Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Statistics for Business and Economics
Statistics for Business and Economics is a straightforward and detailed introduction to the concepts and theory which appear in most undergraduate or MBA courses in this field. The text complements such well-referenced textbooks as D.K. Hildebrand and R.L. Ott’s “Basic Statistical Ideas for Managers,” and “The Practice of Business Statistics: Using Data for Decisions,” by D.S. Moore et al. It is available as a free e-book and can be downloaded here. The text starts by outlining the main steps of statistical analysis, from data gathering and data handling to establishing probability and statistic interference within a sample. Moving on, readers are introduced to data description and measures of dispersion, basic principals of probability (including set theory), probability distributions (including random variables, random vectors and joint distributions, and conditional density functions), random sampling, point and interval estimation, and hypothesis testing.
Механика сплошной среды Том I.
Книга представляет собой новый оригинальный учебник, в котором механика, термодинамика, электродинамика и соответствующие математические методы излагаются как единое целое применительно к твердым, жидкими газообразным телам и теории электромагнитного п о л я .
All Heritage is Intangible:
Academic and professional work in the field of heritagestudies is often conducted in isolation from museum studies, despite the fact that both fields deal with various sides of what is, after all, the same subject: heritage.
Analytical Instrumentation
This book has arisen from a series of lectures developed by Dr Gillan McMahon and de livered to students on the taught postgraduate module on instrumentation at Dublin City University.
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whole misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love, And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Historical MonuMents of uzbekistan
We are born and learn to live in the architectural space, created by our ancestors. Then taking the baton of generations we try to master and rebuild this world, leaving it renewed to the next generation. Some thing from the past has to be destroyed...
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.
Between the ninth and the fifteenth centuries, Central Asia was an important political, economic and cultural hub on the Eurasian continent; in the first half of the thirteenth century it was the pre-eminent centre of power.
Fifteen years ago, when I first considered mounting undergraduate courses in ‘historiography’, most students and not a few colleagues possessed barely more than a blurred notion of what the word meant.
Ushbu darslik bo`lg`usi vokal ijrochiligi yo`nalishi mutaxassislari hamda teatr aktyorlari bakalavriyat yo`nalishi uchun mo`ljallangan bo`lib, ularning kasbiy va ijodiy tayyorgarligida katta ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Вычислительная техника в инженерных и экономических расчетах
В учебнике излагаются основы применения цифровых электронных вычислительных машин, приводятся их структура, порядок подготовки и методика решения задач.
Ushbu darslikda endokrin tizim va keng tarqalgan endokrin kasalliklarning asosiy sabablari, tasnifi, klinik manzarasi, tashhisi, qiyosiy tashhisi va davolash jarayonlari jadval va sxema ko‘rinishida to‘la bayon etilgan.
Оптималлаштириш масалалари инсон фаолиятининг хилма-хил соҳаларида учрайди. Ҳар бир оқилона ҳаракат қандайдир маънода оптимал ҳам бўлади, чунки у, одатда, бошқа вариантлар билан таққослангандан сўнг танланади. Энг яхши усулда танлаш масалаларига қизиқиш ҳамиша катта бўлиб келган, у кейинги йилларда фан ва техниканинг жадал ривожланиши натижасида янада кучайди. Бир томондан, одамларга кўп ҳолда мавжуд воситалар ва ресурслардан энг кўп самара билан фойдаланиш талаб қилинадиган жараёнлар билан шуғулланишга тўғри келса, иккинчи томондан, ҳисоблаш техникасининг ривожланиши натижасида инсоннинг ўрганиладиган жараёнларга таъсир қилиш имконияти ортиб бораяпти.
Синтаксис современного русского языка.
Учебник содержит материал по всем разделам синтаксиса современного русского языка. Описан синтаксический строй русского языка, даны оценки синтаксический единиц с точки зрения нормативности их употребления, синонимических вожможностей.
Проектирование цифровых устройств
Изложены основные принципы построения и проектирования цифровых устройств ЭВМ на основе интегральных схем разной степени интеграции, включая микроконтроллеры и ПЛИС. Рассмотрены вопросы анализа и синтеза основных узлов ЭВМ: шифраторы, дешифраторы, мультиплексоры, демультиплексоры, регистры, счетчики, АЛУ и др. Изложена методика описания аппаратуры на языке Verilog.