Dinshunoslik. Ateizm
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Практикум подготовлен в соответствии с учебной программой по дисциплине «География Мирового океана», изучаемой студентами географического факультета БГУ. В первой части приведены методические рекомендации по изучению курса, учебная программа, тематика семинарских занятий, индивидуальные задания и задания КСР, список литературы, а также перечень географических названий по Мировому океа
Миллионер сингари фикрлашни ўрганинг
Ҳақиқий канадалик миллионер муваффақиятга эришиш тамойиллари ҳақида сўзлаб, одам ўзини ютуққа ва бахтга қандай дастурлаш кераклиги, буни ўз онг ости тасарруфига қай тарзда сингдириши тўғрисида ranиради...
Республикамиз экологик ҳолатини ўрганиш ва экологик таълим-тарбияни лмалга ошириш— шу куннинг долзарб масалаларидан бири ҳисобланади. Қўллаимада экология фанининг қисқача тарихи, экологик муаммолар, тирик оргапизмларнинг ташқи муҳитга мосланишлари, популяциялар экологияси, биоценоз, биогеоценоз, экотизимлар, биосфера ва унга инсон фаолиятининг таъсири, шушшгдек минтақавий экология ҳақида умумий маълумотлар келтирилгаи. Мазкур китобдаи университетлар ва педагогика институтларинипг талабалари, биологияни чуқур ўрганадиган мактаб ҳамда махсус лицей ўқувчиларп, табнатии муҳофаза қилиш, экология масалалари билаи қизиқувчи фан ўқитувчилари ҳам фойдаланишлари мумкин.
Под физической работоспособностью спортсмена понимается способность организма к эффективному выполнению конкретной по характеру мышечной работы, определенной мощности и продолжительности, которую обеспечивают соответствующие энергетические и функциональные системы. К факторам определяющим, или детерминирующим физическую работоспособность спортсменов следует отнести: морфофункциональную систему их организма, возрастное половое особенности, состояние и тонус нейрогормональных систем регуляции адаптивных реакций, физиологические резервы организма, метаболические резервы мышечных клеток и миокарда. То есть мощность и емкость фосфагенной, гликолитической и окислительной системы энергопродукции участвующих в работе мышц. Физическая работоспособность определяется также уровнем специальной тренированности и степенью адаптивности организма спортсменов к анаэробным, аэробным или смешанным анаэробно-аэробным нагрузкам.
Соғлом умуртқа
Ушбу китобни тайёрлаш жараёнида умуртқа нақадар муҳим аъзо эканини тушуниб олдим. Унинг соғломлиги инсониятга узоқ умр ва чиройли ҳаёт кечиришида энг катта сабабчи экан
Стратиграфические исследования включают: стратиграфическое расчленение и стратиграфическую корреляцию Процедура стратиграфического расчленения в итоге сводится к проведению стратиграфических границ: литостратиграфических – для литостратонов, биостратиграфических – для биостратонов, хроностратиграфических – для хроностратонов. В Российском Стратиграфическом Кодексе 2006 г. записано следующее определение границы стратиграфического подразделения: «стратиграфические границы — поверхности, ограничивающие стратон по подошве (нижняя граница) и кровле (верхняя граница), латеральные границы - пределы географического распространения горных пород, слагающих данный стратон».
Ushbu risolada dunyodagi geografik obyektlarga qo‘yilgan atoqli otlar – antropotoponimlar hamda ularning nomlanishi haqidagi qiziqarli ma’lumotlar o‘rin olgan. Mo‘jazgina ushbu kitobni o‘qish chog‘ida o‘quvchi bir pasga bo‘lsa ham moziyga sayr qilib o‘zi uchun kerakli bilimlarni oladi deb o‘ylaymiz. Risola geografiya va toponimika bilan qiziquvchilar hamda keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo‘ljallangan.
Musicology of Religion Theories, Methods, and Directions.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.
Linear Algebra
Linear algebra has in recent years become an essential part of the mathematical background required by mathematicians and mathematics teachers, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, economists, and statisticians, among others. This requirement reflects the importance and wide applications of the subject matter. This book is designed for use as a textbook for a formal course in linear algebra or as a supplement to all current standard texts. It aims to present an introduction to linear algebra which will be found helpful to all readers regardless of their fields of specification. More material has been included than can be covered in most first courses. This has been done to make the book more flexible, to provide a useful book of reference, and to stimulate further interest in the subject.
This collection of thousands of solved problems covers almost every type of problem which may appear in any course in linear algebra. Moreover, our collection includes both computational problems and theoretical problems (which involve proofs). Each section begins with very elementary problems and their difficulty usually increases as the section progresses. Furthermore, the theoretical problems involving proofs normally appear after the computational problems, which can thus preview the theory. (Most students have move difficulty with proofs.) Normally, students will be assigned a textbook for their linear algebra course. The sequence of our chapters follows the customary order found in most textbooks (although there may be some discrepancies). However, whenever possible, our chapters and sections have been written so that their order can be changed without difficulty and without loss of continmity. The solution to each problem immediately follows the statement of the problem. However, you may wish to try to solve the problem yourself before reading the given solution. In fact, even after reading the solution, you should try to resolve the problem without consulting the text. Used thus, 3000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra can serve as a supplement to any course in linear algebra, or even as an independent refresher course.
Linear Algebra
The fourth edition of Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction preserves the approach and features that uses found to be strengths of the previous editions. However, I have streamlined the text somewhat, added numerous clarifications, and freshened up the exercises. I want students to see linear algebra as an exciting subject and to appreciate its tremendous usefulness. At the same time, I want to help them master the basic concepts and techniques of linear algebra that they will need in other courses, both in mathematics and in other disciplines. I also want students to appreciate the interplay of theoretical, applied, and numerical mathematics that pervades the subject. This book is designed for use in an introductory one or two-semester course sequence in linear algebra. First and foremost, it is intended for students, and I have tried my best to write the book so that students not only will find it readable but also will want to read it. As in the first three editions, I have taken into account the reality that students taking introductory linear algebra are likely to come from a variety of disciplines. In addition to mathematics majors, there are apt to be majors from engineering, physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, environmental science, geography, economics, psychology, business, and education, as well as other students taking the course as an elective or to fulfill degree requirements. Accordingly, the book balances theory and applications, is written in a conversational style yet is fully rigorous, and combines a traditional presentation with concern for student-centered learning.