Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Data Science A First Introduction with Python
This textbook aims to be an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, we define data science as the process of generating insight from data through reproducible and auditable processes. If you analyze some data and give your analysis to a friend or colleague, they should be able to rerun the analysis from start to finish and get the same result you did (reproducibility). They should also be able to see and understand all the steps in the analysis, as well as the history of how the analysis developed (auditability). Creating reproducible and auditable analyses allows both you and others to easily double-check and validate your work.
Дифференциальные уравнения
В пособии представлены общие теоритческие сведения о дифференциальных уравнениях и методы численного интегрирования отдельных типов уравнений первого и высшых порядков, а также систем дифференциальных уравнений. Большое внимание уделено задачам из геометрии, требующим составления и решения дифференциальных уравнений.
Complete Digital Design
This book’s focus is explaining the real-world implementation of complete digital systems. In do-ing so, the reader is prepared to immediately begin design and implementation work without being left to wonder about the myriad ancillary topics that many texts leave to independent and sometimes painful discovery. A complete perspective is emphasized, because even the most elegant computer architecture will not function without adequate supporting circuits.
O`quv qo`llanmada fizikani o`rganishda muhim hisoblangan matematik apparatga ham keng o`rin berilgan.
Communication Patterns A Guide for Developers and Architects
This book covers one of the most important aspects of software development, the so-called “soft skills,” which ironically present the biggest challenges for many developers. It is chock-full of patterns and advice, some of which are obvious in hindsight, which are often the hardest to see beforehand. Highly useful and recommended for technologists at all levels
Fizikadan praktikum Optika va kvant fizika
Qo'llanma optika va kvant fizikaga oid laboratoriya ishlari va mashqlarni o`z ichiga olgan.
Mexanika-yig`uv sexlarini loyihalash
Qo'llanmada mexanika-yig`uv sexlarini loyihalashda ko`riladigan masalalar, sexni rejalashtirishda bajariladigan hisob-kitob ishlari, jihozlari va ish joylarini, ombor, texnik xizmat ko`rsatish va qirindilarni qayta ishlash tizimlarini loyihalash masalalari yoritib berilgan.
Code Mosaic Learn AI-Driven Development and Modern Best Practices for Enterprise
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
Магистратурада илмий-педагогик ишни ташкил этиш методикаси
Методик қўлланмада магистратура талабалари учун ташкил этиладиган илмий-педагогик ишнинг мазмуни, ўтказиш тартиби ва уни баҳолаш тизими ёри-тилган. Методик қўлланма магистратура талабалари, уларнинг илмий аҳбарлари ҳамда мутахассис тайёрловчи кафедра мудирлари учун мўлжалланган.
Cloud Computing Concepts, Technology, Security & Architecture
This book is a solid and comprehensive overview of the cloud concepts and the real mechanics of how the cloud works. It does a nice job of not only explaining cloud function and architecture but the business impact. It’s a great foundation for creating a cloud roadmap.
O‟zbekiston tog` tuproqlari
Sizga tavsiya etilgan ushbu o‟quv qo‟llanma “O‟zbekiston tog” tuproqlari” fanini o‟rganishda foydalanishga mo‟ljallangan. Ushbu o‟quv qo‟llanma foydalanuvchilarga respublikamizda tarqalgan tog‟ tuproqlarini o‟rganishda yordam beradi. O‟quv qo‟llanma bakalavriat talabalari uchun mo‟ljallangan
Chizma geometriya va muxandislik grafikasi
0 ‘quv qoMlanmada chizma geometriyaning nazariy asoslari, proyeksiyalash usuliari, nuqta va to‘g‘ri chiziqning ortogonal proyeksiyalari, tekislik, tekislik va to ‘g‘ri chiziq, ikki tekislik, proyeksiyalami qayta tuzish usuliari, sirtlar va ulaming yoyilmalari, aksonometrik proyeksiyalami qurish, tayanch iboralar, masalalar yechish algoritmi, nazorat topshiriqlari variantlari va uslubiy ko‘rsatmalar bayon qilingan. 0 ‘quv qo‘llanma texnika oliy o‘quv yurtlari bakalavrlari uchun tayyorlangan bo‘lib, undan texnika yo'nalishidagi kollej o'quvchilari hamda chizma geometriya va chizmachilik mutaxassislari ham foydalanishlari
Макамат в истории исламской цивилизации взаимосвяз
Макамат в истории исламской цивилизации взаимосвяз.
Mehmonxonalarda axborot-kommunikatsion tizimlar
Qo'llanmada serviz va turizm sohasida mavjud axborot texnologiyalarini qo`llash va joriy etishda bilimlar berish bilan bir qatorda ularda tizimli yondashuni shakllantirishdirdan iborat.
Lotin yozuviga asoslangan yangi o'zbek alifbosi va imlosi.
Талабалар мазкур ўқув қўлланма орқали янги алифбодаги ҳарфларнинг босма ва ёзма шакллари, уларнинг ўқилиши, кирилл алифбосидаги ҳарфларга ўхшаш ва улардан фарқли томонлари, янги имло қоидалари билан танишадилар.