Command Line Git - Everything you need to know to get started
The goal of this book is to get you up and running using Git fromthe command line as quickly as possible without overwhelming you with too much information.To make the learning process more intuitive and engaging, I use mental models, analogies and metaphors to help you understand and remember the concepts.I also use diagrams and illustrations. They help you visualize complex ideas and also serve as a bit of entertainment to keep youengaged.
Shell Scripting for Cybersecurity
This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significantportion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CDROM of examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission.
Укув кулланмада баён этилган маълумотлар «Органик кимё» курси буйича мавжуд дастур асосида ёзилган. Унда органик бирикмаларнинг синфларга ажратилиши, шунингдек, уларнинг гомологик катори, изомерияси ва номенклатураси билан бирга тукимачилик ва енгил саноатда ишлатиладиган хом ашёнинг кимёвий тузилиши ва хоссалари хакида хам суз юритилган.
O 'quv qo‘llanmada organik kimyoning boshlang'ich asoslari tizimli ravishda A.M .Butlerovning organik moddalarning kimyoviy tuzilish nazariyasi asosida bayon qilingan. Oddiy va qo‘shbog‘laming tabiati kvant mexanikasi ma’lumotlari asosida sodda, tushunarli bayon qilingan.
Java Systems Design Interview Challenger
The Systems Design interview is a difficult one. You need the knowledge and the strategy. You need to know how to handle it. Otherwise, the chances to pass in such an interview are very low. Even if you are knowledgeble.
Java Image Processing Recipes
OpenCV, the computer vision library, has always been one of the tools to work on imaging- and vision-related projects, even more so with every improvement in AI and neural networks. But OpenCV was always taking some time to get the right libraries, and the right build tools, and the right build settings, and so forth. The vision of the Clojure wrapper Origami is to bring you all the power of OpenCV to your hands almost instantly, along with a pleasurable syntax. This way we hope you can focus and spend your time entirely on the job, not on the tool.
Mazkuro'quv qollanma 5140200-fizika ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalariga mo'ljallangan bo‘lib, Oliy ta'lim Davlat ta'lim standarti, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta'Iim vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan o'quv rejasi va o‘quv dasturiga muvofiq tayyorlangan.
Java Challenges
First of all, thank you for choosing this book. Here you will find a wide range of practice exercises on a broad mix of topics that will improve your knowledge in an entertaining way. It can also help prepare you for job interviews and will certainly help improve your problem-solving skills.
Clean Code Fundamentals
This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.
Java Essentials
An introduction to Java, covering its architecture, key features, and the evolution across versions, setting the stage for your programming journey. Step-by-step instructions on setting up your Java environment, including configuring system variables, integrating build tools, and mastering version control with Git. A deep dive into the fundamentals of Java programming, exploring variables, data type operators, conditional statements, and looping mechanisms to solidify your coding prowess. Practical coverage of arrays and strings, enabling you to manipulate data with ease and understand advanced concepts and string operations.
Механика ва молекуляр физикадан практикум
Қўлланма умумий физиканинг физикавий механика ва молекуляр физика бўлимларига оид лабаратория ишини ўз ичига олади.
Classic Computer Science Problems in Python
This book is not an introduction to Python. There are numerous excellent books from Manning and other publishers in that vein.1 Instead, this book assumes that you are already an intermediate or advanced Python programmer. Although this book requires Python 3.7, mastery of every facet of the latest version of Python is not assumed. In fact, the book’s content was created with the assumption that it would serve as learning material to help readers achieve such mastery. On the other hand, this book is not appropriate for readers completely new to Python.
Арxитектура физикаси
“Архитектура физикаси” (“Қурилиш иссиқлик техникаси” бўлими) фанидан ҳисоб-график ишларни бажариш учун ишлаб чиқилган. Ташқи тўсувчи конструкцияларни лойиҳалаш учун норматив талабларни ҳисобга олган ҳолда мисоллар келтирилган. Услубий қўлланма “Қурилиш” кафедрасида тайёрланган бўлиб, 60730300 “Бино ва иншоотлар қурилиши” таълим йўналиши бўйича таҳсил олаётган талабалар учун мўлжалланган.
Inter-Service Communication with Go
Modern software architecture often consists of multiple services that communicate with each other. Designing and building efficient and performant inter-service communication is essential. Without it, a solution will not provide a proper user experience. The Go programming language has become the preferred language for backend services due to its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency support.
Chaos Engineering
The book provides examples of chaos engineering experiments across the applica-tion layer, at the operating system level, into containers, on hardware resources, on the network, and even in a web browser. Each of these areas alone is worthy of an entire chapter, if not book; you get the benefit of exploring the full breadth of possi-ble experiments with an experienced facilitator to guide you through. Miko hits dif-ferent ways each area can be affected in just the right level of detail to give you confidence to try it yourself in your own stack.
0 ‘quv qo‘llanma matematik fizika tenglamalari faniga bag'ishlangan. Unda matematik fizika tenglamalari haqida umumiy tushunchalar, matematik fizikaning asosiy tenglamalari va ularni keltirib chiqarish hamda bu tenglamalar uchun asosiy boshlang‘ich-chegaraviy masalalarning qo'yilishi va ularni yechishning ayrim usullari bayon qilingan.