Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Елимиздиң ҳақыйқый азаматы
Халкымыздың арасында өзиниң өшпес хызметлери, таң қалдыргандай үлгили ислери, әсиресе жасларға устазлық етиўде. жалықпай еткен хызметлери, жақсы иисаныйлык пазыйлетлери менен көзге түскен инсанлардың бири Алламберген Бабаназаровтың басып өткен жолларын келешек жасларымызға үлги етсек арзыйды.
Practical Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing hardware or software and understanding it, without having access to the source code or design documents. Hackers are able to reverse engineer systems and exploit what they find with scary results. Now the good guys can use the same tools to thwart these threats. Practical Reverse Engineering goes under the hood of reverse engineering for security analysts, security engineers, and system programmers, so they can learn how to use these same processes to stop hackers in their tracks. The book covers x86, x64, and ARM (the first book to cover all three); Windows kernel-mode code rootkits and drivers; virtual machine protection techniques; and much more. Best of all, it offers a systematic approach to the material, with plenty of hands-on exercises and real-world examples.
Назарий ва амалий ўқув машғулотларда ўқитиш технологиялари тўплами
Ушбу китобда назарий ва амалий ўқув машғулотларда ўқитиш технологиялари тақдим этилган. Ҳар бир ўқув машғулоти қуйидагиларни ўз ичига олади: ўқув машғулотида ўқитиш технологияси модели, ўқув машғулотининг технологик харитаси, технологик харитага иловалар. Тўплам ўрта махсус, касб-ҳунар таълими муассасалари ўқитувчиларига мўлжалланган, шунингдек педагог кадрлар малакасини ошириш ва қайта тайёрлаш тизими тингловчилари учун ҳам фойдали бўлиши мумкин.
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems
Shell scripts are an efficient way to interact with your machine and manage your files and system operations. With just a few lines of code, your computer will do exactly what you want it to do. But you can also use shell scripts for many other essential (and not-so-essential) tasks. This second edition of Wicked Cool Shell Scripts offers a collection of useful, customizable, and fun shell scripts for solving common problems and personalizing your computing environment. Each chapter contains ready-to-use scripts and explanations of how they work, why you’d want to use them, and suggestions for changing and expanding them. You'll find a mix of classic favorites, like a disk backup utility that keeps your files safe when your system crashes, a password manager, a weather tracker, and several games, as well as 23 brand-new scripts, including
What Every Engineer Should Know
This book offers a practical approach to understanding, designing, and building sound software based on solid principles. Using a unique Q&A format, this book addresses the issues that engineers need to understand in order to successfully work with software engineers, develop specifications for quality software, and learn the basics of the most common programming languages, development approaches, and paradigms. The new edition is thoroughly updated to improve the pedagogical flow and emphasize new software engineering processes, practices, and tools that have emerged in every software engineering area.
Practical Quantum Computing for Developers
Write algorithms and program in the new field of quantum computing. This book covers major topics such as the physical components of a quantum computer: qubits, entanglement, logic gates, circuits, and how they differ from a traditional computer. Also, Practical Quantum Computing for Developers discusses quantum computing in the cloud using IBM Q Experience including: the composer, quantum scores, experiments, circuits, simulators, real quantum devices, and more. You’ll be able to run experiments in the cloud on a real quantum device. Along the way you’ll also cover game theory with the Magic Square, an example of quantum pseudo-telepathy where parties sharing entangled states can be observed to have some kind of communication between them. By the end of this book, you will understand how this emerging technology provides massive parallelism and significant computational speedups over classical computers, and will be prepared to program quantum computers which are expected to replace traditional computers in the data center.
Webpack 5 Up and Running: A quick and practical introduction to the JavaScript application bundler
Webpack has emerged as one of the most popular module bundlers used in web development projects, and serves as one of the most advanced web development build tools. This quick reference begins with an introduction to Webpack and teaches you how to use it for initializing dependency management in your web projects. Starting with code splitting and transpiling, you will be taught about dependency graphs and how to configure them to achieve improved functionality and uncover hidden features. You'll also learn the difference between configuration files and options, and how Node.js plays a role in their creation and management. As you advance, you will delve into frameworks and unsupported code, which can be processed using loaders. Moving on, you'll be well on your way to performing application bundling efficiently, and will be introduced to the art of custom loader creation and plugin development. By the end of this Webpack book, you'll have gained a basic understanding of deployment, live coding, and even hot module replacement, and you'll be able to incorporate application bundling in your web project efficiently.
Practical Microservices Architectural Patterns
Take your distributed applications to the next level and see what the reference architectures associated with microservices can do for you. This book begins by showing you the distributed computing architecture landscape and provides an in depth view of microservices architecture. Following this, you will work with CQRS, an essential pattern for microservices, and get a view of how distributed messaging works. Moving on, you will take a deep dive into Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Coming back to CQRS, you will learn how event-driven microservices work with this pattern, using the Axon 2 framework. This takes you on to how transactions work with microservices followed by advanced architectures to address non-functional aspects such as high availability and scalability. In the concluding part of the book you develop your own enterprise grade microservices application using the Axon framework and true BASE transactions, while making it as secure as possible.
Webpack for Beginners: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Webpack 4
Learn how to use Webpack from installation to configuration without the hassle of complex examples. Webpack has become one of the most popular module bundlers in recent years; it’s widely used by developers, companies, and organizations of all sizes, and many web frameworks use it for the management of their assets. If you are serious about web development these days then you must learn and understand Webpack. You will begin by installing and configuring Webpack, and learn how to write modular code. You’ll then move onto understanding the usage of loaders and plugins with practical use cases, how to make aliases and resolve folders, cache busting, and installing third-party libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap, QuillJS, and more. By the end of this book you will feel confident and ready to start using Webpack in your projects. Free from complex examples and intended to be as easy-to-follow as possible, this book is ideal for anyone who knows basic HTML, JavaScript, and how to work on the command line. Upgrade your developer skillset using Webpack for Beginners today.
Web Application Development with Streamlit: Develop and Deploy Secure and Scalable Web Applications to the Cloud Using a Pure Python Framework
Transition from a back-end developer to a full-stack developer with knowledge of all the dimensions of web application development, namely, front-end, back-end and server-side software. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Streamlit, allowing developers and programmers of all backgrounds to get up to speed in as little time as possible. Streamlit is a pure Python web framework that will bridge the skills gap and shorten development time from weeks to hours. This book walks you through the complete cycle of web application development, from an introductory to advanced level with accompanying source code and resources. You will be exposed to developing basic, intermediate, and sophisticated user interfaces and subsequently you will be acquainted with data visualization, database systems, application security, and cloud deployment in Streamlit. In a market with a surplus demand for full stack developers, this skill set could not possibly come at a better time. In one sentence, Streamlit is a means for the empowerment of developers everywhere and all stand to gain from it.
Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3
Manage complex systems with ease and equip yourself for a new career. This book builds upon the skills you learned in Volumes 1 and 2 of this course and it depends upon the virtual network and virtual machine you created there. However, more experienced Linux users can begin with this volume and download an assigned script that will set up the VM for the start of Volume 3. Instructions with the script will provide specifications for configuration of the virtual network and the virtual machine. Refer to the volume overviews in the book's introduction to select the volume of this course most appropriate for your current skill level. Start by reviewing the administration of Linux servers and install and configure various Linux server services such as DHCP, DNS, NTP, and SSH server that will be used to provide advanced network services. You’ll then learn to install and configure servers such as BIND for name services, DHCP for network host configuration, and SSH for secure logins to remote hosts. Other topics covered include public/private keypairs to further enhance security, SendMail and IMAP and antispam protection for email, using Apache and WordPress to create and manage web sites, NFS, SAMBA, and Chrony. This volume also covers SELinux, and building RPMs to distribute automation scripts. All of these services are installed on a single server host over the course of the book and by the time you are finished you will have a single server that provides these services for your network.
Норма расхода
Нормы расхода труб определены по рабочим чертежам и сметам объектов, принятых для разработки действующих норм расхода материалов и изделий на 1 млн. руб. сметной стоимости строительно-монтажных работ и на 1000 м приведенной общей площади жилых зданий
Tribe of Hackers Red Team: Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Offensive Cybersecurity
The Tribe of Hackers team is back with a new guide packed with insights from dozens of the world’s leading Red Team security specialists. With their deep knowledge of system vulnerabilities and innovative solutions for correcting security flaws, Red Team hackers are in high demand. Tribe of Hackers Red Team: Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Offensive Cybersecurity takes the valuable lessons and popular interview format from the original Tribe of Hackers and dives deeper into the world of Red Team security with expert perspectives on issues like penetration testing and ethical hacking. This unique guide includes inspiring interviews from influential security specialists, including David Kennedy, Rob Fuller, Jayson E. Street, and Georgia Weidman, who share their real-world learnings on everything from Red Team tools and tactics to careers and communication, presentation strategies, legal concerns, and more
Аналитическая химия
В учебнике подробно изложены основные закономерности аналитической химии, а также основные физико-химические методы анализа, ввиденные в Государственную фармакопею СССР Х издания.
Third Generation Internet Revealed: Reinventing Computer Networks with IPv6
This book covers the inexorable exhaustion of the IPv4 address space, the interim fix to this based on Network Address Translation (NAT) and Private Addresses, and the differences between IPv4 and IPv6. It will help you understand the limitations and problems introduced by the use of NAT and introduce you to the far simpler network and software designs possible, using a larger, unified address space. IPv6, a mature and viable replacement for IPv4, is currently used by more than 36% of all global Internet traffic. Wireless telephone service providers in many countries have migrated their networks to IPv6 with great success. The elimination of NAT and Private Addresses has vastly simplified network design and implementation. Further, there are now enough public addresses allocated to accommodate all anticipated uses for the foreseeable future. Most networking products and software, especially open-source software, are already fully IPv6 compliant. Today, no business should purchase obsolete products that support only IPv4. The global IPv6 Forum estimates that there are millions of networking professionals still needing to learn the fundamentals of IPv6 technologies to move forward. This book is for them. With plans in place for a shutdown of IPv4 on global networks (“Sunset IPv4”) the time to learn is now. If you want a job in IT, especially network hardware or software, and you don’t know IPv6, you are already obsolete.
Kasbiy psixologiya
Darslikda ta`lim va taraqqiyotning o`zaro bog`liqligi, ta`lim psixologiyasi kursining asosiy mazmuni bo`lgan talabalarning o`qish va uqish faoliyati shakllantirish hamda tarbiya psixologiyasining ta`lim-tarbiya jarayonida talaba shaxsini shakllantirish kabi muhim ma`lumotlar keltirilgan.