Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Ушбу китобнинг асосий масаласи студентларни физиканинг асосий идеялар ва методлари билан таыиштиришдан иборат. Асоси эътибор физикави конуларнинг маъиосипи тушунтиришга ва улардаи онгли равишда фойдаланиш.
Radiosity and realistic image synthesis
This book presents comprehensive insights into the Radiosity method for realistic image synthesis. The text covers theoretical foundations and provides practical algorithms and code samples. Enhanced with full-color images, it serves as a vital resource for students and professionals seeking to expand their knowledge in global illumination techniques.
"c++ для начинающих"
"Вы держите в руках восьмое издание книги, которое предлагает лучший вводный курс в программирование на языке C++. Настоящее издание обновлено с учетом всех преимуществ новейших версий C++11 и C++14. Объяснение основ программирования ясно и понятно, с учетом последних достижений в технологии C++. Издание подходит для самостоятельного изучения, а также для использования в качестве учебного пособия в учебных заведениях."
Darslik materiallari umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining tarix fani bo‘yicha standartllashtirilgan o‘quv dasturlari asosida qaytaishlangan. Davlat ta’lim standartiga muvofiq. Darslik O‘zbekiston va xorijiy mamlakatlar tarix o‘qituvchilarining ish tajribalari asosida yaratilgan. SamISI qoshidagi 1-akad. litsey rahbariyatiga alohida minnatdorchilik bildiramiz.
Digital image processing
The sixth edition of this worldwide used textbook was thoroughly revised and extended. Throughout the whole text you will find numerous new and extended sections, as well as redrawn and enhanced illustrations. Firstly, the whole textbook is now clearly partitioned into basic and advanced materials in order to cope with the expectation that first-time and graduate readers can find appropriate materials adapted to their needs. Beginners are introduced step by step to all fundamental principles and advanced users are referred to basic sections to make sure interpretations and methods are correctly understood. Many new examples and applications were selected to illustrate and explain, in a didactical way, mathematical and practical aspects associated with digital image processing. Projects enable readers to design detailed algorithmic solutions to practical problems. The book concludes with a selection 'Further Reading' that guides the interested reader for further studies. The practical hints with the accompanying CD-ROM, in this way you can apply crucial concepts and every detail is integrated and extended by tools for interactive exercises.
Huquqni muhofаzа qilish orgаnlаri
Dаrslikdа O`zbеkiston Rеspublikаsidа аmаldа bo`lgаn qonunchilikkа, huquqni muhofаzа qilish fаoliyatining tushunchаlаri, uning bеlgilаri, funksiyalаri, yuridik yordаm ko`rsаtishni tаshkil qilishgа аlohidа е`tibor bеrilgаn. Bundаn tаshqаri jinoyatlаrni аniqlаsh vа tеrgov qilish tushunchаsi, surishtiruv, dаstlаbki tеrgov, prokurаturа orgаnlаri, shuningdеk, xorijiy mаmlаkаtlаr huquqni muhofаzа qilish orgаnlаri tizimigа to`xtаlib o`tilgаn.
Bojxona qiymati
«Soíiq solish va bojxona rasmiylashtiruvi bo'yicha xizmatlarni interfaol shaklda ko'rsatishga o'tishni tezroq amalga oshirish zarur va elektron tijoratni rivojiantirishni jadallashtirish muhim ahamiyatga ega» Islom Karimov KIRISH Mazkur darslik oliy o‘quv yurtlari, xususan Oliy harbiy bojxona institutida «Bojxona ishi» hamda «Bojxona huquqi» yo‘nahshlarida ta'lim olayotgan tinglovchilariga bojxona qiymatiga oid mavzular kong yoritilgan boiib, kitobxonlarga mukammal biHm va amahy ko‘nikmalarga ega boÜshga nazariy jihatdan yordam beradi.
Introduction to lambda calculus
The introduction to Lambda Calculus provides a foundational study in mathematical logic, focusing on function definition, application, and recursion. It is essential for students and professionals engaged in computer science, especially in contexts involving functional programming languages, proof assistants, and theorem proving. Lambda Calculus serves as a theoretical framework for understanding computation through symbolic expressions and rules for transforming these symbols.
3-d computer graphics: a mathematical introduction with opengl
This book is an introduction to 3-D computer graphics on fundamentals and the mathematics underlying computer descriptions of how to use the cross-platform OpenGL. It also includes source code for a ray tracing software (the software is available freely from the book’s web site). Topics include a thorough treatment of geometrical and shading models, interpretation of imaging, B-spline drawing and tracing, and intersection testing with rays. Basic ideas behind texture mapping and other aspects of animation, including quaternions, orientation and interpolation, are covered. The book is intended for advanced undergraduate students and can also be used for self-study.
Biznes marketingi
Tinim bilmay, xotirjamlikka berilmay, doimo izlanish, izlanish va yana izlanish va tadbirkorlik, tashabbuskorlik, ishbilarmonlik hisobidan yashashiniiz kerak» Islom Karimov MUQADDIMA Bill Geyts, kompyuterlar biznesining geniysi, o ‘zining «Fikr tezligidagi bizness» nomli bestsellerida «Biznes yaqin o ‘n yilda o ‘tgan ellik yildagidan ko‘ra ko‘proq 0 ‘zgaradi»1 deb bashorat qilgan. Shu kabi fikmi zamonamizning ko‘plab nomdor darg‘alari ham ta'kidlanganlar
O‘ZBEKISTON TARIXI Milliy istiqlol davri
Mazkur darslik Oʻzbekiston Fanlar Akademiyasi tarix instituti qoshidagi „Tarixiy adabiyotlarni nashrga tayyorlash va chop etish bo'yicha Respublika ekspert guruhi"ning xulosasiga binoan nashr etishga tavsiya etilgan.
Ona tili 6
Ushbu nashrga doir barcha huquqlar muhofaza qilinadi vanashriyotga tegishlidir. Undagi matn va rasmlarni nashriyot roziligisiz to‘liq yoki qisman ko‘chirib bosish taqiqlanadi.
Spatial data modelling for 3d gis
This book is based on research work done by the authors at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, and the International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands in 2000 and 1996 respectively. It provides a framework for spatial data modeling for 3D GIS and details the steps for modeling 3D GIS environments. Concepts of 3D GIS, including 3D spatial objects, topology, algorithms, and their applications, are introduced, making it a unique reference work. Cutting-edge technology and the latest research results in 3D GIS are also presented. This book will serve as a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and professionals involved in the fields of GIS, remote sensing, and spatial data modeling.