Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Fizika 10
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Чорвачиликни механизациялаш
Ушбу дарсликда чорвачиликдаги замонавий маҳсулот етиштириш технологиялари, чорвачиликда ишлатиладиган машина ва қурилмалардан унумли фойдаланиш қоидалари, технологик жараёнларни лойиҳалаш ва улар учун техник воситалар танлашни билиш асослари ёритилган.
Good Code, Bad Code. Think like a software engineer
About this book. Good Code, Bad Code is a clear, practical introduction to writing code that’s a snap to read, apply, and remember. With dozens of instantly-useful techniques, you’ll find coding insights that normally take years of experience to master. In this fast-paced guide, Google software engineer Tom Long teaches you a host of rules to apply, along with advice on when to break them. Software development is a team sport. For an application to succeed, your code needs to be robust and easy for others to understand, maintain, and adapt. Whether you’re working on an enterprise team, contributing to an open source project, or bootstrapping a startup, it pays to know the difference between good code and bad code.
Go Design Patterns
This book is a comprehensive explanation and implementation of the most common design patterns from the Gang of Four and today's patterns plus some of the most idiomatic concurrency patterns in Go.
Algorithmic thinking
For the novice tennis player, keeping the ball in the court is hard enough (especially from the backhand side). Only after months of practice, once the basic rallying skills have been mastered, does the sport and its addictive nature begin to reveal itself. You add to your repertoire more advanced tools—a slice backhand, a kick serve, a drop volley.
Ушбу китоб экология асослари, амалий экология, экологик хавфсизлик ва барқарор ривожланиш масалаларига бағишланган. Муҳит ва экологик омиллар классификацияси, табиатдаги биохилма-хиллик ва унинг муҳофазаси берилган. Экологик таълим ва тарбия, экологик ҳамкорлик ва миллий қонунчилик асослари ёритилган.
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development
.NET MAUI is a cross-platform technology developed by Microsoft. The inaugural edition of this book was authored using .NET 6. However, this second edition coincides with the diverse improvements initiated with the release of .NET 8. The latest .NET MAUI release predominantly seeks to enhance code quality. Simultaneously, updates have been made to the development environment that supports iOS and Android, upgrading to Xcode 15 and Android API 34 respectively.
Экология асослари
Дарсликда экология асослари фани ривожининг қисқача тарихи, ўсимлик ва ҳайвонларнинг ўрни, экосистемалар тавсифи, популяция, биосфера, табиатни асраш, республикамиздаги экологик ҳолат, уни тартибга солиш. биологик жиҳатдан соф маҳсулот етиштириш, атроф муҳитга салбий таъсир этадиган омилларни бартараф этиш тадбирлари ҳақида айрим маълумотлар келтирилади.
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с учебной программой по дис циплине «Экология». В нем рассмотрены темы: взаимодействие общества и природы, понятие, предмет и задачи экологии, экологическая ситуация и экологическая политика Республики Узбекистан, организм среда, экологические системы, их виды и особенности, экология биосферы, прикладная экология, биоразнообразие, социальная экология, агроэкономическая экология, географическая и геологическая экология, организационно-правовые и экономические основы обеспечения экологической безопасности, экология и международное сотрудничество, экологическое воспитание и образование в условиях устойчивого развития.
Go Faster
This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.
More Exceptional C++
The Greek philosopher Socrates taught by asking his students questions—questions designed to guide them and help them draw conclusions from what they already knew, and to show them how the things they were learning related to each other and to their existing knowledge. This method has become so famous that we now call it the “Socratic method.” From our point of view as students, Socrates’ approach involves us, makes us think, and helps us relate and apply what we already know to new information.
Мазкур дарслик қишлоқ хўжалик олий ва ўрта махсус ўқув юртларининг «агрономия», «агротупроқшунослик ва агрокимё», «қишлоқ хўжалик экинлари селекцияси ва уруғчилиги», «ўсимликлар ҳимояси ва карантини», «касбий таълим» ва «қишлоқ хўжалик маҳсулотларини етиштириш, сақлаш ва қайта ишлаш технологияси» мутахассисликларига мўлжалланган .
Modern Data Mining Algorithms in C++ and CUDA C
Serious data miners are often faced with thousands of candidate features for their prediction or classification application, with most of the features being of little or no value. Worse still, many of these features may be useful only in combination with certain other features while being practically worthless alone or in combination with most others. Some features may have enormous predictive power, but only within a small, specialized area of the feature space. The problems that plague modern data miners are endless.
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Information Systems
diagrams by using a syntactical approach, such as Miles and Hamilton (2006). There are also a significant number of books about development processes and management activities, such as Satzinger et al. (2011). However, there are relatively few books that go deep into the presentation of best practices that allow the effective application of object-oriented techniques in software development in the real world, especially if we consider the new generation of agile methods. This means that despite the vast literature in this area, many questions faced by developers are still left unanswered.
Экология ҳуқуқи
Дарсликда Экология ҳуқуқининг предмети ва тизими, манбалари, табиий ресурсларга нисбатан мулк ҳуқуқи, экология соҳасида бошқарув, экологик ҳуқуқий жавобгарлик, табиий ресурсларнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, ҳайвонот оламидан фойдаланиш ва уни муҳофаза қилишнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, атмосфера ҳавосини ҳуқуқий муҳофаза қилиш, табиий қўриқхоналарнинг ҳуқуқий ҳолати, қишлоқ хўжалиги, саноат, транспорт, энергетика тармоқларида атроф табиий муҳитни муҳофаза қилиш қаби масалалар, ёритилган.
API Design for CDD
Interfaces are the most important code that you write because a problem with your interface is far more costly to fix than a bug in your implementation. For instance, an interface change may require all of the applications based upon your code to be updated, whereas an implementation-only change can be integrated transparently and effortlessly into client applications when they adopt the new API version. Put in more economic terms, a poorly designed interface can seriously reduce the long-term survival of your code. Learning how to create high-quality interfaces is therefore an essential engineering skill, and the central focus of this book.