Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Ichki savdo. Turistik va ekskursiya xizmati
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Matolar-insoniyat uchun eng kerakli uch narsaning (oziq-ovqat, boshpana) biri hisoblanadi.
Миллий давлатчилик истиқлол мафкураси, ва ҳуқуқий маданият тўғрисида
Ўзбекистон Республикаси инсоният рухининг улуғворлиги ва акл зиёсининг рамзи умумбашарият тафаккурининг бешикларидан бири булмиш диёрдир.
Mechanisms of fl at weaving technology
People cannot go without clothes, and many industries cannot produce goods without the use of woven materials
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
Излагаются основы теории вероятностей, теории массового обслуживания и математической статистики согласно соответствующему разделу программы дисциплины «Математика» для специальности «Менеджмент». Изложение сопровождается примерами и задачами из экономической практики. Предназначен для студентов специальности «Менеджмент» и может быть использован и для других экономических специальностей. Будет также полезен аспирантам и слушателям факультета магистерской подготовки, работающим в области экономики и управления.
Tourism Strategy 2017-2021
You will see throughout the strategy reference to our headline ‘mountains, myths and maritime’. These have been identified as the three elements that will create a strong and distinctive image for our area. Our promise, ‘delivering epic moments’ is focused on redefining our visitor destination experiences associated with the mountains and the coastline and those stories unique to us. Ultimately repositioning Newry, Mourne and Down into one of the premier year round destinations in Ireland.
Importance of managing Heritages for Tourism
Heritage Tourism is a collection of activities along with services for providing visitors with the unique experience of enjoying and understanding special interests related to a heritage. For keeping the heritage sites in good condition it is necessary to recognize and preserve the assets for the long term. When used in combination with other interests heritage tourism offers several opportunities.
Next generation tourism planning A guideline for planners in Queensland
Next Generation Tourism Planning is a guideline for local government planning in Queensland. Its aims are: • assisting planners when writing plans, or considering tourism proposals to satisfy the Queensland Government’s planning policy for tourism. This policy—‘grow the tourism industry’—is found in Queensland’s State Planning Policy (SPP) (DSDIP, 2013a), and this handbook is guidance material for the SPP
Textile fabrics are intrinsically strong while being flexible, permeable, moldable, and drapeable. In modern times, this porous continuum is being progressively viewed as a useful engineering material in diverse applications as in civil constructions, such as roads, dams, or bridges; in vehicular constructions, such as aerospace ships or automobiles and trucks; in communication engineering as flexible conductive material for generation and transmission of signals or for digital display; in power generation in the form of flexible solar panels; in the medical field as biosensors or for construction of human body components; and so on and so forth. Arguably then, not only students of conventional textile disciplines, but also of civil, mechanical, electrical, computer, materials science, medical, and associated disciplines would, in the future, have more than a cursory interest in acquiring a basic understanding about the manner of formation of this unique material. The choice of topics covered in this book is based purely on the author’s subjective perception of the needs of an undergraduate engineering student who is in the process of acquiring a basic understanding about general principles of fabricformation systems to become capable of making a conscious choice of the type of fabric that would be most appropriate for targeted end uses.
Principles of Financial Accounting IFRS Edition
Principles of Financial Accounting, IFRS Edition, Third Edition serves as a concise text for students to comprehend and give insights into accounting of the modern business world. This textbook will focus on core concepts and procedures based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and supported by real company examples including those in Asia. There are accounting items (titles) that now follow IFRS 9, and this is reflected in the various chapters of the book. The latest IFRS amendments are in this edition, specifically IFRS 16 which became effective on January 1, 2019. IFRS 16 shows the liabilities associated with the lease on the balance sheet. Students will learn to effectively use and prepare accounting information for decision making with various features that encourage critical thinking, highlight ethical considerations, and consider global implications. Emphasizing the relevancy of accounting to the business world, the text strives to highlight the ethical considerations and global implications of financial accounting decisions in our world.
A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management
A local tourism destination is a physical space in which a tourist spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions and tourist resources within one day’s return travel time. It has physical and administrative boundaries defining its management, and images and perceptions defining its market competitiveness. Local destinations incorporate various stakeholders often including a host community, and can nest and network to form larger destinations. Destinations could be on any scale, from a whole country (e.g. Australia), a region (such as the Spanish ‘Costas’) or island (e.g. Bali), to a village, town or city, or a self-contained centre (e.g. Center Parc or Disneyland).
Бизнинг эзгу мақсадимиз-тараққий топган давлатлар қаторига киришдан иборат=Наша высщая цель войти в число развитых демократических государств мира
Биз бу йулда хар кандай мураккаб ва тахликали синовлар тусик ва говлардан утиб ёвуз ва говлардан утиб ёзув ва зуравон харакатлар олдида бош эгмасдан канчалик кийин булмасин уз танлаган йулимиздан.
Бизнинг бош максадимиз жамиятни демократлаштириш ва янгилаш мамлакатни модернизация ва ислоҳ этишдир
Аввало, барчангизни эл-юрт ишончини қозониб, Олий Мажлис Қонунчилик палатаси депутати деган юксак номга сазовор бўлганингиз билан самимий табриклайман. Мамлакатимизда ўтган парламент сайловларига тайёргарлик пайтида ва бевосита сайлов жараёнида халқимиз ўзининг фаоллиги, сиёсий онги ва савиясини срқин намоён этди. Шу боис бу сайловлар халқаро ҳамжамият, хорижий кузатувчилар томонидан юқори баҳоланди ва бунинг учун ҳаммамиз халқимизга, сайловчиларимизга таъзим қилсак арзийди.
12 этюдов для фортепиано. соч.39. 12 виртуозных этюдов. соч.46
Издание адресовано ученикам старших классов ДМШ и ДШИ, студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, любителям фортепианной музыки.
Tourism Management
Tourism Management is the management of all activities related to tourism business. This tutorial introduces you to various types of tourism, geographical milieus, destination awareness, development, and management, market segmentation, tourism products and services, impacts of tourism, and trends in tourism.
Биз учун халқимиз ватанимиз манфаатидан улуғ мақсад йўқ
Олий Мажлисимизнинг сессияси кун тартибига куйилган масала—халқаро терроризмга карши курашда доимо сафарбар, доимо огоҳ булишимиз ҳақидаги масала — хозирги вақтда, ҳеч шубҳасиз, дунё миқёсидаги энг муҳим ва долзарб муаммо булиб колмокда.
Инсон унинг ҳуқуқ ва эркинликлари ҳамда манфаатлари энг олий қадрият
Мана ун уч йилкирки биз эски тузум асоратларида миллий табиатимизга ёт ва бегона булган мафкуравий карашлардан воз кечиб узимиз кузлаган янги хаёт янги жамият куриш.