Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Усилители класа D и ключевые генераторы в радиосвязи и радиовещании
Разнообразие типов схем и режимов работы усилителей и генераторов, зависящих от выбора параметров, делает особенно актуальным вопрос о выборе оптимального режима. Это осуществляется путем решения и анализа уравнений, описывающих схему,на основе использования электронных (обычно — цифровых) вычислительных машин. Необходимым условием оптимизации является наличие рациональных, объективных, записанных в математической форме критериев, характеризующих энергетические, качественные и другие показатели оптимизируемого устройства.
The English Speaking World-2
English is one of the most widely spoken languages on earth. People in countries as far away from each otheras Canada, Australia and Ireland speak English as their first, or native language.
Энг янги тарих
Мамлакатимизда ёшларни баркамол килиб тарбиялашга алохида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Бу масалада давлат сиёсати даражасига кўтарилган хозирги пайтда ёшларга таълим ва тарбия беришнинг комплекс йўллари белгилаб қўйилди.
Вопросы применения математических методов при управлении режимами и развитием электрических систем
Группа статей посвящена специальным вопросам расчета установившихся -режимов электрических систем.Несколько работ свяаано с исследованием погрешностей математического моделирования при управлении установившимися режимами электрических систем.Ряд статей посвящен учету неопределенности в вадачах раевития электрических сетей и вопросу выбора номпенсирувщих устройств в питавщих и распределительных сетях.
Hozirgi adabiy o'zbek tili
"Hozirgi adabiy o‘zbek tili" darsligi Milliy universitet "o‘zbek filologiyasi" mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha chop etgan namunaviy o‘quv dasturi asosida muallif tomonidan tuzilgan ishchi dasturga amal qilib yozildi. Darslikda muallifning ko‘p yillik ilmiy−pedagogik faoliyati inobatga olingan bo‘lib, "Kirish", "Tovushlar tizimi", "Leksemalar tizimi", "Morfemalar tizimi", "Leksemashakllar tizimi", "Birikmalar tizimi", "Gapshakllar tizimi", "Frazemalar tizimi", "Alifbo. Adabiy yozish. Adabiy talaffuz" bo‘limlaridan iborat. Dars-likda hozirgi adabiy o‘zbek tili hodisalari til qurilishiga tizim sifatida yondashib, o‘rni bilan munozarali yo‘sinda bayon qilindi. Yangicha talqin bilan yozilgan ilk darslik bo‘lgani sababli kamchilik−nuqsonlardan xoli emasligi tabiiy. Darslik sifatini yaxshilashga qaratilgan fikr−mulohazalarni muallif samimiyat bilan qabul qiladi.
Adobe® Audition® CS6 Classroom in a Book®
Those creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Audition CS6 choose Adobe Audition CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press. The 16 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Audition CS6. Part 1 covers the basics of audio interfacing and the Audition environment. Next, readers will explore working in Waveform View, performing such tasks as basic editing, signal processing, audio restoration, mastering, and creating and recording files. Finally, in Part 3 on Multitrack View, they will learn about basic multitrack orientation and track parameters, creating music with sound libraries and by overdubbing, mixing strategies, and working with video. The companion disc includes lesson files so readers can work along with the book. The Classroom in a Book series is by far the best training material on the market. Everything you need to master the software is included: clear explanations of each lesson, step by step instructions, and the project files for the students. Barbara Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor, Rocky Mountain Training. Classroom in a Book®, the best selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program doesan official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.
Вопросы применения математических методов при управлении режимами и развитием электрических систем
В сборнике отображены основные тучные работы, проводииые кафедрой эдектрческих станций, сетей и систем Иркутского политехнического института.Первая группа статей сборника пооЕящена исследованию специальных вопросов расчета установившихся, допустиынх и оптимальных режимов электрических систем.
Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Bringing together more than over 120 expert contributors from otolaryngology, general surgery, endocrinology, and pathology, Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands, 3rd Edition, presents an interdisciplinary approach to surgical management and treatment of benign and malignant disease. This renowned text/atlas is an ideal resource at all levels of surgical experience: for residents and junior surgeons, it clearly provides all relevant anatomy, surgical procedures, and workup; for experienced surgeons, it details the management of difficult cases, including revision surgery. Highly illustrated and accompanied by dozens of videos, this edition brings you up to date with the full continuum of care in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
The Economics of Input-Output Analysis
Input-output analysis is the main tool to help us answer three key questions that pertain to the economy as a whole.
Color Atlas of Emergency Trauma
Trauma is very different from other emergency medical conditions. Very often there is no clinical history available and the treatment is given before the definitive diagnosis. The physiological reserves of many trauma victims are limited and small errors can carry a heavy price. The comprehension and intuition required to treat traumatic injury is gained over many years of clinical experience at the bedside of critically injured patients. The aim of this atlas is to share the experience of the authors from one of the largest trauma centers in the United States and provide a solid companion to the many well-written textbooks on trauma management. This project represents many decades of collective clinical experience. We have assembled one of the largest collections of trauma images to help bring the reader “to the bedside” of the patients. The acquisition and final assembly of this collection of images was a difficult process and they were acquired with the gracious cooperation of our patients. We regularly use these images in our clinical teaching and hope this atlas will supplement other instructional resources in trauma management.
Adobe® After Effects® CS5 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques
This is the only book on the market to focus exclusively on the creation of visual effects for After Effects users, and is a one stop resource for anyone who wants indepth explanations that demystify the realm of visual effects and how they were created, thanks to veteran author Mark Christiansen's friendly and accessible style. A thoroughly packed, informative read, this masterful guide focuses on explaining the essential concepts, features, and techniques that are key to creating seamless movie quality visual effects. Users who are comfortable with After Effects will find a helpful review of the fundamentals managing footage, viewing and editing layers, animating type, and more so they can learn how to work smarter and more efficiently. Readers of all levels will learn core techniques for effects compositing including color matching, keying, rotoscoping, motion tracking, emulating the camera, and concluding with using expressions in After Effects, written by contributor and expert Dan Ebberts. An incredibly useful appendix on scripting in After Effects is included as well, written by Adobe engineer Jeff Almasol. The final section of the book delves into creative explorations, demonstrating professional effects that are commonly seen in films and games which readers can re-create.
Предлагаемая книга – переиздание известного учебника, вышедшего последний раз в 1939 г. По мнению специалистов, данный учебник до сих пор остается одним из лучших учебников по русской литера
Yuristning nutq madaniyati
Ushbu darslik «Yuristning nutq madaniyati» fani dasturiga muvofiq yozilgan bo‘lib, uning maqsadi - bo‘lg‘usi yuristlaming ijtimoiy-huquqiy faoliyatda shaxslararo muloqot ko‘nikmalarini, turli yuridik vaziyatlarda professional nutqdan foydalanish malakalarini shakllantirish hamda takomillashtirishdan iborat.
Вопросы электрификации на железнодорожном транспорте
Система электрической тяги на постоянном токе 3,3 кв имеет ряд существенных недостатков, которые особенно проявляются на участках с интенсивным грузовым движением. К основным недостаткам следует отнести обусловленные большими токами значительные потери энергии и относительно низкий уровень напряжения в контактной сети, в значительной степени определяющий скорости движения поездов.
ТЕОРИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОПРИВОДА 3-е издание, переработанное и дополненное
Изложены общие вопросы теории автоматизированного электропривода. Рассмотрены свойства разомкнутых и замкнутых электромеханических систем, а также основы их выбора. Первое издание учебника вышло в свет в 1985 г. Во втором издании значительно переработаны вопросы выбора мощностей электродвигателей, введена глава, посвященная проектированию приводов, увеличено число примеров, иллюстрирующих теоретические положения. Для студентов специальности «Электропривод и автоматика промышленных установок и технологических комплексов».