Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Ushbu uslubiy qo‘llanma sabzavotchilik, polizchilik va kartoshkachilik boyicha ochiq va himoyalangan maydonlarda laboratoriya, dala va ishlab chiqarish tajribalarini yo‘lga qo'yish, seleksiya urug'chilik, agrotexnika, agrokimyo, o'simliklarning kasalllik va zararkunandalardan himoya qilish, mahsulotlarni saqlash bo'yicha tajriba qilish, o‘tkazish va rejalashtirish hamda zamonaviy tadqiqotlar usullari berilgan.
Practical Cybersecurity Architecture
This book takes a practical look at the nuts and bolts of defining, documenting, validating, and, ultimately, delivering an architectural vision. It draws on existing standards and frameworks for cybersecurity architecture, outlining where (and more importantly, how) they can be applied to the architecture process in your organization. This book does this by walking through the architecture process step by step, discussing why each step provides the value it does and how to use it to maximum benefit, and provides tips, gotchas, case studies, and techniques from numerous working architects in the field to supplement our own perspective.
Medical terminology
This new seventh edition contains features that facilitate student mastery, while maintaining the best aspects of previous editions. Each chapter is arranged in a similar format and the content is organized with an emphasis on maintaining consistency and accuracy.
Bu kitobi muallifning matematikaga doir qiziqarli masalalarga bag‘ishlangan mashhur kitoblari orasida eng ommabopidir. Bu kitobda matematikaga doir turli-tuman jumboqlar to‘plangan bo‘lib, ulardan ko‘plari kichik-kichik hikoyalar tarzida berilgan.
PowerShell for Penetration Testing
In this book, you will delve into the depths of PowerShell, a versatile and robust scripting language that serves as a potent weapon in the arsenal of any pen tester. From its origins as a Windows shell scripting tool to its current status as a cross-platform powerhouse, PowerShell has emerged as a vital weapon in cybersecurity, enabling practitioners to automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and orchestrate complex attacks with precision, repeatability, and reliability.
Optimizing Your Modernization Journey with AWS
This book covers a phased approach when it comes to relevant topics on modernization, not just for applications but also for databases, storage, networks, and security. By referencing the best practices and adoption patterns, this book provides a comprehensive view of the knowledge required to consume new technology and to deliver portfolio, application, and infrastructure value faster. This book will also guide you through strategies to simplify your business operations, architecture, and overall engineering practices.
Педагогическая деонтология
В учебном пособии отражены проблемы профессионального развития в образовании, актуальные вопросы в области педагогики. В организации дидактического процесса оговаривается, что учитель также должен уметь выбирать организационные формы учебно-познавательной деятельности в соответствии с содержанием обучения.
This edition of our NGINX book is meticulously designed for beginner DevOps engineers, system administrators, and web developers who want to improve their understanding of web server management, especially in the areas of performance optimization and cloud infrastructure. Whether you’re just beginning your journey into web technologies or looking to consolidate your base, this book offers practical insights and hands-on experience with NGINX, the heart of modern web applications.
Musculoskeletal physical examination
This textbook useful in the skillful evaluation of their patients to establish an accurate diagnosis that will facilitate optimal treatment outcomes.
Modern Game Testing
This book is dedicated to the late Milan Rusmir, an exceptional engineer and extended family member. During my formative years, Milan always found time to support and nurture my curiosity and entertain a young girl’s inquisitive mind. He influenced my interest in computers and games from an early age, shaping the path that led me to the fulfilling career I’m so proud of today. Milan’s kindness and encouragement were a big source of inspiration, showing me the transformative power of mentorship and the importance of fostering curiosity in others.
Principles of endocrinology and hormone action
This volume has the ambitious aims to provide a comprehensive coverage of the current view of the physiology of the endocrine system and hormone synthesis and release, transport, and action at the molecular and cellular level. It is intended to provide essential as well as in depth information to the medical students, but also to specialists in Endocrinology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Internal Medicine.
Mastering Python Design Patterns
This book is for Python developers looking to deepen their understanding of design patterns and how they can be applied to various types of projects. With a focus on intermediate and advanced Python programmers, the book also includes introductory chapters that make it accessible for those who are relatively new to the language. Whether you’re a web developer, data engineer, or AI specialist, this book offers valuable insights into the best practices for software design, backed by real-world examples and decades of experience. It’s also an excellent resource for software architects and team leaders who want to improve code quality and maintainability across their projects.
Проектирование технических устройств и систем; принципы, методы, процедуры
В учебном пособии изложены методологические основы проектирования технических объектов. Рассмотрены вопросы системного подхода, проце-дуры на различных стадиях проектирования, методы принятия конструкторских решений, отработки конструкции и испытаний машин, освещены вопросы использования современных систем автоматизированного проектирования для разработки конструкторской документации.
O’quv qo’llanma 60810700 – Agrokimyo va agrotuproqshunoslik ta’lim yo’nalishida ta’lim olayotgan talabalarga mo’ljallangan bo’lib, unda tuproq fizikasi fani predmeti, metodlari, dala va laboratoriya ishlarini bajarishga doir ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Ma’ruzalar matni zamonaviy pedtexnologiya talablariga mos ravishda tayyorlanib, unda o’quv maqsadlari, mavzuda ko’rib chiqiladigan muammolar, nazorat savollari va mustaqil ish topshiriqlari keltirilgan.
Renal pathophysiology: The Essentials,
This book remain unchanged: to provide the student with a solid understanding of the mechanisms that result in kidney dysfunction and disease and to serve as the basic reading material and text for a course in kidney pathophysiology.
1 қисмда қурилишда тайёргарлик ишлари, қурилишни оқим усулида ташкиллаштириш, қурилиш транспортини ташкиллаштириш ҳамда шаҳар қурилиши ва хўжалиги ва турар-жой коммунал хўжалиги корхоналарида меҳнатни ташкиллаштириш, бошқариш асослари, ШҚХ ва турар-жой коммунал хўжалиги корхоналарини бошқариш тамойили ва усуллари ёритилган. ІІ қисмда амалий машғулотлар талаба томонидан мустақил ишлаш учун масала ва мисоллар келтирилган.