Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Mustaqil O`zbekiston tarixi
XX asr intihosida dunyoning qariyb uchdan bir qismida misli ko'rilmagan hodisalar sodir bo'ldi. Sotsializm deb atalgan totalitar tuzum, zo'ravonlik va tazyiqqa asoslangan kommunistik mafkura tanazzulga uchradi. Jahonga, Yeryuziga hokimi mutloqlikni da'vo etgan SSSRjamiyat sifatida ham, davlat sifatida ham (~ar»ga quladi. Uning tarkibiga kirgan ittifoqdosh respublikalar tom ma'nodagi mustaqil davlat maqomini oldilar.
Миллий уйғониш: жасорат, маърифат, фидойилик
Бу китоб Туркистон тарихининг ХХ аср бошидаги энг муҳим ҳодисаларидан бири ҳисобланмиш жадидчилик ҳаракати билан таништириш борасидаги навбатдаги қадамлардандир.
Advances in Culture and Psychology Volume Four
Although the interplay between culture and psychology is an old topic, it has attracted incessant interest and attention. In the early days of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt established two psychologies: an experimental science that examined the individual mind using experimental methods adapted from natural science and a cultural science that studied the human mind through its cultural products such as language, custom, folklore and ritual, and so forth.
Методы социально-экономического прогнозирования
Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей экономических специальностей вузов, специалистов народного хозяйства в области прогнозирования
Advanced Machine Learning with R Tackle data analytics and machine learning challenges and build complex applications with R 3.5
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Mastering Machine Learning with R
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Маънавий юксалиш сари
Китобда мустақиллик туфайли ҳуқуқий маданиятнинг ошиши, хмиллий мафкурамиз, маънавий юксалишнинг миллатлараро ҳамжиҳатлик ва ижтимоий тараққиётдаги ўрни баён қилинади
The Publisher has taken reasonable care in the preparation of this book, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of information contained in this book.
Радиоизотопная диагностика заболеваний сердца и легких
В монографии описаны современные методы радиоизотопной диагностики заболеваний сердца, сосудов и легких.
Мафкуравий дахлсизлик ва ижтимоий бирликни шакллантиришда хорижий мамлакатлар тажрибаси
Мазкур рисола Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг 2019 йил 3 майдаги “Маънавий-маърифий ишлар самарадорлигини ошириш бўйича қўшимча чора-тадбирлар тўгрисида”ги ПҚ-4307-сонли қарори билан тасдиқланган “Ўзбекистон Республикасида маънавий-маърифий ишлар самарадорлигини янада ошириш, аҳолининг интеллектуал салоҳияти ва дунёқарашини юксалтиришга, мафкуравий иммунитетини мустаҳкамлашга доир чора-тадбирлар дастури”нинг V бўлим “Маънавий-маърифий тарғибот ишлари самарадорлигини оширишга қаратилган илмий-тадқиқот тадбирлари” 22-банди “Тарғибот-ташвиқот ишларини ташкил этиш, жамиятдаги жипслик ва мафкуравий иммунитетни мустаҳкамлашда хорижий давлатлар, хусусан, Германия, Туркия ва Япония давлатлари тажрибасини ўрганиш ва рисола тайёрлаш ” вазифаси ижросини таъминлаш мақсадида нашр этилди.
Advances in Culture and Psychology
Th is chapter considers the relationships among culture, language, and perceptual category organization. Some continuous perceptual experiences, such as color, come to be perceived as discontinuous, discrete categories — for example, the “stripes” in the rainbow.
Мактабгача тарбия ёшидаги болаларни тўғри талаффузга ўргатиш
Ушбу китоб болаларда товушларнинг тўғри талаффузини тарбиялаш масалаларига бағишланган
I welcome you to the 2014 accepted writings of Athletic Insight. The ordering of papers does not match with the sequence in which they were released. Rather, I chose to do something a little different in this, my final year as Editor and Chief of Athletic Insight. What the reader finds in this most recent compendium of Athletic Insight writings is nineteen papers, beginning with the most recently accepted as parts of the Autumn, 2014 edition of the journal.
Hands-On Machine Learning with JavaScript
This book is for experienced JS developers who want to get started with ML. In general, I will assume that you are a competent JS developer with little to no experience with ML or mathematics beyond what you would learn in high school.
Ушбу китобда Самарқанд шаҳри ва унинг муқаддас тупроғида ётган азиз авлиё ва қадамжолар ҳақида маълумотлар келтирилган