Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats
Rootkits and Bootkits will teach you how to understand and counter sophisticated, advanced threats buried deep in a machine’s boot process or UEFI firmware. With the aid of numerous case studies and professional research from three of the world’s leading security experts, you’ll trace malware development over time from rootkits like TDL3 to present-day UEFI implants and examine how they infect a system, persist through reboot, and evade security software.
Постановка и решение строительных задач на ЭВМ
В учебнике рассматривается комплекс вопросов, связанных с автоматизацией обработки информации в строительстве. Приводятся виды ЭВМ. их характеристики, особенности и организация применения с учетом специфики строительной отрасли.
Pragmatic Python Programming: Learning Python the Smart Way
Explore the world of programming languages through Python and learn the building blocks of writing programs. This book covers Python 3.10, explaining it through six key concepts. Each chapter contains a real-world example with practical advice and a section on advanced concepts. You'll start by reviewing the concept of expressions and functions, which are two of the core building blocks of programming languages. You'll then move on to object-oriented concepts to help gain a practical understanding of Python, along with a chapter on control flow constructs. The book also takes a close look at sequences, explaining constructs and additional types, and wraps up with a chapter on modules, focusing on how to use and create packages. Whether you’re new to programming or already an experienced developer, upon finishing this book, you will have a solid understanding of Python's state-of-the-art development features.
квантовая механика и квантовая химия
Учебное издание сответствует программе учебных курсов университетов. Подробно излагаются основные положения квантовая теории и ее химические приложения.
Practical Laravel
Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive and elegant syntax. We will use Laravel to develop an Online Store application that uses several Laravel features. The Online Store application will be the means to understand straightforward and complex Laravel concepts and how Laravel features can be used to implement real-world applications. This book is written with brief explanations direct to the point. It includes tips, short discussions, and useful phrases found in other books that we have read to provide you with a practical approach that will improve your coding skills.
Научная организация труда в строительстве
В брошюре на основании обобщения опыта внедрения научной организации труда в строительно-монтажных организациях и предприятиях строительной индустрии республики, а также передовых строительных организаций страны дается обоснование объективной необходимости внедрения НОТ на стройках.
Экономика городского строительства
Изложены основные вопросы экономики городского строительства с учетом сложных взаимосвязей между всеми элементами строительства при комплексной застройке городов. Рассмотрены проблемы научно-технического прогресса в градостроительстве, повышения уровня индустриализации, роста производительности труд.
Новые машины и оборудование для строительства
В книге обобщен опыт по созданию новых машин и оборудования для строительства, в том числе машин для разработки мерзлых грунтов и для строительства газонефтепроводов. Рассмотрены конструкции узлов этих машин; освещен зарубежныйопыт. Машины и оборудование систематизированы на основе действующих унифицированных типовых рядов (типажей), что позволяет показать перспективы развития их конструкций покаждому виду.
Practical Binary Analysis
As malware increasingly obfuscates itself and applies anti-analysis techniques to thwart our analysis, we need more sophisticated methods that allow us to raise that dark curtain designed to keep us out--binary analysis can help. The goal of all binary analysis is to determine (and possibly modify) the true properties of binary programs to understand what they really do, rather than what we think they should do. While reverse engineering and disassembly are critical first steps in many forms of binary analysis, there is much more to be learned. This hands-on guide teaches you how to tackle the fascinating but challenging topics of binary analysis and instrumentation and helps you become proficient in an area typically only mastered by a small group of expert hackers. It will take you from basic concepts to state-of-the-art methods as you dig into topics like code injection, disassembly, dynamic taint analysis, and binary instrumentation. Written for security engineers, hackers, and those with a basic working knowledge of C/C++ and x86-64, Practical Binary Analysis will teach you in-depth how binary programs work and help you acquire the tools and techniques needed to gain more control and insight into binary programs. Once you've completed an introduction to basic binary formats, you'll learn how to analyze binaries using techniques like the GNU/Linux binary analysis toolchain, disassembly, and code injection. You'll then go on to implement profiling tools with Pin and learn how to build your own dynamic taint analysis tools with libdft and symbolic execution tools using Triton.
Цена и себестоимость строительной продукции
В работе освещаются сложные вопросы цены строительной продукции и ее особенности; подробно излагается содержание, структура и значение прейскурантных цен; раскрываются сущность и формы себестоимости в строительстве.
Practical Python Data Visualization: A Fast Track Approach To Learning Data Visualization With Python
Quickly start programming with Python 3 for data visualization with this step-by-step, detailed guide. This book’s programming-friendly approach using libraries such as leather, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas will serve as a template for business and scientific visualizations. You’ll begin by installing Python 3, see how to work in Jupyter notebook, and explore Leather, Python’s popular data visualization charting library. You’ll also be introduced to the scientific Python 3 ecosystem and work with the basics of NumPy, an integral part of that ecosystem. Later chapters are focused on various NumPy routines along with getting started with Scientific Data visualization using matplotlib. You’ll review the visualization of 3D data using graphs and networks and finish up by looking at data visualization with Pandas, including the visualization of COVID-19 data sets. The code examples are tested on popular platforms like Ubuntu, Windows, and Raspberry Pi OS. With Practical Python Data Visualization you’ll master the core concepts of data visualization with Pandas and the Jupyter notebook interface.
Книга доктора экономических наук А. С. Большакова по- священа актуальным вопросам менеджмента. Содержит анализ взглядов классиков психологии и теории управления, а также множество практических рекомендаций и моделей. Большое вни- мание уделено проблемам совершенствования человека, повы- шения и гармонизации его психофизического потенциала и воли, необходимых для успеха в любом роде деятельности. Книга носит познавательный психолого-философский ха- рактер, написана доступным языком и предназначена для ру- ководителей любого уровня, студентов вузов, колледжей и всех интересующихся проблемами управления.
Practical Forensic Imaging: Securing Digital Evidence with Linux Tools
Forensic image acquisition is an important part of postmortem incident response and evidence collection. Digital forensic investigators acquire, preserve, and manage digital evidence to support civil and criminal cases; examine organizational policy violations; resolve disputes; and analyze cyber attacks. Practical Forensic Imaging takes a detailed look at how to secure and manage digital evidence using Linux-based command line tools. This essential guide walks you through the entire forensic acquisition process and covers a wide range of practical scenarios and situations related to the imaging of storage media.
История международного и отечественного туризма
В отличие от большенства исследований по туризму, в этой книге речь идёт не о валютных поступлениях или развитии турецкой индустрии. Главное действующее лицо этой книги "человек путешествующий". Здесь сделана попытка проследить формирование различных видов международного туризма.
Введение в языковедение 5-е издание
Предлагаемая книга — пятое уточненное издание известного учебника (Реформатский А. А. Введение в языковедение. М., 1967), соответствующего стандартной программе курса «Введение в языкознание». Книга содержит развернутые сведения по всем основным разделам языкознания и может служить не только стандартным учебником, но и ценным справочником по вопросам общего языкознания.
Practical Enterprise React: Become an Effective React Developer in Your Team
Learn to write a real-world enterprise app using the fundamentals of React and the most popular React libraries. Knowing the basics of React is important, but what is more important is knowing the common third-party libraries and how to use them. The book is perfect for intermediate to experienced React developers or busy React developers who would like to get things done and have maintainable React code. Practical Enterprise React features popular libraries such as React Router v6 for route navigation, Redux with Saga and Thunk for state management, and Formik with Yup for form and input validations. You'll also work with Material UI 5 (the next major version of the most popular UI component library in React), Axios as the HTTP client library, JWT auth for client app authentication, and TypeScript. Finally, you'll learn to deploy the app to Netlify, and containerize the React app to ship it as a standalone container instance or in a Kubernetes cluster. Become a more effective React developer by using what is available out there instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. This book reveals how to save time and money, and build better apps for your clients. Get practical with React enterprise app development and enhance your career.