Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Табиатни муҳофаза қилиш
Ушбу китобчада табиатни мухофаза қилишнинг умумий масалалари, Узбекистоннинг ер, сув, ўсимлик, минерал хом-ашё ва бошка табиат ресурслари ҳамда табиатни муҳофаза қилишнинг илмий асосларини яратишга қаратилган фикр ва мулохазалар баён этилади.
Hands-On Data Science with R
Mapt is an online digital library that gives you full access to over 5,000 books and videos, as well as industry leading tools to help you plan your personal development and advance your career. For more information, please visit our website.
Thank you to all the authors who have contributed to this edited book. Thanks also to Grace McInnes and Evie Lonsdale, from Routledge, for all your support; to Olivia Morgan for checking all the references; and to the copy editors for ensuring consistency throughout.
A Global History of Sexual Science, 1880–1960
Th is project began in conversations between Veronika Fuechtner and Douglas E. Haynes, colleagues at Dartmouth College, when they discovered they were both recalling library books from each other. As it turned out, we were both researching the history of sexual science in colonial India. As we started talking about our respective projects, we quickly realized that relatively little work had been published on sexual science outside Europe and North America, despite a rapidly developing interest in this subject.
EU Trade-Related Measures against Illegal Fishing
This consolidation of the IUU fishing as a worldwide problem affecting all types of fishing vessels – regardless of their size or gear and both domestic waters and the high seas – however, has garnered important criticisms based on its sweeping characterization.
Ushbu qo‘llanma ko‘p yillardan beri matematika fanidan o‘tkazilib kelinayotgan maktab o‘quvchilari o‘rtasidagi ichki, tuman, viloyat va respublika bilimlar bellashuvi va fan olimpiadalarida taklif etilgan, jami 1500 ta misol va masalalardan tashkil topgan. Qo‘llanmada keltirilgan misol va masalalarning 500 tasi yechilib, to‘la isboti bilan keltirilgan. Qolgan 250 tasi mustaqil yechish uchun tavsiya etilgan. Bundan tashqari, bellashuv va olimpiadalarda taklif etilgan jami 750 ta test materiallari kalitlari bilan o‘rin olgan.
Science: Teaching School Subjects 11–19
This series aims to make sense of school subjects for new teachers at a moment when subject expertise is being increasingly linked to the rede finition of teachers’ responsibilities (Furlong et al., 2000). We start from the common assumption that teachers’ passion for their subject provides the foundation for effective teaching, but we also take the view that effec tive teachers develop a complicated understanding of students’ learning. Therefore, we also aim to offer subject specialists a picture of students’ learning in their chosen field.
Data Science for Marketing Analytics
The book starts by teaching you how to use Python libraries, such as pandas and Matplotlib, to read data from Python, manipulate it, and create plots using both categorical and continuous variables. Then, you'll learn how to segment a population into groups and use different clustering techniques to evaluate customer segmentation. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll explore ways to evaluate and select the best segmentation approach, and go on to create a linear regression model on customer value data to predict lifetime value. In the concluding chapters, you'll gain an understanding of regression techniques and tools for evaluating regression models, and explore ways to predict customer choice using classification algorithms. Finally, you'll apply these techniques to create a churn model for modeling customer product choices.
Art, Design and Science, Engineering and Medicine Frontier Collaborations
At the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Conference on Art, Design and Science, Engineering and Medicine Frontier Collaborations: Ideation, Translation, and Realization, participants were divided into Seed Idea Groups comprised of 6-8 attendees. The groups spent nearly 20 hours over 3 days exploring diverse challenges at the interface of science, engineering, and medicine.
Reconstruction, Replication and Re-enactment in the Humanities and Social Sciences
The idea for this book was conceived during a NIAS-Lorentz Workshop in Leiden in June 2017, and it was further developed in an authors’ meeting at the University of Amsterdam in December 2018. We wish to thank all participants and hands-on session leaders who were involved in the NIAS Lorentz workshop and kindly acknowledge the important contributions which the Lorentz Center, and its dedicated staff, made to this book.
This book specializes in articles that cover the latest developments and pinpoints directions for future research on cognitive sciences and theory. Topics discussed include research in memory, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, neurophysiology, neuroscience and neuropharmacology. Essential reading for those working directly in the cognitive sciences or in related specialist areas, this book provides an instant overview of current thinking for both experts and newcomers to cognitive sciences.
Данное пособие призвано возродить интерес к элементарным методам решения геометрических задач. В нем приведены яркие геометрические сведения, не вошедшие в современный школьный учебник. Например, формула Эйлера, окружность девяти точек, теорема Птолемея, геометрические неравенства и многое другое. Книга адресована всем, кто желает расширить и углубить знания по элементарной геометрии, — от школьников средних классов до учителей математики и студентов педагогических вузов
Мазкур ўқув услубий қўлланма «Умумий педагогика» модул бирлиги бўйича ёзилган бўлиб, Олий таълим муассасаларида таҳсил олаётган бакалавр, магистр ва аспирантлар ҳамда нопедагог маълумотли мутахассис ўқитувчиларга мўлжалланган. Шунингдек, мазкур ўқув - услубий қўлланма ўрта махсус, касб-ҳунар таълими муассасаларининг педагог-ўқитувчилари ва методистларнинг амалий фаолиятида ҳам кенг фойдаланиши мумкин.
Ушбу «Тарбиявий ишларни ташкил қилиш методикаси» фани асосида ёзилган мазкур қўлланмада мўлжалланган баркамол инсонни тарбиялашнинг назарий-миллий асослари, тарбиявий ишларнинг мазмуни, шакллари, методикаси ҳамда илғор тажрибали ўқитувчилар ижодиётидан намуна, қатор методик тавсиялар ўз ифодасини топган. Методик қўлланма ўрта педагогика ўқув юртлари мактабларнинг бошланғич синф ўқитувчи, тарбиячи ва ўқувчиларига мўлжалланган. Методик қўлланмада маҳаллий шароитни ҳисобга олиб, ижодий ёндошган ҳолда фойдаланиш тавсия этилади.