Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Социология в России после трудного становления приоб- рела статус самостоятельной науки. На этом пути были и от- крытия, и надежды, и разочарования, маленькие победы и крупные поражения, ибо долгие годы догматический стиль мышления, боязнь нововведений сдерживали ее развитие. Но, несмотря на все противоречия, социологическая мысль вы- жила и продолжает развиваться.
Diplom loyiha bajarish
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma diplom loyiha ishini bajarish uchun qismlardan iborat ekanligi, mavzularning ketma ketligi va hisoblash usullari keltirilgan. Uslubiy qo'llanmada DL ishlarini texnologik qismi atroflicha yoritilgan bo'lib, unda loyihalanayotgan ip uchun saralanma tanlash, paxta tolasining yangi selektsiya navlari, zamonaviy xorijiy texnologiyalar haqidagi ma'lumotlar atroflicha yoritilgan.
Электромагнетизм и оптика
Данная работа является методическим пособием к лабораторным занятиям по курсу «Физика». Каждое описание снабжено краткой теорией, проиллюстрировано рисунками, имеет перечень контрольных вопросов.
Механика, молекулярная физика и электричество
Данная работа является методическим пособием к лабораторным занятиям по курсу «Физика». Каждое описание снабжено краткой теорией, проиллюстрировано рисункам, имеет перечень контрольных вопросов. Методическое пособие утверждено на заседании кафедры Физики и рекомендовано к изданию решением Научно-методического совета института.
Академия наук Византийский временник
В последние годы в византиноведческой литературе все более часто высказывается мысль о том, что институт парикии IX—XII вв. генети- чески связан с колонатом свободных колонов 1., в особенности с арендой свободных колонов 1.
Социальноэкономический строй орхоно- енисейскийх ТЮРОК 6-8 веков
Заслугой советских историков является то, что они опровергают бур- жуазное представление о кочевниках, столь долго и настойчиво наса- ждавшееся буржуазной наукой. В советской исторической науке изуче- ние кочевников — это совершенно новая проблема, которая во многом далеко еще не разрешена.
World history
The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) was a major military conflict that took place in Europe in the 18th century and is one of the largest military conflicts of modern history. The war took place not only in Europe, The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) was a major military conflict that took place
Management sociology
Work has always been social in nature. Because the laws of society require it. As soon as people came into the world and began their conscious lives, they felt the need to work together. This need has been different in different periods. The only feature common to all eras is explained by the management process. At a certain stage of society's development, the need for society to be managed by people with special skills and knowledge began to emerge. Later, the number of ruling people increased, they became a separate social group, and then a caste. As this social class expanded, a governing body called the state began to emerge.
Electronic Educational and metnodological complex
This program of the science of philosophy of Natural Science, which plays an important role in the upbringing and cultivation of a highly spiritual person, in the formation of his scientific worldview, comprehensively developed, covers such issues as the basis of the Humanities of society, its components, general laws and categories, the essence of natural phenomena and processes, natural systems and laws of their In particular, the importance of this science is also evident in Uzbekistan in the context of the world Tabbi-scientific revolutions taking place in the following years, through the reproduction of scientific discoveries and inventions, the creation of new theories and the explanation and consistent implementation of their philosophical nature, as well as the achievements in this regard.
Electronic Educational and metnodological complex Isakova N.A.
In the discipline" Introduction to translation studies" is studied the transiting problems and issues. The subject of introduction to translation studies is interrelated with other specialized subjects in the curriculum of this field of study and is taught during the 5th and 6th semesters, according to the sequence and content of the modules. This subject is a general professional subject and is taught in modules during the academic year.
Educational methodological complex of the subject Computer graphics and web design
It was considered a good way for a web page. But this language took hundreds of pages to explain the legal provisions. It would take a lot of time to develop a program that describes a page created on the basis of such a language, so a certain part of the SGML language was selected for the needs of the Internet and called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). A Web page file written in HTML contains a series of instructions on how to display information. This file is a plain text file that is difficult to read without special browser software. Graphical images cannot be viewed at all, because instead of them, the browser has a TEG indicating that the program needs an image. If we want to create our own web page, we will definitely need to know HTML language well.
Curriculum complex From world economy and international economik relations
One of the important tasks of international economic organizations is to prepare statistical analyzes and reports on the development of the world economy. Publications of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (World Economic Outlook), World Bank Group (World Development Report), UNCTAD (World Investment Report), World Trade Organization (WTO) (World Trade Report) and other organizations are widely used in practice. Nature and forms of international economic relations. The activity of the world economy as a system is related to the movement of goods, services and production factors. International economic relations arise on the basis of this connection. International economic relations are economic relations between residents and non-residents.
IN ancient time conflicts How essential side social ties were considered in the mythology and religion of different peoples, folklore And monuments ancient literature, judgments antique thinkers. In the ancient laws of the Hittite king Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) contains dozens of ways to resolve conflict situations. By According to legend, King Solomon (965-928 BC) became famous for his wisdom and skill avoid And allow conflicts. IN Russians giving considered socio- political conflicts Togo time.
Острые лейкозы
Во втором издании книги (первое вышло в 1978 г.) освещены данные о распространенности острых лейкозов, глубже раскрыты основные этапы цитогенеза, детально рассмотрены иммунологические аспекты острых лейкозов.
To‘qimachilik materiallarini o‘rash nazariyasi
„To'qimachilikmateriallarini о‘rash nazariyasi“ fani ip vaipsimon materiallami o‘rab joylama hosil qilishning nazariy asoslarini va amaliy jihatlarini o'rganish va tadqiq qilishda ishlatiladigan asosiy matematik usul va hisoblash vositalaridan foydalanish, o‘rash mexanizmlari turlari, tuzilishi va ulami loyihalashning zamonaviy usullarini, o‘rash jarayonlari va о‘rash joylamaiarini loyihalash usullari va bunda talab qilingan ko'rsatkichlami ta’mmlash yo'llari va imkoniyatlarini o'rganishga qaratilgan. Darslik 5A520712, 5A540501, 5A540502, 5A540503, 5A540505 mutaxassisliklari hamda 5520700 va 5540500 yo‘nalishlari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan.