Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Органическая химия
Расмотренны основные классы циклических органических соединений, их строение, свойства, получение.
Practical API Architecture and Development with Azure and AWS
Learn the business and technical importance of API design and architecture using the available cloud services from Azure and AWS. This book starts off with an introduction to APIs and the concept of API Economy from a business and organizational perspective. You'll decide on a sustainable API strategy and API architecture based on different case scenarios. You'll then look at actual examples on API development guidelines, providing a practical view and approach towards the API development and aligning teams in API development. This book walks you through the API gateway services available in Azure and AWS and reviews different approaches to API Security. This will prepare you for understanding the trade-off between security and the frictionless API experience.
Укрупненные нормы времени и расценки
Укрупненные нормы разработаны Всесоюзным проектно-технологическим институтом «ВПТИтрансстрой» Министерства транспортного строительства СССР, согласованы с Главным экономическим управлением.
PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja
PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 7th Edition is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles, and techniques needed to build a professional web application using PHP & MySQL. Comprehensively updated to cover PHP 8 and modern best practice, this highly practical and fun book covers everything from installation through to creating a complete online content management system.
Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib
Leverage the numerical and mathematical modules in Python and its standard library as well as popular open source numerical Python packages like NumPy, SciPy, FiPy, matplotlib and more. This fully revised edition, updated with the latest details of each package and changes to Jupyter projects, demonstrates how to numerically compute solutions and mathematically model applications in big data, cloud computing, financial engineering, business management and more. Numerical Python, Second Edition, presents many brand-new case study examples of applications in data science and statistics using Python, along with extensions to many previous examples. Each of these demonstrates the power of Python for rapid development and exploratory computing due to its simple and high-level syntax and multiple options for data analysis. After reading this book, readers will be familiar with many computing techniques including array-based and symbolic computing, visualization and numerical file I/O, equation solving, optimization, interpolation and integration, and domain-specific computational problems, such as differential equation solving, data analysis, statistical modeling and machine learning.
Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch
Combining the best parts of many other programming languages, Go is fast, scalable, and designed for high-performance networking and multiprocessing. In other words, it’s perfect for network programming. Network Programming with Go will help you leverage Go to write secure, readable, production-ready network code. In the early chapters, you’ll learn the basics of networking and traffic routing. Then you’ll put that knowledge to use as the book guides you through writing programs that communicate using TCP, UDP, and Unix sockets to ensure reliable data transmission. As you progress, you’ll explore higher-level network protocols like HTTP and HTTP/2 and build applications that securely interact with servers, clients, and APIs over a network using TLS. You'll also learn.Internet Protocol basics, such as the structure of IPv4 and IPv6, multicasting, DNS, and network address translation. Methods of ensuring reliability in socket-level communications. Ways to use handlers, middleware, and multiplexers to build capable HTTP applications with minimal code. Tools for incorporating authentication and encryption into your applications using TLS. Methods to serialize data for storage or transmission in Go-friendly formats like JSON, Gob, XML, and protocol buffers.Ways of instrumenting your code to provide metrics about requests, errors, and more.Approaches for setting up your application to run in the cloud (and reasons why you might want to). Network Programming with Go is all you’ll need to take advantage of Go’s built-in concurrency, rapid compiling, and rich standard library.
Материально- техническая база и оформление гостиниц и туркомплексов
В учебнике "Материально- техническая база и оформление гостиниц и туркомплексов" даны сведения об основах конструктивных решений зданий и сооружений гостиниц и туркомплексов, оборудовании, его эксплуатации и техническом обслуживании, правилах оформления интерьеров гостиниц и трукомплексов.
MySQL Concurrency: Locking and Transactions for MySQL Developers and DBAs
Know how locks work in MySQL and how they relate to transactions. This book explains the major role that locks play in database systems, showing how locks are essential in allowing high-concurrency workloads. You will learn about lock access levels and lock granularities from the user level as well as table locks to record and gap locks. Most importantly, the book covers troubleshooting techniques when locking becomes a pain point. Several of the lock types in MySQL have a duration of a transaction. For this reason, it is important to understand how transactions work. This book covers the basics of transactions as well as transaction isolation levels and how they affect locking. The book is meant to be your go-to resource for solving locking contention and similar problems in high-performance MySQL database applications. Detecting locking issues when they occur is the first key to resolving such issues. MySQL Concurrency provides techniques for detecting locking issues such as contention. The book shows how to analyze locks that are causing contention to see why those locks are in place. A collection of six comprehensive case studies combine locking and transactional theory with realistic lock conflicts. The case studies walk you through the symptoms to look for in order to identify which issue you are facing, the cause of the conflict, its analysis, solution, and how to prevent the issue in the future.
Задачник по тепловым электрическим станциям
Задачник составлен применительно к основным разделам курса "Тепловые электрические станции" для студентов, специализирующих по промышленной теплоэнергетике. Наибольшее внимание в задачнике уделено вопросам, связанным с режимом работы электростанций и его влиянием на тепловую экономичность станции и себестоимость энергии, а также устройствам для собственных нужд станции.
Укрупненные сметные нормы на здания и сооружения жилищно-гражданского назначения.
Настоящий сборник укрупненных сметных норм (УСН) предназначен для определения сметной стоимости строительства детских дошкольных учреждений, общежитий и жилых домов из деревянных, арболитовых, фибролитовых конструкций и деталей заводского изготовления и кирпича на стадии технического (техно-рабочего) проекта и для расчетов за выполненные работы
Қишлоқ хўжалиги фитопатологияси
Мазкур дарслик барча қишлоқ хўжалиги экинлари касалликлари, уларни қўзғатувчиларининг биологияси, морфологик хусусиятлари, кўпайиш усуллари, шунингдек келтирадиган зарари ва уларга қарши уйғунлашган курашиш тадбирлари тўғрисидаги батафсил маълумотларни ўз ичига олган. Дарсликда қишлоқ хўжалиги экинлари касалликларига қарши қўлланиладиган энг замонавий препаратлар, уларни қўллаш усуллари ва меъёрлари, шунингдек соҳага оид илғор тажрибалар ҳам ёритилган. Дарслик «қишлоқ хўжалиги фитопатологияси» фани юзасидан тузилган намунавий дастур асосида ёзилган бўлиб, у олий ва ўрта махсус билим юрти талабалари, ўқитувчилар ва қишлоқ хўжалиги тизимида ишловчи ходимлар учун мўлжалланган. Дарсликдан кенг китобхонлар оммаси ҳам фойдаланиши мумкин.
Укрупненные сметные нормы производственные здания и сооружения общего назначения
Укрупненные сметные нормы на сборные железобетонные тоннели разработаны институтами: Ленинградский Промстройпроект (ведущий) и Донецкий Промстройнинпроект под методическим руководством НИИ экономики строительства Госстроя СССР и рассмотрены Отделом сметных норм и ценообразования в строительстве Госстроя СССР.
Учебник технического перевода английский язык
Учебник технического перевода предлагается для использования на практических занятиях по переводу и для самостоятельной работы студентов. Цель учебника — дать студентам представления об общих принципах и проблемах технического перевода, познакомить с приемами и способами их практического решения и сформировать у студентов навыки, необходимые для перевода различной технической литературы и основных документов.
Modern DevOps Practices: Implement and Secure DevOps in the Public Cloud with Cutting-Edge Tools, Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
Containers have entirely changed how developers and end-users see applications as a whole. With this book, you'll learn all about containers, their architecture and benefits, and how to implement them within your development lifecycle. You'll discover how you can transition from the traditional world of virtual machines and adopt modern ways of using DevOps to ship a package of software continuously. Starting with a quick refresher on the core concepts of containers, you'll move on to study the architectural concepts to implement modern ways of application development. You'll cover topics around Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, and other similar tools that will help you to build a base. As you advance, the book covers the core elements of cloud integration (AWS ECS, GKE, and other CaaS services), continuous integration, and continuous delivery (GitHub actions, Jenkins, and Spinnaker) to help you understand the essence of container management and delivery. The later sections of the book will take you through container pipeline security and GitOps (Flux CD and Terraform). By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have learned best practices for automating your development lifecycle and making the most of containers, infrastructure automation, and CaaS, and be ready to develop applications using modern tools and techniques.
How to Get to the Top of Google
This book has helped tens of thousands of business owners and marketing managers get to grips with search engine optimisation—SEO, or ‘getting to the top of Google’. When I wrote the first edition in late 2011, I had no idea it would become the bestseller it has, nor did I expect it to have the impact it did on the people and businesses who read and followed it. The strategies in this book have been responsible for some incredible success stories. Throughout, I’ll share the methods that I and the ninjas at Exposure Ninja (the digital marketing agency I run) have used to help our clients transform their businesses. I do this not to boast, “hey, look how good we are” but to show you what the application of these techniques can really do. These methods have been field-tested on countless websites and, because we know the numbers behind the successes, we can say with confidence how well they can work.