Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Топонимика фани гарчанд мустақил равишда шаклланган бўлсада, у ўз ривожланиш босқичида қатор предметлар билан ўзаро алоқада бўлган ва бу жараён ҳимоя давом этмоқда.
Generating Creative Images With DALL-E 3
Generating Creative Images With DALL-E 3 offers a unique combination of specialized focus, practical guidance, relevance to commercial applications, and ethical awareness. This blend of features sets it apart in the market, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore and master the field of AI-generated art.
Game Development Patterns with Unreal Engine 5
Welcome to Game Development Patterns with Unreal Engine 5. In this book, we will be exploring design patterns, a series of tools and practices through which we can learn to write faster and easier to work with code. We will also be exploring a range of different patterns and learn to apply them to project development in Unreal Engine 5. By the end of this book, you will be able to design systems with the perfect C++/Blueprint blend for maintainable and scalable systems.
На основании обобщения современных научных данных, передоного опыта тренерской практики автор — доктор медицинских наук, профессор А. П. Лаптев рассматривает основные элементы режима футболистов — такие, как рациональный распорядок дня, личная гигиена, закаливание, питание, гигиенические мероприятия при подготовке в сложных условиях. Книга адресуется футболистам, тренерам и спортивным врачам.
Expert Delphi
The world of mobile app development is becoming more and more complex. Technology is continuously evolving. Every day, new versions of mobile operating systems are released in the market. Mobile devices are getting new capabilities. User expectations are constantly growing, and it is harder and harder to meet them.The only way to meet and exceed all challenges in the contemporary world of mobile development is to become a developer superhero. Superheroes have super tools. In this book, we are going to embark on the journey of mastering Delphi development to build mobile apps. We will learn how to develop amazing productivity powers and rapidly build stunning cross-platform mobile apps from one codebase.
Sanoat mahsulotlarini sertifikatlashtirish
O‘quv qo‘llanmada sanoat mahsulotlari haqida umumiy tushunchalar, ularning tasnifi, mahsulotlarning sifat ko‘rsatkichlarini aniqlash, sanoat mahsulotlarini sinash, putur yetkazmasdan nazorat qilish usullari, sertifikatlashtirish faoliyati, sertifikatlashtirish bo‘yicha asosiy tushunchalar, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida sertifikatlashtirish faoliyati, sertifikatlashtirish milliy tizimi, sertifikatlashtirish idoralari va sertifikatlashtirish sxemalari hamda sanoat mahsulotlarini sertifikatlashtirish bo‘yicha muayyan masalalarni yechish to‘g‘risida asosiy ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Мазкур укув кулланма мамлакат ривожланаётган тармоклари, давлат дастурлари асосида жорий этилаётган санъат йуналиши учун кадрлар тайёрлашга хизмат килади. Жумладан, миниатюра ашёларини урганишда ва амалиётга татбик килишда мухим ахамиятга эга.Кулланмада миниатюра асарларини яратишда кулланиладиган ашёлар, когоз, мато, тошкогоз (папье-маше), локли панно, уларга чизишда ишлатиладиган анъанавий, замонавий буёк ва муйкалам турлари, ишлатиш усуллари кенг ёритилган. Бухоро, Самарканд миниатюра мактабларининг узига хослиги,геометрик асослари, улардан нусха олиш, турлаш, сиёхкалам тортиш сирасрорлари батафеил баён этилган. Мазкур кулланма узбек тилида булганлиги сабабли шу соха мутахассислари учун фойдалидир.
Вниманию юного читателя предлагается мини-учебник по самой популярной в мире игре в мяч — футболу.
Executive’s Cybersecurity Program Handbook
The Fog of More is a term created for the onslaught of vendors and cybersecurity professionals who want to throw money at a problem. The problem turns into appliances, with blinky lights, that never get fully implemented or go unused. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars are spent every year on buying the latest and greatest technology only to miss the fundamentals of implementing basic security controls. We, as professionals, need to take a step back and look at the overall current state of the cybersecurity program and decide where we want to go.
Enterprise-Grade Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies
In the last decade, cloud technology has evolved from just another deployment platform into an engine for digital disruption. As modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, edge computing, and quantum computing, continue to build on the foundations laid by cloud agility, scale, and resiliency, the cloud has become an indispensable platform that powers not just IT transformation but also business transformation. Embracing the cloud empowers enterprises to innovate faster, deliver new capabilities more efficiently, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic global marketplace.
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llamada asalari oilasining biologiyasi, asala-ri oilalarini parvarishlash, saqlash va ko‘paytirish, asalari oziqalari, asalari oilalari rivojlanishini jadallashtirish yo‘llari, asalari zotlari va asalarichilikdagi naslchilik ishlari, asalari kasalliklari va ularni davolash usullari hamda asalarichilikka oid boshqa ma’lumotlar bayon etilgan.
“Амалий санъат асарларини таъмирлашда ашёларда ишлаш” ўкув қўлланмаси Ўзбекистан Республикасининг“Таълим тўғрисидаги”, “Кадрлар тайёрлаш миллий дастури” Қонунлари ҳамда Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирлиги томонидан тасдиқданган намунавий ўкув режаси ва малака талаблари асосида амалий санъат йуналишидаги бакалавриат даражасини олувчи “Амалий санъат асарларини таъмирлаш” ихтисослигиталабалари учун мулжалланган. Камолиддин Бехзод номидаги Миллий рассомлик ва дизайн института Илмий Кенгашининг 2020 йил “ сонли карори билан нашрга тавсия этилган.
„Russische Sprachetikette“ ist ein Lehrbuch fur Fortgeschrittene. Es kann fur auslandische Studenten, aber auch fur alle Russischlernenden zur Vervollkommnung ihrer Kenntnisse empfohlen werden. Ziel des vorliegenden Buches ist es, Fertigkeiten fur bestimmte Sprechsituationen zu entwickeln. Es enthalt deshalb thematisch zusamraengefaBte sprachliche Umgangsformen und Erlauterungen zu ihrer Anwendung. Das Buch „Russische Sprachetikette“ ist praktisch angelegt und vermittelt stilistisch differenzierte Varianten der russischen Umgangssprache.
Engineering Manager’s Handbook
Hello and welcome to the Engineering Manager’s Handbook! In this book, we use the term engineering manager as a catch-all term for position titles such as software engineering manager, software development manager, and web development manager. Engineering manager has become the prevailing way to refer to these positions within the world of digital product development, so for better or worse, we will uphold that convention here.
Sahna nutqi
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanmada amaliy mashg'ulotlar mavzular yuzasidan nazariy va amaliy ma'lumotlar, nutq texnikasi bo'yicha bilim va ko'nikmalar, so'z ustida ishlashda tahliliy yondashuv hamda ularning talqini borasidagi tavsiyalarga to'xtalib o'tilgan.