and root locus. The book is intended for students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of engineering, mathematics, and related disciplines.
Пересмотреть технологию ремонта того оборудования, неисправности которого вызываются недостаточным количеством плавного ремонта.
Асаб жарроҳлигидан амалий қўлланма
Кулланмада асаб жарроҳлиги курси бўйича ўқув дастурига киритилган барча мавзулар қисқача ёритилган бўлиб, унда марказий ва периферик нерв тизимлари касалликларига ташхис қўйиш ва даволаш жараёнлари ўз ифодасини топган. Ушбу қўлланма тиббиёт институтлари талабалари ва асаб жарроҳлиги бўйича мутахассисларга мўлжалланган.
Мазкур ўқув қўлланмада давлат ва дин муносабатлари, Марказий Осиё динлари, ислом дини таьлимоти ва мазхабларига оид диншунослик билан боғлиқ мавзулар ёритилган.
Handbook of biomedical image analysis. volume i: segmentation models part a
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis является исчерпывающим ресурсом, посвященным методам анализа биомедицинских изображений. Том I разделен на две части и охватывает методы сегментации изображений, начиная от фундаментальных понятий до передовых алгоритмов. Книга предназначена для исследователей и профессионалов, работающих в области биомедицинской визуализации и анализа данных. Она предлагает ключевые концепции, примеры кода и приложение для практического применения.
Logic for concurrency and synchronisation
Logic for Concurrency and Synchronisation serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the intersection of concurrency theory and logic. Edited by Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz, this volume gathers contributions from experts to explore structural and descriptive perspectives on logic in concurrency. The book delves into proof structures, model checking, and several paradigms of interactive computations, providing deep insights while discussing applications and implications in computer science.
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma tibbiyot kollejlari o'quvchilari hamda oliy ma'lumotli hamshiralar tayyorlash uchun mo'ljallangan. Kitobda terapiyaga oid barcha ma'lumotlar, ya'ni odam ichki a'zolarida uchraydigan kasalliklar, ularning kelib chiqish sabablari, oldini olish, davolash yo'llari, parvarish paytida hamshira bajarishi lozim bo'lgan vazifalar haqida ma'lumotlar keltirilgan.
Artificial neural networks technology
This report is intended to help the reader understand what Artificial Neural Networks are, why they are currently being used, and how they will impact the future. Artificial Neural Networks are being touted as the wave of the future in computing. There is a significant effort underway to create and apply these networks for scientific, engineering, and business applications. An overview of several neural network paradigms and their practical applications will be covered in this text.
Introduction to discrete event systems
This second edition of "Introduction to Discrete Event Systems" presents a comprehensive, integrated presentation of the dynamics of discrete event systems (DES), emphasizing modeling, state estimation, and control. The text includes new coverage of hybrid systems, timed models, stochastic models, Petri nets, and supervisory control. It also expands on the analysis of untimed models of DES; hierarchical control and decentralized control of DES; the computational complexity of untimed DES; the analysis of partially-observed DES; and the modeling, verification, and analysis of timed and hybrid DES.
A blossoming development of splines
This lecture notes study B'ezier and B-spline curves and surfaces, mathematical representations for free-form curves and surfaces that are common in CAD systems and in computer-aided design literature. Such representations are useful for approximating complex shapes, animations using in-betweening, and gaming systems to give players the best visual experience possible. Such curves and surfaces are also used to generate animations for modeling physical systems. The primary mathematical ideas include the blossoming principle, the polar form representation, and the B'ezier control points. These ideas allow spline curves and surfaces to be embedded in an algebraic formulation. In turn, computer-generated representations can be used to create photo-realistic visualizations. In this book, the necessary mathematical and geometrical concepts are described in a form that is accessible to advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals in computer-aided geometric design, computer graphics, and applications. Topics such as polar forms, NURBS curves, and triangular and tensor product spline surfaces are included.
The curve shortening problem
A geometric evolution equation for a family of plane curves, with the property that under certain assumptions, it prefers round shapes. The authors study the curve shortening flow's qualitative properties and behavior, including various specific cases, such as convex or non-convex flow, embedded closed curves, and others. Through meticulous reasoning and proofs, they provide in-depth insights into the subject.
Principles of artificial neural networks
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks - второе издание учебного пособия по вычислительной нейробиологии и искусственным нейронным сетям. Эта книга охватывает основные принципы и техники, используемые для построения и применения искусственных нейронных сетей. Включает примеры программного кода и обсуждение алгоритмов, что делает ее полезной для студентов, исследователей и практиков в области компьютеров и систем искусственного интеллекта.
New computational paradigms: changing conceptions of what is computable
This book discusses new approaches to computing, intersecting with various fields such as logic, algorithms, complexity, and natural computation. It examines how traditional models of computation are expanding, integrating innovative theories and unconventional methods. Emphasis is placed on infinite time, randomness, and the power of bounded arithmetic within this emerging landscape.
Transformations and projections in computer graphics
This book introduces the complex variety of transformations and projections within the field of computer graphics. It is probably a coincidence that the three main topics discussed in this book, namely, transformations, projections, and their graphical properties, are so au courant that they capture the essence of many classic properties in mathematics. Whether that turns out to be a coincidence or destiny is something for the reader to ponder. Each of these three terms has deep and personal historical value, which dates back centuries.
Вопросы автоматики и связы
Аналитические методы исследования рельсовых цепей являются исторически первыми и наиболее разработанными. Попытки преодолеть большие вычислительные трудности, свойственные этим методам, привели в свое время к по явлению графических и графо-аналитических методов.
Вояга етмаганларнинг ҳуқуқлари, мажбуриятлари ва жавобгарлиги
Мазкур ўқув қўлланма Инсон ҳуқуқлари умумжахон Декларацияси қабул қилинганлигининг 60 йиллиги доирасида бажарилган лойиҳа бўлиб, унда вояга етмаганларнинг фуқаролик ҳуқуқ ва муомалага лаѐқатининг ўзига хос жиҳатлари, вояга етмаганларнинг меҳнат қилиш ҳуқуқи ва уни амалга ошириш, вояга етмаганларнинг оилавий муносабатларда иштирок этиши, уларнинг тадбиркорлик фаолиятидаги иштироки, шунингдек вояга етмаганларнинг ҳуқуқбузарлиги ва бунинг учун маъмурий ҳамда жиноий жавобгарлик масалалари миллий ҳамда халқаро ҳуқуқ нормалари асосида қиѐсий таҳлил усулида ѐритилган.