Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Асаларичилик хўжаликларини бошқаришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмлари
Ҳозирда жаҳоннинг турли илмий марказлари ва тадқиқот муассасаларида асаларичилик хўжаликлари фаолиятини самарали бошқаришнинг кўплаб илмий йўналишлари бўйича тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Жумладан, асаларичилик хўжаликлари фаолиятини бошқариш механизмларини шакллантириш, бошқаришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмлари асосий ёндашувларини такомиллаштириш, нисбатан кичик миқёсдаги хўжаликлар ўртасида кооперация алоқаларини кенгайтириш, асаларичилик маҳсулотларининг диверсификация даражасини кучайтириш, мазкур хўжаликларда инновацион жараёнларни бошкариш самарадорлигини долзарб масалалардан ҳисобланади.
Фикрлаш устида ишлаш жараёнини тушуниш ва мияни муваффақиятга созлаш. Сиз ҳаётингизда ва бизнесда эришишни истаган нарсаларингизни яратишда визуализация ва медитация қандай ёрдам беришини билиб олиш.
The concepts and ideas of elementary particle physics are abstract, and they are typically expressed in the language of mathematics. However, the goal of elementary particle physics is very simple, and all the efforts of elementary particle physicists are directed toward that simple goal: to identify the basic building blocks of matter and to understand how they interact to produce the material world we observe. This encyclopedia contains articles intended for a broad audience of general readers and is designed to edify and give readers an appreciation for one of the most active and productive areas of physics throughout the twentieth century and to the present time. On the one hand, most of the articles have been written in ordinary language and provide a solid base in particle physics concepts and history for those who are new to the field. On the other hand, some topics in particle physics are difficult to express in everyday words, and in the articles on such topics, symbols appear and even an occasional equation. Even these articles, however, are written so that the reader with little physics background can capture a general sense of the topic covered.
The harmony of colour series. Colourful christmas
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
O'zbek tili ning imlo lug'ati.
Bu lug'at lotin yozuviga asoslangan o'zbek alifbosini joriy etish bo'yicha respublika davlat komissiyasining topshirig'i bilan yangi alifboga va yangi imlo qoidalariga mas holda tuzildi.
Жаҳон амалиётида узок муддат сакланиб етиштириладиган маркали нордон ва юқори сифатли қувватланган вино ишлаб чикариш, оксидантлар таркиб, антиоксидант ҳимоя тизимини ўрганиш, вино технологиясининг мукаммал оксидланиш жараёнларини тадқиқ этишни оптималлаштириш ва моделлаштириш билан рақобатбардош ва экологик тоза табиий ичимликлар ишлаб чиқариш технологияларини такомиллаштириш борасида илмий тадкикотлар олиб борилмоқда.
Plastics materials
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England WlP 9HE. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher.
The harmony of colour series. Ocean oasis
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Дунё миқёсида юқори силикатли таркибида алюминий тутган хомашёларни қайта ишлаш технологиясини ишлаб чиқишда қуйидаги илмий ечимларни асослаш зарур: паст сифатли, юқори кремнийли алюминий хомашёсини ишқорий ва кислотали усулларда кайта ишлаш жараёнларини ўрганиш, шу жумладан олдиндан термик ишлов бериш босқичлари, хомашёни ажратиб олиш, алюминийнинг кислотали эритмаларини темирсизлантириш ва тозаланган эритмаларни алюминий оксидига қайта ишлаш, айланма эритмалардан фойдаланиш ёки қайта ишлаш, юқори кремнийли таркибида алюминий тутган хомашёлардан алюминий оксиди олишнинг самарали технологиясини ишлаб чиқиш зарур.
The harmony of colour series. Positive vibes
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Nonlinear Optical
It has been a great pleasure for me to have prepared the latest edition of my book on nonlinear optics. My intrigue in the subject matter of this book is as strong as it was when the first edition was published in 1992. The principal changes present in the third edition are as follows: (1) The book has been entirely rewritten using the SI system of units. I personally prefer the elegance of the gaussian system of units, which was used in the first two editions, but I realize that most readers would prefer the SI system, and the change was made for this reason. (2) In addition, a large number of minor changes have been made throughout the text to clarify the intended meaning and to make the arguments easier to follow. I am indebted to the countless comments received from students and colleagues both in Rochester and from around the world that have allowed me to improve the writing in this manner. (3) Moreover, several sections that treat entirely new material have been added. Applications of harmonic generation, including applications within the fields of microscopy and biophotonics, are treated in Subsection 2.7.1. Electromagnetically induced transparency is treated in Section 3.8. Some brief but crucial comments regarding limitations to the maximum size of the intensityinduced refractive-index change are made in Section 4.7. The use of nonlinear optical methods for inducing unusual values of the group velocity of light are discussed briefly in Section 3.8 and in Subsection 6.6.2. Spectroscopy based on coherent anti–Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is discussed in Section 10.5. In addition, the appendix has been expanded to include brief descriptions of both the SI and gaussian systems of units and procedures for conversion between them.
Мамлакатимизда фармацевтика саноатини қўллаб-қувватлаш чора- тадбирлари негизида маҳаллий хомашёлар ва органик синтез маҳсулотлари асосида сифатли дори воситаларини яратиш ва ички бозорни зарурий дори воситалари билан тўлдириш ҳамда импорт даражасини камайтириш учун илмий тадқиқотлар ташкил этиган бўлиб, бу борада қатор натижаларга эришилмоқда. Ўзбекистон Республикасини янада ривожлантириш бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратегиясида «фармацевтика саноатини янада ривожлантириш, аҳоли ва тиббиёт муассасаларининг арзон, сифатли дори воситалари билан таъминланишини яхшилаш» вазифалари белгилаб берилган.
The harmony of colour series. Teddies and toys
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
This textbook is intended to introduce engineering graduate students to the essentials of modern Continuum Mechanics. The objective of an introductory course is to establish certain classical continuum models within a modern framework. Engineering students need a firm understanding of classical models such as the linear viscous fluids (Navier-Stokes theory) and infinitesimal elasticity. This understanding should include an appreciation for the status of the classical theories as special cases of general nonlinear continuum models. The relationship of the classical theories to nonlinear models is essential in light of the increasing reliance, by engineering designers and researchers, on prepackaged computer codes. These codes are based upon models which have a specific and limited range of validity. Given the danger associated with the use of these computer codes in circumstances where the model is not valid, engineers have a need for an in depth understanding of continuum mechanics and the continuum models which can be formulated by use of continuum mechanics techniques.
The harmony of colour series. Endangered species
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Ўзбек тили грамматикаси II-том (Синтаксис)
Ўзбек тили грамматикасининг ушбу томи сўз ясалиши, морфологияга бағишланган бўлиб, унда барча сўз туркумлари, ҳар бир туркумга оид сўзларнинг семантик ва грамматик таҳлил этилади. Асар ўзбек тили масалалари билан шуғулланувчи мутахассислар, олий ўқув юртлари филология факультетлари студентларига мўлжалланган.