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Инструкция по сигнализации на железных дорогах Республики Узбекистан
Инструкция по сигнализации на железных дорогах Республики Узбекистан (далее — настоящая Инструкция) устанавливает систему видимых и звуковых сигналов для передачи приказов и указаний, относящихся к движению поездов и маневровой работе, а также типы сигнальных приборов, при помощи которых эти сигналы подаются
Рекомендации по оценке и обеспечению безопасности гидротехнических сооружений
В работе рассмотрены способы определения категорий опасности гидротехнических сооружений, выбора и назначения критериев безопасности, методы определения вероятности на-ступления отдельных событий, оценки уровня риска возникновения аварии, особенности разрушения.
Табиий танланиш ҳақида баҳс
Чарлз Дарвиннинг "Турларнинг келиб чиқиши" номли асари тирик табиатнинг тарихий тараққиёти ва бу тараққиётни одам манфаати учун бошқариш йўллари қонуни ҳқидаги фанга асос солди.
Мустаҳкам оила-жамият пойдевори
Бу китобда эзгулик, Халқ мақоллари, ватанни улуғлаш, маънавиятни қадрлаш, оилани мустаҳкамлаш ва яхшиликка ундовчи шиорий матнлар, шеърий мисралар жамлангандир.
Безопасность и эксплуатационная надежность гидротехнических сооружений
Практикум разработан для практического освоения курса дисциплины. Безопасность и эксплуатационная надежность гидротехнических сооружений
World Tax reform: Case Studies of Developed and Developing Countries
World Tax reform: Case Studies of Developed and Developing Countries
Ҳаёт чегаралари (Космик биология проблемалари)
Космик фазони автоматик асбоблар ёрдами билан текширувчи Ер сунъий йўлдошларининг учирилиши фан тараққиётида янги замонни, инсоният тарихида янги даврни очиб берди.
In this qualification paper the theoretical bases of effectively applying advanced ICT was investigated deeply, electronic document flow to enterprises, the state of the Uzbek market. On the example of the company "Accelarated Business Consulting" were analyzed, as well as, the suggestions were given on the ways of effective implementation of modern ICT.
Битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади телекоммуникация соҳасида инновацион фаолиятни тадқиқ қилиш, ушбу жараёнларни бошқариш, чет эл телекоммуникация компанияларининг амалий тажрибаси асосида янги инноватив услубиётларини ишлаб чиқиш ва уларни маҳаллий компанияларда қўллашдан иборат. Ишнинг сўнгида самарали инновацион ғояларни коммуникация сохасига қуллаш усуллари тавсия қилинган.
The alternative energy development as a priority of accelerating the modernization and the structural changes of Uzbekistan economy
In condition of globalization of the world economy, demand for electricity is rising extremely. Currently, oil, natural gas, coal and uranium are the world's major sources of energy. Due to the continuing use of limited natural resources, environment to reserves are depleting from year to year and it made an impact. According to economists, if the world's natural resources are used in this way, the world's oil reserves could provide us from 45 up to 50 years, coal 165-170 years, natural gas 70-75 years, brown coal 450-500 years
It is аn open seсret thаt bаnks аre the most importаnt link in the world of moneу. This is beсаuse, first of аll, bаnks nowаdауs perform the mаin pаrt of the work of trаnsferring moneу from а сustomer to а seller, bу operаting the sуstem of pауments in the eсonomу. Аlmost everуone in the world uses or hаs used bаnking serviсes. Fаmilies keep their sаvings there, аnd bаnks pау them interest rаtes on their deposits аnd give them loаns to buу expensive goods. Сompаnies сonduсt pауments through them. Сommerсiаl orgаnizаtions, whiсh work аt the mаrket аnd in produсtion, tаke loаns for their needs аnd сonduсt аll pауments with buуers аnd sellers through them. Lаndowners аnd owners of reаl estаte tаke loаns from the bаnks to buу аn estаte or to mаke use of it аnd pау bасk loаned moneу
As mentioned below, after the independence of Uzbekistan there were created systematic approaches for the economic reforms, legal bases of market economy, the conditions of building and developing democratic society in Uzbekistan. If fact that our country as in other fields of social life has made great achievements in an economic sector in independence years. As our President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree Number UP-4720 on “On measures on introduction of modern methods of corporate management in joint stock companies”1 on 24 April 2015
Замонавий матбуотда муаммоли мақолаларнинг ўрни ва аҳамияти
Мазкур илмий тўпламда ёритилаётган мақолалар Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университети халқаро журналистика факультетининг 2011-2012 йил битирувчи магистр талабаларининг муаммоли мақолада факт ва унинг журналистик талқини фани доирасида олган билимлари асосида тайёрланади.
Атмосферадаги фалокатли ҳодисалар
Атмосфера-лотинча сўз бўлиб. унинг луғавий маъноси ҳаво қатлами демакдир.
After gaining independence, much attention is paid to the development of the education sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan; especially significant attention is paid to the education and upbringing of the youth. To correspond the standards of higher education in Uzbekistan to the world standards, modern educational methods are implemented in the education system and new innovative approaches are introduced into the curricula of the educational process. For this reason, the creation of new generation educational textbooks and manuals in higher education institutions is a requirement of the time. The creation of the textbook "ITRelated English" is the proof of the above.