Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Жаҳон иқтисодиётида қишлоқ хўжалигини ривожлантириш йўналишлари
Битирув малакавий ишда жаҳон қишлоқ хўжалигининг ҳозирги аҳволи, унинг жаҳон иқтисодиётида тутган ўрни, ривожланган ва ривожланаётган давлатларда қишлоқ хўжалик маҳсулотлари етиштиришнинг ўзга хос хусусиятлари, жаҳон қишлоқ хўжалигини ривожлантириш йўналишлари, жаҳон қишлоқ хўжалигидаги халқаро интеграцион жараёнлар ва қишлоқ хўжалиги ривожланишида фан-техника тараққиётининг тутган ўрни ҳақидаги масалалар ёритилган.
Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices: A review
In this tutorial report the fundamental theorems on the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues, inverses, and products of “finite section”Toeplitz matrices and Toeplitz matrices with absolutely summable elements are derived. Mathematical elegance and generality are sacrificed for conceptual simplicity and insight in the hopes of making these results available to engineers lacking either the background or endurance to attack the mathematical literature on the subject. By limiting the generality of the matrices considered the essential ideas and results can be conveyed in a more intuitive manner without the mathematical machinery required for the most general cases. As an application the results are applied to the study of the covariance matrices and their factors of linear models of discrete time random processes.
Миср эҳромлари... Дунёнинг етти мўъжизаларидан бири жойлашган Мисрнинг ноёб меъморчилик обидалари не-не донишу фозилларни ҳайратга солмаган. Ана шу ғаройиб ўлканинг ўтмиш маданияти, тарихи, санъати, архитектураси, этнографияси ҳамда жуғрофияси ҳақида мароқли ҳикоя қилувчи ушбу китобча меъморчилик ўқув юртларининг муаллим ва талабалари ҳамда кенг қизиқувчилар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Чигит экиш муддати ва усулини иқтисодий самарадорлиги
БМИ мақсади: Фермер хўжаликларида пахта етиштиришда чигит экиш муддатлари ва усулларининг минтақавий самарадорлигини ошириш юзасидан илмий таклиф ва амалий тавсияларни ишлаб чиқишдан иборат.
Пахтачиликни жаҳон ва ички тўқимачилик индустриясининг ривожланишидаги ўрни
Битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади пахтачиликнинг жаҳон ва ички тўқимачилик индустриясининг ривожланишидаги ўрни, пахтачиликни ривожланиши билан боғлиқ илмийназарий хулосалар, тавсиялар ва амалий таклифлар ишлаб чиқишдан иборат.
Mathematical Olympiad Challenges
Working mathematicians often tell us that results in the field are achieved after long experience and a deep familiarity with mathematical objects, that progress is made slowly and collectively, and that flashes of inspiration are mere punctuation in periods of sustained effort. The Olympiad environment, in contrast, demands a relatively brief period of intense concentration, asks for quick insights on specific occasions, and requires a concentrated but isolated effort. Yet we have found that participants in mathematics Olympiads have often gone on to become first-class mathematicians or scientists and have attached great significance to their early Olympiad experiences. For many of these people, the Olympiad problem is an introduction, a glimpse into the world of mathematics not afforded by the usual classroom situation. A good Olympiad problem will capture in miniature the process of creating mathematics. It’s all there: the period of immersion in the situation, the quiet examination of possible approaches, the pursuit of various paths to solution. There is the fruitless dead end, as well as the path that ends abruptly but offers new perspectives, leading eventually to the discovery of a better route. Perhaps most obviously, grappling with a good problem provides practice in dealing with the frustration of working at material that refuses to yield. If the solver is lucky, there will be the moment of insight that heralds the start of a successful solution. Like a well-crafted work of fiction, a good Olympiad problem tells a story of mathematical creativity that captures a good part of the real experience and leaves the participant wanting still more.
Ўзбекистон Республикасининг шахсий ҳуқуқи ва эркинликлари
Ушбу рисолада инсон ва фуқароларнинг асосий ҳуқуқ ва эркинликларнинг негизи ҳисобланган шахсий ҳуқуқ ва эркинликлар, уларнинг асосий мазмуни ва турлари ҳамда уларни амалга ошириш мақсадида қабул қилинган амалдаги қонунчилик ва унинг кундалик ҳаётдаги ҳолати тўғрисида маълумотлар келтирилган. Рисола кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Ўзбек адабиёти тарихи V том
«Ўзбек адабиёти тарихи» беш томлигининг бу охирги Ѵ томи ХIХ асрнинг иккинчи ярмидан Улуғ Октябрь социалистик революциясигача бўлган даврда ўзбек адабиётининг тараққиёт йўллари ва хусусиятларини ўрганишга бағишланган. Китобда Урта Осиё Россияга қўшиб олингандан кейин илғор рус фани ва маданияти. Россиядаги демократик ва социалистик ғоялар таъсирида ўзбек адабиётида демократик ва маърифатпарварлик оқимларининг пайдо бўлиши ва ривожланиши, прогрессив адабий йўналишлар билан реакцион оқимлар ўртасидаги зиддият ва курашнинг кескинлашуви атрофлича таҳлил қилинади. Шу давр Ўзбек адабиётининг йирик намояндалари Комил, Муқимий, Фурқат, Мирий, Анбар Отин, Аваз Утар. Ҳамза, Айнийларнинг ҳаёти ва ижоди махсус бобларда ёритилади.
NUMBER THEORY Structures, Examples, and Problems
One of the oldest and liveliest branches of mathematics, Number Theory, is noted for its theoretical depth and applications to other fields, including representation theory, physics, and cryptography. The forefront of Number Theory is replete with sophisticated and famous open problems; at its foundation, however, are basic, elementary ideas that can stimulate and challenge beginning students. This textbook takes a problem-solving approach to Number Theory, situating each theoretical concept within the framework of some examples or some problems for readers to solve. Starting with the essentials, the text covers divisibility, powers of integers, floor function and fractional part, digits of numbers, basic methods of proof (extremal arguments, pigeonhole principle, induction, infinite descent, inclusion-exclusion), arithmetic function, important divisibility theorems and Diophantine equations. Emphasis is also placed on the presentation of some special problems involving quadratic residues, Fermat, Mersenne, and perfect numbers, as well as famous sequences of integers such as Fibonacci, Lucas, and other important ones defined by recursive relations. By thoroughly discussing interesting examples and applications and by introducing and illustrating every key idea, by relevant problems of various levels of difficulty, the book motivates, engages and challenges the reader. The exposition proceeds incrementally, intuitively and rigorously uncovers deeper properties.
Изучаем природу родного края.
Как научить детей любить природу родного края, понимать происходящие в природе явления поможет учителю эта книга. Вней описан опыт проведения внеклассной работы с учащимися V - VII классов.
Газон ўтини ўстиришда бегона ўтларга қарши кураш чоралари
Тошкент шаҳрининг диққатга сазовор жойларида, аҳоли яшаш худудларида, истироҳат боғлари ва сайилгоҳлар атрофида яшил ҳудудлар барпо этишда адабий манбаларга асосланган ҳолда газонларнинг эстетик хусусиятлари ўрганиб чиқиш жараёнида ўсимлик учун ўта зарур бўлган иқлим шароити, ҳаво ҳарорати, тупроқ таркиби ва намлиги, шамол харакатининг йўналиши ўрганиб чиқилган. Битирув ишимни бажаришда биринчидан замонавий технологияларга асосланган махсус режа асосида газон ўтларини ўстиришни ва улардаги бегона ўтларга қарши курашни ўрганиб чиқишдан иборат.
Сабзавот кўчатларини етиштириш технологиясини иқтисодий самарадорлиги
Республикамизда сабзавотларни етиштиришни янги технологияларини қўллашни ва уларни кам тарқалган турларини кўпайтириш лозим. Сабзавот маҳсулотларини кўпайтириш ва сифатини яхшилаш учун эртапишар навларни экиш ва кўчат усулидан фойдаланиш яхши самара беради.
Алишер Навоий
Навоийнинг Ҳирот ташқарисидаги боғи. Ўртада икки қаватли шийпон. Узоқда Ҳирот ва унинг қўрғони, қалъаси кўриниб туради. Шийпоннинг бир ёғи мармар ҳовуз, атрофи гулзор. Нарида чўзилиб кетган мевали дарахтлар.
Ушбу тўпламга Шарқ классик филологиясининг турли қирраларига бағишланган илмий мақолалар жамланди. Китоб филологлар ва шу соҳа билан қизиқувчиларга мўлжалланган.
The authors thank their families, who supported this work, and also express gratitude to their mentors, who helped to shape their views of how science should be conducted. Bill is proud to have both his longtime partner and confidante Margarete and his son Charles as advisors on the science for this edition. He would not be surprised if his daughter Irina were added to that panel for our next edition. His contributions are firstly dedicated to them. Bill also would like to thank Jonathan King, Stephen Harrison, Aaron Klug, Tony Crowther, Ron Laskey, and Uli Laemmli, who provided a diverse range of rich environments in which to learn that science at the highest level is an adventure that lasts a lifetime. Graham dedicates the book to his family, Margaret, Paul, and Lara Johnson; the Benhorins; friends Mari, Steve, and Andrew; and his partners Flower and Anna Kuo. He also thanks his mentors at the Scripps Research Institute, Arthur Olson, David Goodsell, Ron Milligan, and Ian Wilson, for developing his career. Jennifer thanks her husband Jonathan for his strong backing and her lab members for their enthusiasm for the project. Tom dedicates the book to his wife Patty, a constant source of support and inspiration for more than five decades, and his children Katie and Dan, who also provided advice on the book. He also thanks Ed Korn and the late Sus Ito for the opportunity to learn biochemistry and microscopy under their guidance, and Ed Taylor and the late Hugh Huxley, who served as role models.
This lively, problem-oriented text is designed to coach readers toward mastery of the most fundamental mathematical inequalities. With the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality as the initial guide, the reader is led through a sequence of fascinating problems whose solutions are presented as they might have been discovered — either by one of history’s famous mathematicians or by the reader. The problems emphasize beauty and surprise, but along the way readers will find systematic coverage of the geometry of squares, convexity, the ladder of power means, majorization, Schur convexity, exponential sums, and the inequalities of H¨older, Hilbert, and Hardy. The text is accessible to anyone who knows calculus and who cares about solving problems. It is well suited to self-study, directed study, or as a supplement to courses in analysis, probability, and combinatorics.