Elektronika. Radiotexnika
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Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Radioastronomiya zamonaviy astronomiyaning yirik yo`nalishlaridan biri bo`lib, uning kuzatuv asoslari nisbatan juda yaxshi rivojlangan. Bu yo`nalish tarixi qator kuzatuv sohasidagi yutuqlardan iborat. Karl Yanskiy 1931-1932 yillarda o`zining fanda yaxshi ma`lum bo`lgan dastlabki Radioastronomik kuzatuvlarini o`tkazgan. U 14,6 m to`lqin uzunligida radioshovqinlarini o`rgandi. Uning tajribalarida birinchi bo`lib Yer atmosferasidan tashqarida hosil bo`ladigan radionurlanishlar qayd qilindi.
The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
One may justifiability wonder why anyone would take the time to put a decadeold book on astrophysics on the WEB. Several events of the past few months have led me to believe that may well be some who wish to learn about the basics of stellar structure. Since the fundamentals of stellar astrophysics have changed little in the past decade and as this book has been out of print for nearly that long, I felt that some may still find it useful for learning the basics. The task was somewhat facilitated by my discovery of some old machine-readable disks that contained a version of the book including some of the corrections to the published version. With considerable help from Charles Knox, I was able to retrieve the information from the out-dated format and transfer the text to a contemporary word processor. However, the equations were lost in the process so that their inclusion in this edition had to take another form. This was accomplished by scanning the originals from the book and correcting those with errors in a variety of ways. This accounts for the fonts of the equations being somewhat at variance with that of the text. However, I believe that difference does not detract significantly from the understandability of the material. The most common form of correction was to simply re-set them with an equation editor embedded in the WORD processor. Equations look somewhat different from the others. However, the ability to correct errors that arose in the published edition seemed to out weigh any visual inconvenience.
Счастливый мозг. Как работает мозг и откуда берется счастье
Из этой книги вы узнаете: • Что вызывает счастье и почему • Зависит ли наше счастье от способности к самоконтролю • Как на счастье влияет наша генетика • Могут ли деньги сделать вас счастливым человеком • Что движет любителями ужастиков и острых ощущений • Зачем нашему мозгу дом • Бывает ли вечное счастье, и хотим ли мы этого
The Fourth State of Matter
To invade The Fourth State of Matter and to present it in a popular comprehensive book is not an easy task. This might explain why very few, if any, popular books on plasma science are available on the market today. Books of this type are not only interesting but also very useful to the general public as well as to students, engineers and scientists. To our satisfaction the first edition is still being cited on the Internet by leading prominent web sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica and NASA. After the first edition was sold out we received many requests for copies of the book. The above encouraged us to write the second edition of The Fourth State of Matter.
Соя навларининг ҳосилдорлигига маъдан ўғитларнинг таъсири
Илмий ишнинг мақсади: Асосий экин сифатида экилган соя навларининг ривожланишини, ҳосил шаклланишини тадқиқот қилиб, юқори дон ҳосилини таъминлайдиган соя навини танлаб, муқобил ўғит меъёрининг таъсирини аниқлаб беришдир.
Жаҳонда иқтисодий хавфсизликни таъминлаш асосида миллий иқтисодиётни рағбатлантириш, ўзаро манфаатли иқтисодий муносабатларни ривожлантириш, ресурслардан самарали фойдаланиш, инфратузилмани такомиллаштириш ва янгилаш, аҳолининг иқтисодий фаоллигини ошириш, барқарор ижтимоий муҳитни яратиш муҳим аҳамият касб этмоқда. Чунки, дунё аҳолиси сони ва мобиллигининг ўсиши, кексалар улушининг ортиши каби мислсиз демографик ўзгаришлар иктисодий хавфсизликка таҳдид солмасдан қолмайди.
Ushbu o’quv – uslubiy majmua mutaxassislik fani sifatida 5140400 - Astronomiya ta’lim yo’nalishi talabalariga va tanlov fani sifatida 5A140401 – Astronomiya (tadqiqot yo’nalishi bo’yicha) mutaxassisligi magistrantlariga Quyosh fizikasidan yozilgandir O’quv – uslubiy majmuada Quyosh aktivligi va Quyosh shamoli, Quyosh Quyoshi va ularning xarakteristikalari, Quyoshning ichki tuzilishi, Quyosh temperaturasini aniqlash usullari to’la yoritib berilgan. Turli yulduzlar va ularning qonuniyatlari, Yulduzlar sistemalari to’g’risida bakalavr va magistrantlar uchun etarli bilim va ko’nikma olishlari uchun ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Жаҳонда сувдан фойдаланиш самарадорлиги оширишда молиявий ресурсларни жалб этиш ва окилона ишлатилишини таъминлашга қаратилган илмий тадқиқотлар амалга оширилмоқда. Жумладан, сув ресурсларидан фойдаланишни самарали ташкил этиш, сувдан фойдаланиш харажатларини ҳамда тарифларини макбул тарзда шакллантириш, мазкур жараёнлар самарадорлигини оширишда молия механизмнинг умумий таъсирини аниқлаш ва таъсирчанлигини кучайтириш, алоҳида молиявий дастакларнинг сув ресурсларидан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини оширишга таъсирини баҳолаш муаммоларини тадқиқ этишга алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда.
The Foundations Of Celestial Mechanics
Celestial mechanics is a course that is fast disappearing from the curricula of astronomy departments across the country. The pressure to present the new and exciting discoveries of the past quarter century has led to the demise of a number of traditional subjects. In point of fact, very few astronomers are involved in traditional celestial mechanics. Indeed, I doubt if many could determine the orbital elements of a passing comet and predict its future path based on three positional measurements without a good deal of study. This was a classical problem in celestial mechanics at the turn of this century and any astronomer worth his degree would have had little difficulty solving it. Times, as well as disciplines, change and I would be among the first to recommend the deletion from the college curriculum of the traditional course in celestial mechanics such as the one I had twenty five years ago.
Ҳозирда жаҳоннинг етакчи илмий марказлари ва илмий-тадқиқот муассасаларида бюджетлараро муносабатларни такомиллаштиришнинг қуйидаги муаммолари ва илмий йўналишлари тадқиқ этилмоқда: бюджет майдони ичида харажатлар эҳтиёжларини ва тенглаштириш дастурларининг асосий жиҳатларини аниқлашда мавжуд инновацион усуллар ва услубий ёндашувларни ишлаб чиқишни такомиллаштириш, «харажатларни бошқариш» парадигмасидан «натижаларни бошқариш» парадигмасига ўтиш (натижага йўналтирилган бюджетлаштириш), давлат молиясини бошқариш самарадорлигини ошириш мақсадида иқтисодий-математик моделлаштириш ва прогнозлашнинг кенг кўламли усулларини қўллаш, давлат бюджетлари учун интеграциялашган ахборот муҳитини яратиш учун замонавий рақамли технологияларни жорий этиш ва ҳоказо.
The First Three Minutes
This book grew out of a talk I gave at the dedication of the Undergraduate Science Center at Harvard in November 1973. Erwin Glikes, president and publisher of Basic Books, heard of this talk from a mutual friend, Daniel Bell, and urged me to turn it into a book. At first I was not enthusiastic about the idea. Although I have done small bits of research in cosmology from time to time, my work has been much more concerned with the physics of the very small, the theory of elementary particles. Also, elementary particle physics has been extraordinarily lively in the last few years, and I had been spending too much time away from it, writing non-technical articles for various magazines. I wanted very much to return full time to my natural habitat, the Physical Review.
The Finite Element Method
This volume appears for the first time in a separate form. Though part of it has been updated from the second volume of the fourth edition, in the main it is an entirely new work. Its objective is to separate the fluid mechanics formulations and applications from those of solid mechanics and thus perhaps to reach a different interest group. Though the introduction to the finite element method contained in the first volume (the basis) is general, in it we have used, in the main, examples of elastic solids. Only a few applications to areas such as heat conduction, porous media flow and potential field problems have been presented. The reason for this is that all such problems are self-adjoint and that for such self-adjoint problems Galerkin procedures are optimal. For convection dominated problems the Galerkin process is no longer optimal and it is here that most of the fluid mechanics problems lie. The present volume is devoted entirely to fluid mechanics and uses in the main the methods introduced in Volume 1. However, it then enlarges these to deal with the non-self-adjoint problems of convection which are essential to fluid mechanics problems.
Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Electromagnetics
The finite difference time domain (FDTD) approach is rapidly becoming one of the most widely used computational methods in electromagnetics. There are several reasons for this, including the increased availability of low cost but powerful computers, and increasing interest in electromagnetic interactions with complicated geometries, which include penetrable dielectric and/or magnetic materials. Just as important perhaps is the extreme simplicity of the method. The fundamentals of FDTD can be grasped easily by undergraduate students, more easily than traditional frequency-domain approaches to electromagnetics. Yet FDTD is capable of computing electromagnetic interactions for problem geometries that are extremely difficult to analyze by other methods. It is this combination of simplicity and power that makes FDTD such a popular method.
The Fabric of Cosmos
Space and time capture the imagination like no other scientific subject. For good reason. They form the arena of reality, the very fabric of the cosmos. Our entire existence-everything we do, think, and experiencetakes place in some region of space during some interval of time. Yet science is still struggling to understand what space and time actually are. Are they real physical entities or simply useful ideas? If they're real, are they fundamental, or do they emerge from more basic constituents? What does it mean for space to be empty? Does time have a beginning? Does it have an arrow, flowing inexorabiy from past to future, as common experience would indicate? Can we manipulate space and time? In this book, we follow three hundred years of passionate sc~entific investigation seeking answers, or at least glimpses of answers, to such basic but deep questions about the nature of the universe.
Ўзбекистонда бюджет ва солиқ сиёсати соҳасида олиб борилаётган ислоҳотлар давлат бюджетининг очиқлиги ва шаффофлигини таъминлаш, бюджетни шакллантириш, қабул қилиш ва ижро этиш, унинг назоратини амалга ошириш ҳамда мониторингини юритиш, шунингдек, соҳага жаҳон стандартлари тизимларини жорий этиш, жамоатчиликни бюджет жараёнига жалб қилиш даражасини оширишга қаратилган. «Бюджет ҳисобидан маблағ ажратиладиган хар кандай дастур ёки лойиҳанинг сифат ва миқдор кўрсаткичларидан иборат, натижага йўналтирилган индикаторлари бўлиши керак».
It is difficult to begin by answering these questions clearly and convincingly. This would be much easier, though quite superfluous, at the end of the book. We find it simpler to say just what this book does not intend to be. We have not written a textbook of physics. Here is no systematic course in elementary physical facts and theories. Our intention was rather to sketch in broad outline the attempts of the human mind to find a connection between the world of ideas and the world of phenomena. We have tried to show the active forces which compel science to invent ideas corresponding to the reality of our world. But our representation had to be simple. Through the maze of facts and concepts we had to choose some highway which seemed to us most characteristic and significant. Facts and theories not reached by this road had to be omitted. We were forced, by our general aim, to make a definite choice of facts and ideas. The importance of a problem should not be judged by the number of pages devoted to it. Some essential lines of thought have been left out, not because they seemed to us unimportant, but because they do not lie along the road we have chosen.