Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Жаҳонда балиқчилик соҳасига жуда катта эътибор берилиб, балиқ ва балиқ маҳсулотлари бозорида маркетинг ва сервис соҳасини ривожлантириш ва бунда аҳолини кундалик истеъмол маҳсулотлари рационида ҳал қилувчи аҳамиятга эга бозорни маркетинг тамойилларидан фойдаланган ҳолда тўлақонли шакллантириш ва унинг самарадорлигини ошириш энг муҳим масалалардан хисобланади. Ҳозирги кунда балиқчилик соҳаси ривожланишининг илмий-услубий асосларини ўрганиш, маркетинг стратегияларини ишлаб чиқиш, балиқ маҳсулотлари бозорида маркетинг фаолиятининг хусусиятлари, ундан фойдаланиш жараёнларини таҳлил қилиш, экспорт салоҳиятини кучайтириш, мамлакатлар ўртасида товарлар алмашувини ташкил этиш ва бошқариш масалаларига эътибор бериш ҳамда маркетинг ёндашувларини такомиллаштириш масалалари бўйича илмий тадқиқот ишлари амалга оширилмоқда.
Conceptual Physics
Even before history began, people must already have noticed certain facts about the sky. The sun and moon both rise in the east and set in the west. Another fact that can be settled to a fair degree of accuracy using the naked eye is that the apparent sizes of the sun and moon don’t change noticeably. (There is an optical illusion that makes the moon appear bigger when it’s near the horizon, but you can easily verify that it’s nothing more than an illusion, by checking its angular size against some standard, such as your pinkie held at arm’s length.) If the sun and moon were varying their distances from us, they would appear to get bigger and smaller, and since they don’t appear to change in size, it appears, at least approximately, that they always stay at the same distance from us. From observations like these, the ancients constructed a scientific model, in which the sun and moon traveled around the earth in perfect circles. Of course, we now know that the earth isn’t the center of the universe, but that doesn’t mean the model wasn’t useful. That’s the way science always works. Science never aims to reveal the ultimate reality. Science only tries to make models of reality that have predictive power.
5140700-«Gidrometeorologiya» bakalavr bag'darı studentleri ushin pitkeriw qa'nigelik jumısın tayarlaw boyinsha
Pitkeriw qa'nigelik jumısı (keyingi orınlarda PQJ dep ju'rgiziledi) joqarı oqiw ornı bakalavriatında studentlerdi oqıtıwdın' juwmaqlawshı basqıshı esaplanıp, onın' tiykarg'ı maqseti bilimlendiriw bag'darı boyınsha teoriyalıq ha'm a'meliy bilimlerin bekkemlew ha'm ken'eytiw, alıng'an bilimlerdi ilimiy- texnikalıq, ekonomikalıq wazıypalardı sheshiwde qollanıw, sonday-aq, aymaqlarda anıqlang'an qanday da bir mashqalanın qoyılıw protsessinen baslap, oni tolıq aqırına jetkizip, sheshimin tabıwg'a bag'darlang'an ilimiy-izertlew jumıslarının na'tiyjesi esaplanadı.
Ушбу дарсликда «Иктисодий география» фанининг предмета, назарий ва амалий йуналишлари, бозор иктисодиёти шароитида ишлаб чикариш кучларини ривожлантириш ва жойлаштиришни такомиллаштириш муаммолари устида тухтаб утилган. Унда дунё сиёсий картаси ривожланишининг асосий босцичлари, йирик узгаришлар жумладан социалистик тузумнинг парчаланиши натижасида янги мустакил давлатларнинг пайдо булиши таърифланган
Geoxronologik va stratigrafik shkalalar
ЎзМУ Геология ва геоинформацион тизимлар факультети Геология 2- курс ўзбек йўналиши талабасиТураев Шахзоднинг 2019-2020 ўқувйили2-ярми учун зарур Геохронологик шкала тузишда зарур булган малумотлар...
Thermal physics forms a key part of any undergraduate physics course. It includes the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics (which was founded largely in the nineteenth century and motivated by a desire to understand the conversion of heat into work using engines) and also statistical mechanics (which was founded by Boltzmann and Gibbs, and is concerned with the statistical behaviour of the underlying microstates of the system). Students often find these topics hard, and this problem is not helped by a lack of familiarity with basic concepts in mathematics, particularly in probability and statistics. Moreover, the traditional focus of thermodynamics on steam engines seems remote and largely irrelevant to a twenty-first century student. This is unfortunate since an understanding of thermal physics is crucial to almost all modern physics and to the important technological challenges which face us in this century.
Geografiya fanidan savol-javoblar to‘plami/ tuzuvchi: J.S. Jurayev — 234 bet Geografiya fanidan savol-javoblar to‘plami tuzishda hozirgi qo‘llanilayotgan fan darsliklariga tayanildi. Savollarning mavzuli tarzda bo‘limlarga bo‘lingani esa foydalonuvchilarga qulaylik yaratadi. Ushbu savol-javoblar to‘plami umumiy o‘rta ta‘lim maktabi, kasb-hunar kollejlari va akademik litsey o‘qivchilari, hamda geografiya fani bo‘yicha oliy o‘quv yurtlariga kirishga tayyorgarlik ko‘rayotgan abiturentlar uchun mo‘ljallangan.
Usınılıp аtırǵаn sózlik gеоlоgiyalıq tеrminlеrdiń inglisshе-russhа-ózbеkshеqаrаqаlpаqshа аwdаrmа sózligi dáslеpki 4 tillik miynеtlеrdеn bоlıp еsаplаnаdı. Sózliktе gеоlоgiyanı оqıtıwdа, оqıwlıqlаrdа, оqıw qоllаnbаlаrdа, sаbаqlıqlаrdа ónimli qоllаnılаtuǵın tiykаrǵı tеrminlеr túsindirildi.
Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics
This book is a self-contained guide to problem-solving and exploration in mathematical physics using the powerful Maple 9.5 computer algebra system (CAS). With a CAS one cannot only crunch numbers and plot results, but also carry out the symbolic manipulations which form the backbone of mathematical physics. The heart of this text consists of over 230 useful and stimulating “classic” computer algebra worksheets or recipes, which are systematically organized to cover the major topics presented in the standard Mathematical Physics course offered to third or fourth year undergraduate physics and engineering students. The emphasis here is on applications, with only a brief summary of the underlying theoretical ideas being presented. The aim is to show how computer algebra can not only implement the methods of mathematical physics quickly, accurately, and efficiently, but can be used to explore more complex examples which are tedious or difficult or even impossible to implement by hand.
In 1999, when we started teaching this course at the Department of Physics in Oslo, Computational Physics and Computational Science in general were still perceived by the majority of physicists and scientists as topics dealing with just mere tools and number crunching, and not as subjects of their own. Practically every undergraduate student in physics has now made a Matlab or Maple simulation of e.g., the pendulum, with or without chaotic motion. These exercises underscore the importance of simulations as a means to gain novel insights into physical systems, especially for those cases where no analytical solutions can be found or an experiment is to complicated or expensive to carry out. Thus, computer simulations are nowadays an integral part of contemporary basic and applied research in the physical sciences. Computation is becoming as important as theory and experiment. We could even strengthen this statement by saying that computational physics, theoretical physics and experimental are all equally important in our daily research and studies of physical systems. Physics is nowadays the unity of theory, experiment and computation. The ability "to compute" is now part of the essential repertoire of research scientists. Several new fields have emerged and strengthened their positions in the last years, such as computational materials science, bioinformatics, computational mathematics and mechanics, computational chemistry and physics and so forth, just to mention a few. To be able to e.g., simulate quantal systems will be of great importance for future directions in fields like materials science and nanotechonology.
Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Almost fifteen years have passed since the first edition of this book was written. During the intervening years the literature in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has expanded manyfold. Due in part to greatly enhanced computer power, the general understanding of the capabilities and limitations of algorithms has increased. A number of new ideas and methods have appeared. The authors have attempted to include new developments in this second edition while preserving those fundamental ideas covered in the first edition that remain important for mastery of the discipline. Ninety-five new homework problems have been added. The two part, ten chapter format of the book remains the same, although a shift in emphasis is evident in some of the chapters. The book is still intended to serve as an introductory text for advanced undergraduates and/or first-year graduate students. The major emphasis of the text is on finite-difference/finite-volume methods.
First of all I would like to thank my father for the initial motivation to start this project, as well as for his continuous help with the text and especially with the drawings. I thank my former colleagues from the Institute of Design Aerodynamics at the DLR in Braunschweig, Germany Norbert Kroll, Cord Rossow, Jose Longo, Rolf Radespiel and others for the opportunity to learn a lot about CFD and for the stimulating atmosphere. I also thank my colleague Andreas Haselbacher from ALSTOM Power in Daettwil, Switzerland (now at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) for reading and correcting significant parts of the mxiuscript, as well as for many fruitful discussions. I gratefully acknowledge the help of Olaf Brodersen from the DLR in Brauschweig and of Dimitri Mavriplis from ICASE, who provided several pictures of surface grids of transport aircraft configurations.
A Companion to Classical Electrodynamics
A lot of things can be said about Classical Electrodynamics, the third edition, by David J. Jackson. It’s seemingly exhaustive, well researched, and certainly popular. Then, there is a general consensus among teachers that this book is the definitive graduate text on the subject. In my opinion, this is quite unfortunate. The text often assumes familiarity with the material, skips vital steps, and provides too few examples. It is simply not a good introductory text. On the other hand, Jackson was very ambitious. Aside from some notable omissions (such as conformal mapping methods), Jackson exposes the reader to most of classical electro-magnetic theory. Even Thomas Aquinas would be impressed! As a reference, Jackson’s book is great! It is obvious that Jackson knows his stuff, and in no place is this more apparent than in the problems which he asks at the end of each chapter. Sometimes the problems are quite simple or routine, other times difficult, and quite often there will be undaunting amounts of algebra required. Solving these problems is a time consuming endevour for even the quickest reckoners among us. I present this Companion to Jackson as a motivation to other students. These problems can be done! And it doesn’t take Feynmann to do them.
«Le tresor des contes» — «Сокровищница сказок». Эти сказки по своему происхождению не только французские, они интернациональны. Во всех странах мира детям знакомы сказка о Золушке (Cendrillon), сказка о царе Салтане (La branche qui chante) и другие встречающиеся у Pourrat, н
Транспортные машины
Настоящее издание является частью электронного учебно-методического ком плекса по дисциплине «Транспортные машины», включающего учебную программу дисциплины, учебное пособие для практических занятий «Расчеты транспортных машин открытых горных разработок», лабораторный практикум, методические указания по курсовому проектированию, методические указания по самостоятельной работе, контрольно-измерительные материалы «Транспортные машины. Банк тестовых зада ний», наглядное пособие «Транспортные машины. Презентационные материалы».
Харизма лидера
Что такое харизма и как она возникает? Предопределена ли харизма от рождения или может быть результатом продуманных действий и расчета?