Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Ўғирланган болалик
Асарда жиноятчини очиш тергов -жуда машаққатли жараён. Айниқса жиноятчи пихини ёрган маккор бўлса, иш янад мураккаблашади. Асар инсонни бошига оғир кун тушганда бир қишлоқда бўлган қатор қотилликлар тўғрисида ёзилган.
A companion to The British and Irish novel 1945-2000
The subject of this work, the British and Irish novel between the close of World War II and the turn of the millennium, is as vast as it is rich and heterogeneous. This volume concerns novelists of that half-century who are indigenous to Britain or Ireland or who have emigrated to one of these ‘‘two very large islands’’ (usually but not invariably settling in greater London) and who have written novels of acclaim that have significantly engaged with and influenced the indigenous literary culture.
Инқироз ёхуд генераллар ўйини
"Инқироз ёхуд генераллар ўйини" романи 80-йилларда халқимизнинг боштга тушган мудхиш кўргиликлар ҳақида ҳикоя қилади.
A companion to science fiction
This companion is intended to serve as an introduction and guide to one of the most extensive and varied kinds of modern literature. It does not pretend to exhaustive coverage. For that, the reader should consult reference works such as John Clute and Peter Nicholls’ Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1999), which remains the leading work of its kind for its combination of author and topic entries, or the St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers (4th edn, Pederson 1996).
A companion to modernist literature and culture
This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and postcanonical texts, orienting the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate and new graduate with current and new directions, as pioneered and developed by leading scholars in the field.
Кўз тумор
Китобда ҳалқ шоири Абдулла Ориповнинг 1985 йилда ёзилган "Ўзбеклар" достони дебоча ўрин олган. Шоирнинг чуқур инсоний, фалсафий мушоҳадаларга бой шеърлари келтирилган.
A companion to modern British and Irish drama 1880-2005
This volume was peculiarly beset with catastrophic events, the first and worst of which was the very sad death of Clive Barker. Clive would have written the essay on drama and World War I; instead readers got me. Following Clive’s last exit contributors suffered mysterious palsies, hospitalization, the death of close relatives, the hospitalization of close relatives, chronic administration syndrome, deadline phobia, cricket addiction, and domestic flooding.
Қалтис ўйин
Ҳаёт ниҳоятда мураккаб. Кимдир бу дунёда жиноий йўл билан бойлик орттириб, айш-ишратда яшашдан ҳазар қилмайди. Аммо ким нима сабабдан жиноят кўчасига кирмасин,охири афсус қиладиб қилмишига яраша жазо олади. Ушбу тўпламни ўқиб чиққанингиздан кейин ана шундай хулосага келасиз.
A companion to Mark Twain
This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements, and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and post-canonical texts, orientating the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate and new graduate with current and new directions, as pioneered and developed by leading scholars in the field.
Burgut qoya
Kitobda yosh ijodkor A.Tursunovning olamiga hayrat va ozgacha shoirgagina xos zehniyat bilan qarab, o`z kechinmalarini jilovlab o`tirmay bitganlar, yurak tubidan to`kilgan satrlarni o`qiymiz.
A companion to Henry James
Thanks to the Johns Hopkins University Press for permission to reprint “Henry James and the United States” by John Carlos Rowe in chapter 23, which first appeared in substantially the same form in the Henry James Review (27.3 [2006] 228–36.) Thanks too to Aya Zacharias for her help with a range of diffi cult editing problems. Most of all, thanks to all of my companions around the world in Henry James studies.
A companion to eighteenth-century poetry
This volume has been assembled at a diffi cult time of parental illness and loss. I am grateful to Blackwell, and particularly to Emma Bennett and Karen Wilson, for their patience at an inevitable delay in its production.
A companion to Charles Dickens
On the matter of prefaces, Dickens sided with Henry Fielding. Be honest about what you have provided, Fielding wrote in his “Introduction” to Tom Jones (1750). Let customers peruse the “Bill of Fare,” and then make their decision. They will either “stay and regale” themselves with “the Entertainment” provided by the host, or they will depart elsewhere. In a variation of these words, Dickens stated a similar principle when he advised Richard Henry Horne on “the expediency of the preface” Horne had sent him.
Самовий муҳаббат
Қўлингиздаги ушбу фантастик асар умуминсоний, колаверса, умумосмоний орзулар муштараклиги хақидадир. Сиз китобни мутоалаа қилар зкансиз, Дунёда соф мухаббат в а садоқатнинг чеки борми ?, "Гўзал булиб қисқа умр кўрган яхшими ёки бадбашара узок яшаш афзалми?", "Ўзга сайёраликлар келганида биз уларни кандай кариши олмошмиз керак ?" каби ғайри оддий саволларга қисман жавоб топасиз. Энг мухими, дунёни мухаббат Кутқаришига тулиқ амин бўласиз. Сизларни янги дунёвий ўзбек фантастик асари билан қизғин қутлаймиз!
Рудольф Слобода — известный словацкий прозаик среднего поколения — тяготеет к анализу сложных, порой противоречивых состояний человеческого духа, внутренней жизни героев, меры их ответственности за свои поступки перед собой, своей совестью и окружающим миром. В этом смысле его писательская манера в чем-то сродни художественной манере Марселя Пруста.Герой его романа — сценарист одной из братиславских студий — переживает трудный период: недавняя смерть близкого ему по духу отца, запутанные отношения с женой, с коллегами, творческий кризис, мучительные раздумья о смысле жизни и общественной значимости своей работы.