Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Ҳозир давом этаётган жаҳон молиявий-иқтисодий инқирози дунё мамлакатларининг молия-банк тизимига, реал сектор корхоналари фаолиятига жиддий таъсир кўрсатди. Ушбу салбий таъсирнинг оқибатларига барҳам бериш бюджет, фискал ва монетар сиёсатларнинг мазмунига, тактик мақсадларига сезиларли даражадаги ўзгаришлар киритилишига сабаб бўлди. Ушбу жараёнда Марказий банк томонидан амалга ошириладиган фаол пул-кредит сиёсатини шакллантириш муҳим ўрин тутади. Бунинг сабаби шундаки, биринчидан, пул-кредит сиёсати макроиқтисодий ўсиш баркарорлигига бевосита таъсир кўрсатади; иккинчидан, пул-кредит сиёсати глобал инқироз таъсирида ликвидлилигини йўқотиб қўйган банкларнинг жорий ликвидлилиги ва тўловга қобиллигини тиклаш имконини беради; учинчидан, Марказий банк пул-кредит сиёсати орқали инфляция даражасига бевосита таъсир кўрсатади.
Жизнь без границ. Путь к потрясающе счастливой жизни
Меня зовут Ник Вуйчич. Мне двадцать семь лет. Я родился без рук и ног, но не пеняю на судьбу. Я путешествую по миру, чтобы вдохновить миллионы людей. Я призываю всех вооружиться верой, надеждой, любовью, смелостью и преодолеть все препятствия, стоящие на пути исполнения мечтаний. В этой книге я расскажу о своем пути. Конечно, некоторые препятствия стояли только передо мной, но большая их часть знакома каждому. Я хочу вдохновить вас на преодоление собственных проблем и трудностей. Хочу, чтобы вы нашли собственную цель жизни. Ваша жизнь должна быть прекрасной.
there is a field of human enquiry that is pre-eminent in exciting mankind it is surely astronomy. What is out there in the cosmos? How did the universe start? Where is it heading? What will be the fate of the Earth? Is anyone else out there and if so, how should we react to them? These are some of the great questions that we should all like to have answered. Of course, practising astronomers are involved in solving small parts of these puzzles, but most people and the many amateur astronomers lead the way provide considerable stimulus by their interest, This Atlas of the Universe, relating as it does to all these questions, attempts the imposable and succeeds! Not only does it contain, a its name implies, maps of the heavens, but it covers a wealth of related detail, all fascinating material which will provide excitement. and knowledge, for readers of all ages.
US-Japan macroeconomic relations: interactions and interdependence in the 1980s
This book provides an extensive analysis of the economic relationships and interdependence between the United States and Japan during the 1980s. It focuses on various macroeconomic aspects, including capital flow, taxation, and financial liberalization, offering insights into the dynamics that shaped the economies of both nations during this period.
Дунёда оралик металлар сульфидларининг оксидланиш реакцияларининг кинетикасини ривожлантириш учун турли оксидловчи моддалар иштирокида сувли муҳитда оксидланиш реакцияларининг жараёнларни тадқиқотлари олиб борилмоқда. Хусусан катод ва анодда олиб бориладиган реакцияларни электрокимёвий тадқиқотлар электр ўтказувчан синтетик металл сульфидларидан тайёрланган, айланадиган диск электрод усули билан амалга ошириш муҳим ахамиятга эга.
The management of international joint ventures: an organizational learning perspective
Over the past two decades there has been a substantial increase in the formation of international joint ventures. For many firms, JVs have become the 'fifth' mode of competitive strategy. This book examines various organizational issues, with a particular focus on collaboration and organizational learning. A primary objective in the book is to identify those organizational process that facilitate learning in JVs and help improve the quality of JV managerial practice. Examples of JVs drawn from firms and regions from around the globe illustrate the text. The focus is on a detailed examination of learning through collaboration. The focus is on learning JV parents and the joint venture itself have learned. Organizational dimensions and the learning process are considered and some of the more controversial and topical issues of international learning are examined as the basis for developing a multi-level learning framework. The final issue considered in this relationship between learning, collaborative knowledge and JV stability.
The Japanese woman: traditional image and changing reality
In "The Japanese Woman: Traditional Image and Changing Reality," Sumiko Iwao explores the evolving role of women in Japan, balancing historical perceptions with contemporary changes. The author delves into various aspects of a woman's life, including family, work, and societal expectations, and discusses how these elements intersect and shape the modern Japanese woman's identity. Through comprehensive analysis and personal narratives, Iwao provides a nuanced understanding of the achievements and challenges faced by Japanese women in a rapidly changing society.
This book is based on a short graduate course given by one of us (M.G) at New York University and at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. The decision to publish these lectures as a book was made, after some doubts, for the following reason. The theory of phase transitions, with excellent agreement between theory and experiment, was developed some forty years ago culminating in Wilson’s Nobel prize and the Wolf prize awarded to Kadanoff, Fisher and Wilson. In spite of this, new books on phase transitions appear each year, and each of them starts with the justification of the need for an additional book. Following this tradition we would like to underline two main features that distinguish this book from its predecessors.
Большая книга перемен к лучшему
Мысль, которую вы высказываете, есть аффирмация. Даже если вы разговариваете сами с собой, ваш внутренний диалог – это поток аффирмаций. Вы создаете свой жизненный опыт с каждым произнесенным словом, каждой мыслью. Некоторые наши убеждения формируются еще в детском возрасте и работают на нас, но есть и те, которые ограничивают возможности в достижении наших стремлений и желаний
The ambivalence of nationalism: modern Japan between east and west
This book discusses Japan's relationship with its own sense of nationalism and the outside world over the last century. It explores the complexities of Japanese identity amidst the Western influence and its historical strategies regarding nationalism to balance with international pressures. The content includes various perspectives and case studies highlighting the inherent contradictions and adaptations within the concepts of national identity in Japan.
Метод McKinsey. Использование техник ведущих стратегических консультантов для решения личных и деловых задач
Рассматривайте эту книгу как сборник отдельных статей. Их вовсе не обязательно читать по порядку – разумеется, если только последовательное чтение не является для вас предпочтительным. Возможно, кому-то будет удобнее ознакомиться с оглавлением книги и прочитать только заинтересовавшие его разделы.
Public policy and private education in Japan
This comprehensive book explores the intricate landscape of public policy and private education in Japan. The authors, Estelle James and Gail Benjamin, delve into the historical and cultural background of Japanese education, examining various aspects such as the educational reforms under the Tokugawa Shogunate and the American Occupation, the school environment, the structure of private education, and the economic and social returns of education investment. The book provides a thorough analysis of the private educational sector, touching on topics like subsidies, tuition fees, and educational quality. It is a profound resource for understanding the dynamics of private and public education in one of the world's most developed countries.
The technical literature devoted to perturbation methods in me chanics has burgeoned since this book appeared in 1964. Techniques for treating singular perturbation problems, then unfamiliar and esoteric, are now part of the analytical apparatus of anyone interested in research. Applications in continuum mechanics, first limited mainly to classical fluid dynamics and linear elasticity, have spread over a wide range of fields, and new techniques are being developed while older ones are refined. The resulting research papers, even if restricted to fluid mechanics, number in the thousands. Other books have meanwhile appeared to codify and guide this body of work. Those of an applied character similar to this one are the books of Bellman (1964), Cole (1968), and Navfeh (1973). More mathematically oriented treatments include O'Malley (1968, 1974) and Eckhaus (1973).
Ordinary people, extraordinary lives
My relationship to Tōhoku began in 1974 and came about as a result of two years spent at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies from 1969 to 1971. This relationship with Tōhoku intensified following my academic appointment to the faculty of the East-West Center, where I was able to closely observe and participate in the transformative changes occurring in Japanese society. This book recounts the extraordinary adaptations and contributions of ordinary villagers in Tōhoku, Japan, documenting their political and economic transformations and their intricate interactions within the community across several decades.
Путешествие на всю жизнь.
Как-то в руки мне попала очень красивая книга. Я долго расматривал картинки и фотографии. Что было изображено на одних - понял, что на других - нет.
Japan's technical standards: implications for global trade and competitiveness
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the Japanese technical standards system and its implications for global trade and competitiveness. It explores the role of standards in different industries, the impact of globalization, and the specific challenges and opportunities faced by Japanese enterprises. Through a collection of essays and studies, the book offers valuable insights into technological infrastructures, R&D, and policy issues in Japan.