Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Drawing dynamic hands
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Real Time C++ Efficient Object-Oriented and Template Microcontroller Programming
this book, Christopher Kormanyos delivers a highly practical guide to programming real time embedded microcontroller systems in C++. It is divided into three parts plus several appendices. Part I provides a foundation for real-time C++ by covering language technologies, including object-oriented methods, template programming and optimization. Next, part II presents detailed descriptions of a variety of C++ components that are widely used in microcontroller programming. It details some of C++’s most powerful language elements, such as class types, templates and the STL, to develop components for microcontroller register access, low-level drivers, custom memory management, embedded containers, multitasking, etc. Finally, part III describes mathematical methods and generic utilities that can be employed to solve recurring problems in real-time C++. The appendices include a brief C++ language tutorial, information on the real-time C++ development environment and instructions for building GNU GCC cross-compilers and a microcontroller circuit.
Python for SAS Users A SAS-Oriented Introduction to Python
Business users familiar with Base SAS programming can now learn Python by example. You will learn via examples that map SAS programming constructs and coding patterns into their Python equivalents. Your primary focus will be on pandas and data management issues related to analysis of data. It is estimated that there are three million or more SAS users worldwide today. As the data science landscape shifts from using SAS to open source software such as Python, many users will feel the need to update their skills. Most users are not formally trained in computer science and have likely acquired their skills programming SAS as part of their job. As a result, the current documentation and plethora of books and websites for learning Python are technical and not geared for most SAS users. Python for SAS Users provides the most comprehensive set of examples currently available. It contains over 200 Python scripts and approximately 75 SAS programs that are analogs to the Python scripts. The first chapters are more Python-centric, while the remaining chapters illustrate SAS and corresponding Python examples to solve common data analysis tasks such as reading multiple input sources, missing value detection, imputation, merging/combining data, and producing output. This book is an indispensable guide for integrating SAS and Python workflows.This book for SAS users, SAS programmers, data scientists, data scientist leaders, and Python users who need to work with SAS
Modern CSS Master the Key Concepts of CSS for Modern Web Development
In this book, we will take a tour of modern CSS. Whether you’re brand new to CSS or you have some experience and need a refresher, this book will have something for you. However, this book will not teach you color theory or good design techniques. The intent of this book is to give you a strong foundation with the various CSS technologies. In Chapter 1, we’ll start at the very beginning and talk about what CSS is and how it works. We’ll explore the DOM, the CSSOM, and the render tree as well as take a quick detour to look at CSS preprocessors (though we won’t cover them further in the book). In Chapter 2, we will tackle CSS selectors. These are critical to understand. Selectors determine what CSS styles are applied to what elements. We’ll also explore the concept of specificity.
Аналитик кимё
Дарслик олтита бобдан иборат бўлиб, I бобда фаннинг шаклланиши тарихи, мақсади, вазифалари, II ва III бобларида умумий кимё фанининг назарияларини аналитик кимёда қўлланилиши, IV бобда катионларнинг 5 та аналитик гуруҳи, V бобда анионларнинг 3 та аналитик гуруҳи ҳамда VI бобда эса миқдорий анализнинг гравиметрик ва титриметрик анализлари назарий таҳлиллари ёритилган.
Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices with Examples in Python and Terraform
Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices teaches flexible techniques for building resilient, scalable infrastructure, including structuring and sharing modules, migrating legacy systems, and more. Learn to build networks, load balancers, and firewalls using Python and Terraform, and confidently update infrastructure while your software is running. You’ll appreciate the expert advice on team collaboration strategies to avoid instability, improve security, and manage costs. Infrastructure as Code is a set of practices and processes for provisioning and maintaining infrastructure using scripts, configuration, or programming languages. With IaC in place, it’s easy to test components, implement features, and scale with minimal downtime. Best of all, since IaC follows good development practices, you can make system-wide changes with just a few code commits. Infrastructure as Code, Patterns and Practices teaches you to automate infrastructure by applying changes in a codified manner. You’ll learn how to create, test, and deploy infrastructure components in a way that’s easy to scale and share across an entire organization. The book is full of flexible automation techniques that work whether you’re managing your personal projects or making live network changes across a large enterprise. A system administrator or infrastructure engineer will learn essential software development practices for managing IaC, while developers will benefit from in-depth coverage of assembling infrastructure as part of DevOps culture. While the patterns and techniques are tool agnostic, you’ll appreciate the easy-to-follow examples in Python and Terraform.
Kitobda fizikaning maxanika, molekulyar fizika va termodinamika asoslari, elektrodinamika asoslari bo'limlari yuritilgan
Учебник "Химия " написан в соответствии с требованиями типовых программ курсов "Неорганическая химия", "Органическая химия", утверждённых Министерством высшего и среднего специалного образования Республики Узбекистон, объединяет учебное пособие - "Общая и неорганическая химия" и учебник "Органическая химия" (сертификаты МВССО Республики Узбекистан имеются) и предназначен для бакалавров хлопковой, текистильной, лёгкой и полиграфической промышленности.
Valeologiya asoslari
Valeologiya inson salomatligi haqidagi keyingi oʻn yilliklar davomida shakllanib kelayotgan fan boʻlib, salomatlikka ta’sir koʻrsatuvchi omillarni oʻrganish orqali organizmning ularga qarshi koʻrsatuvchi oʻrganish orqali organizmning ularga qarshi tura olish va zahiraviy imkoniyatlarni oshirish bilan bogʻliq chora tadbirlarni ishlab chiqadi. Shuningdek, odamlarning mehnatga qobiliyatini oshirish va oʻzini yaxshi his qilgan holda oʻrtacha umr koʻrish davomiyligini uzaytirish kabi vazifalarni maqsad qilib qoʻyadi.
Пособие по русскому языку. (Ч асть - 1)
Пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями Типовой программы «Русский язык» для всех направлений бакалавриата, утвержденной Минвузом Республики Узбекистан в 2017 г. Оно включает Л лексико-грамматических тем, также 3 приложения («Русский язык в таблицах», «Как работать с заданиями с применением инновационных технологий», «Речевой этикет») для каждой темы представлен и презентационный (электронный) материал. В основу системы работы в пособии положен последовательно реализуемый коммуникативно - деятельностный принцип. Использование в процессе обучения инновационных технологий, ИКТ интерактивных методов представляют современный стиль обучения, который способствует развитию творческой активности и креативного мышления обучающихся.
Схемотехника ЭВМ
Учебник имеет и принципиальное отличие от учебного пособия « Расчет и проектирование ЭВМ». В книгу в соответствии с развитием интегральной схемотехники включено изложение материала по средним и большим интегральным схемам (СИС и БИС). Рассматриваются основы функционирования и эксплуатационные характеристики регистров, сумматоров, арифметическо-логических устройств (АЛУ), счетчиков, дешифраторов, мультиплексоров, демультиплексоров схем сверток.
ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language
ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language carefully explains the concepts of assembly language programming, slowly building from simple examples towards complex programming on bare-metal embedded systems. Considerable emphasis is put on showing how to develop good, structured assembly code. More advanced topics such as fixed and floating point mathematics, optimization and the ARM VFP and NEON extensions are also covered. This book will help readers understand representations of, and arithmetic operations on, integral and real numbers in any base, giving them a basic understanding of processor architectures, instruction sets, and more. This resource provides an ideal introduction to the principles of 64-bit ARM assembly programming for both the professional engineer and computer engineering student, as well as the dedicated hobbyist with a 64-bit ARM-based computer.
SQL Pocket Guide. A Guide to SQL Usage 4th Edition
This is book for use SQL in your day to day work as a data analyst, data scientist, or data engineer, this popular pocket guide is your ideal on-the-job reference. You'll find many examples that address the language's complexities, along with key aspects of SQL used in Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. In this updated edition, author Alice Zhao describes how these database management systems implement SQL syntax for both querying and making changes to a database. You'll find details on data types and conversions, regular expression syntax, window functions, pivoting and unpivoting, and more. Quickly look up how to perform specific tasks using SQL. Apply the book's syntax examples to your own queries. Update SQL queries to work in five different database management systems.
Qishloq va yaylovlar suv ta`minoti
Darslik 5450200 “Suv xo`jaligi va melioratsiya”, 5650400 “Qishloq va yaylovlar suv ta`minoti”, 5630100 “Ekologiya va atrof - muhit muhofazasi” 5650800 “Suv rеsurslari va ulardan foydalanish” bakalavriat yo`nalishlari hamda 5450203 “Suv kadastri va suv rеsurslaridan ratsional foydalanish magistratura mutaxassisliklari talabalariga “Qishloq va yaylovlar suv ta`minoti” fanini o`qitishning amaldagi dasturiga mos holda tayyorlangan.
Sport va harakatli o'yinlar (futbol)
Futbol darsligi kasb ta'limi, sport faoliyati va sport psixologiyasi ta'lim yo'nalishida ta'lim olayotgan talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan.Darslik o'quv dasturiga muvofiq tuzilgan.