Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Hozirgi o`zbek adabiy tili
Ushbu daislik 5 111 200- o'zbek tili va adabiyoti yo nalishi bo'yicha yangilangan klassifikator asosida qayta ishlandi va to'ldinldi U ‘Hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tili” o'quv fanining “Kirish”, “Fonetika va fonologiya”, “Grafika, orfografiya va punktuatsiya”, “Orfoepiya", “Leksikologiya”, “Frazeologiya” va “Leksikografiya” bo'limlarmi o 'z ichiga olgan.Har bir bo'limda hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tilining strukturaviy va sistemaviy xususiyatlanni, fonetik-fonologik, leksik-semantik birliklaming lisoniy va nutqiy jihatlarini, tasniflanish asoslarini bayon etishga alohida e'tibor qaratildi
“They say / I say” : the moves that matter in academic writing / FIFTH EDITION
EXPERIENCED WRITING INSTRUCTORS have long recognized that writing well means entering into conversation with others. Academic writing in particular calls on writers not simply to express their own ideas but to do so as a response to what others have said. The first-year writing program at our own university, according to its mission statement, asks “students to participate in ongoing conversations about vitally important academic and public issues.” A similar statement by another program holds that “intellectual writing is almost always composed in response to others’ texts.” Because of its centrality, we have allowed the “they say / I say” format to dictate the structure of this book. So while Part 1 addresses the art of listening to others, Part 2 addresses how to offer one’s own response.
Mesopotamian Archaeology
This work, which owes its origin to a suggestion made by Dr. Wallis Budge, represents an endeavour on the part of the writer to give a brief account of the civilization of ancient Babylonia and Assyria in the light of this new material.
Deutsche Stilistik
Die letzten Jahzehnte haben bedeutende Ergebnisse auf dem Geblet der Stilistik gebracht. In zahreichen einschlagigen Lehrbuchern, Monographien, Dissertationen und Beitragen wurden grundlegende Prinzipien sowie einzelne Teilbereiche weiterentwickelt und im Einklang mit dem Fortschritt der Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft und anderer gesellschaftlicher Disziplinen umgewertet.
“THEY SAY I SAY” The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing FOURTH EDITION
Because of its centrality, we have allowed the “they say / I say” format to dictate the structure of this book. So while Part 1 addresses the art of listening to others, Part 2 addresses how to offer one’s own response. Part 1 opens with a chapter on “Starting with What Others Are Saying” that explains why it is generally advisable to begin a text by citing others rather than plunging directly into one’s own views. Subsequent chapters take up the arts of summarizing and quoting what these others have to say. Part 2 begins with a chapter on different ways of responding, followed by chapters on marking the shift between what “they say” and what “I say,” on introducing and answering objections, and on answering the all-important questions: “so what?” and “who cares?” Part 3 offers strategies for “Tying It All Together,” beginning with a chapter on connection and coherence; followed by a chapter on academic language, encouraging students to draw on their everyday voice as a tool for writing; and including chapters on the art of metacommentary and using templates to revise a text.
Таджики долины Хуф
Уникальная книга в двух томах члена-корреспондента Академии наук СССР М. С. Андреева «Таджики долины Хуф», изданная 60 лет назад, является практически единственным и основным этнографическим исследованием быта и культуры таджиков верховья Амударьи. Она не только не утратила своей научной ценности, но и остается одним из самых востребованных и важных источников антропологического изучения исторической жизни макрорегиона Центральной Азии.
At the beginning of the fourth century BCE Ctesias of Cnidus wrote his twenty-three book History of Persia. Ctesias is a remarkable figure: he lived and worked in the Persian court of the Achaemenid monarchs and, as a doctor, tended to the world’s most powerful kings and queens. His position gave him special insight into the workings of Persian court life and court politics.
Дар ҷараёни инкишофи иҷтимоӣ дар зинаи баркамоли ӯ шакли махсуси шуури ҷамъиятӣ - Шуури фалсафй ташаккул меёбад ва илми фалсафа ҳамчун таҷассуми ин шуур ва таҳлилгару баёнгари масъалаҳои муҳими ҷаҳонбинй пайдо мешавад. Тавлиди фалсафа ҷараёни дурударози гузариш аз ҷаҳонбинии асотирӣ ба ҷустуҷӯи пояи зеҳнии ҷаҳонбинӣ буд.
they say / i say The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
We continue to be thrilled by the reception of our book, which has now sold over a million copies and is assigned in more than 1,500 (over half) the colleges and universities in the United States. We are also delighted that while the audience for our book in composition courses continues to grow, the book is increasingly being adopted in disciplines across the curriculum, confirming our view that the moves taught in the book are central to every academic discipline. This new edition also includes a chapter on “Using the Templates to Revise,” which grew out of our own teaching experience, where we found that the templates in this book had the unexpected benefit of helping students when they revise. We found that when students read over their drafts with an eye for the rhetorical moves represented by the templates they were able to spot gaps in their argument, concessions they needed to make, disconnections among ideas, inadequate summaries, poorly integrated quotations, and other questions they needed to address when revising.
Fiziologiya umumiy biologiyaga, evolutsion ta'limotga va embriologiyaga ham tayanadi, chunki har qanday organizm faoliyatini o'rganish uchun uning taraqqiyot tarixi - filogenezi va ontogenezini bilish lozim. Fiziologiya barcha tibbiyot fanlariga uzviy bog'liq. Sog'lom organizmda ro'y beruvchi fiziologik jarayonlar bilib olingandagina turli kasalliklarda organizmdagi funksiyalarning buzilganligini tushunish, kasalliklarni davolashning to'g'ri yo'llarini belgilash va bu kasalliklardan saqlanish mumkin. Masalan, qon guruhlarining kashf qilinishi, qon quyish kabi tibbiyot uchun muhim tadbirlarga fiziologiya fani asos bo'ldi.
Eski o`zbek yozuvi
Darslikda fan yuzasidan talabalaming savodxonligini oshirish maqsadida larixiy asarlaridan namunalar hamda eski o'zbek tilida keng qo'llanishda bo‘lgan so*zlaming lug*ati berilgan.
Elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish texnologiyalari
Ushbu darslik muallif tomonidan 60112400-Professional ta’lim (60610200- Axborot ti.dmlari va texnologiyalari) bakalavriat ta’lim yo'nalishlaridagi fanlari tarkibidan o‘rin olgan “Elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish texnologiyalari” fan dasturiga muvofiq yaratilgan. Mazkur darslik ‘ Elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish texnologiyalari” namunaviy fan dasturidagi mit’ruza mavzulari keng yoritilgan va o‘zida elektron ta’lim resurslarini yaratish bilan bog’liq masalalami yechishda elektron ta’lim resurslarni yaiatuvchi dasturiy vositalarni o'rganish va ko‘rib chiqish kabi masalalarini qamraydi Darslik yangi pedagogik texnologiyalari asosida yozilgan.
Mazkur darslik Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Konstitustiyasi, Fuqarolik kodeksi va boshqa qonun hujjatlari, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2013 yil 28 iyunda qabul qilingan 1990-son qarorida TDYU oldiga qoʻyilgan talablar asosida yozilgan. Darslik Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti, universitetlarning yuridik fakultetlari, huquq asoslari oʻqitiladigan oliy oʻquv yurtlari talabalariga darslik sifatida tavsiya etiladi. Ushbu darslikdan sud, prokuratura, advokatura, notariat va boshqa organ xodimlari ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
Deutsche Grammatik
In diesem Buch wird alles, was zur deutschen Sprache als Gegenstand der Beschreibung (als "Objektsprache") gehort, kursiv gesetzt. Was hingegen zur deutschen Sprache als Beschreibungssprache (als " Metaspreche")gehort, erscheint in Normaldruck. Besonders Wichtiges wird halbfett wiedergegeben; auch die Uberschriften werden entsprechend drucktechnisch hervorgehoben.
Bolalar psixologiyasi va psixodiagnostikasi
Darslik Pedagogika institutlarining “Maktabgacha ta’lim” bakalavriat ta ’lim yo‘nalishining birinchi bosqich talabalari uchun moijallangan bo‘lib bolalav psixologiyasi fanning metodlari,bolalar rivojlanishining yoshga xos xususiyatlari, yosh davrlari, chaqaloqlik, go‘daklik, ilk boialik va maktabgacha yosh davrida bilish jarayonlari, bolalarning psixik taraqqiyoti, bolalarning maktabga tayyorgarligi, boianing bilish jarayonlari: idrok, diqqat, xotira, sezgi, tafakkur haqida tushuncha berish va uning psixodiagnostikasi bilan tanishtirish haqidagi masalalarni qamrab olgan bo`lib , inson ontogenizidagi rivojlanish to‘g ‘risdagi ilmiy nazariy maiumotlami o‘z ichiga oladi.
Aktyorlik mahorati
Darslik madaniyat va san'at institutlari talabalari hamda san'at ixlosmandlariga mo'ljallangan.