Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Estrada va ommaviy tomoshalar rejissurasi
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma Rejissorlik ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Unda fanning amaliy asoslari va ishlanmalari, amaliy mashqlar hamda misollar berilgan. Birinchi va ikkinchi bosqich talabalari uchun etyudlar ustida ishlash, inssenirovkalar va ularni yaratish usullari haqida so'z boradi.
Iqtisodchilar uchun oily matematikadan masalalar to`plami
O`quv qo`llanma oliy matеmatikadan iqtisodchilarga mo`ljallangan noаn’anaviy dasturlar asosida yaratildi. Unda Oliy matеmatikaning chiziqli algеbra, analitik gеomеtriya, diffеrеnsial va intеgral hisobi, diffеrеnsial tеnglamalar, qatorlar kabi bo`limlariga tеgishli masala va misollar (jumladan iqtisodiy mazmundagi masalalar) bеrildi. Har bir bo`limda qisqacha nazariy ma`lumotlar kеltirilib, ularning qo`llanishi ko`plab mashqlarda tushuntirilgan.
Сжатие данных, изображений и звука
В учебном пособии большое количество наглядных примеров сжатия данных, изображений и звуков. Рассматриваются методы энтропийного сжатия, такие как коды Хаффмана и алгоритмы словарного сжатия. Приводится описание популярных алгоритмов и их практическое использование в приложениях. Подробно рассматриваются форматы графических и звуковых файлов, включая JPEG, MPEG, а также их возможности для уменьшения объема данных. Рассматриваются как простые, так и сложные алгоритмы сжатия, архитектура сжатия и декомпрессии.
Basic ship theory
This book provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of ship theory. Topics covered include hydrostatics, stability, resistance and propulsion, ship dynamics, and design. An essential resource for maritime students and professionals involved in ship design and construction.
Каломи шарифда Оллоҳнинг минг битта исми борлиги айтилади. Муҳаммад пайғамбар саллаллоҳу алайҳи васалламнинг олти юз исми бор экан. Туркистонда ва бутун дунёда машҳур азиз авлиёлардан Аҳмад Яссавийнинг табаррук ўн бир исмини ёд этишади. Ислом динида табаррук номлар беҳудага айтилмайди. Бу муборак номларда теран рамзий маънолар бор. Зеро, инсонлар ўзига берилган исмлар билан дунёдаги барча жонли ва жонсиз Исмларда эзгу ниятлар ёхуд хашаки ҳою ҳаваслар акс мавжудотлардан фарқланиб туради. этади. Қадимги Юнонистон донишмандлари «исм қисматдир», деб бежиз айтишмаган. Баъзи исмлар ўша инсоннинг тириклигидаёқ унутилиб кетади, баъзи табаррук исмларни эса асл фарзандларига инсониятнинг ўзи беради.
Artificial neural networks technology
This report is intended to help the reader understand what Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are, and why they are currently being studied. Artificial Neural Networks are being touted as the wave of the future for computing. Long derided as being “too simple” to do anything useful, ANNs have actually been successfully utilized in a variety of applications. Artificial Neural Networks display self-organization, robustness and fault tolerance, continuing to function even when the individual parts fail. The actual operation of an Artificial Neural Network depends on the task it has been given. The more complex the task, the more complex the network's design must be.
Quantum communications and cryptography
This book covers current topics in quantum communications and cryptography, from operational and practical applications to fundamental science and foundational theory. It elaborates on the development of quantum hardware resistant to decoherence and novel algorithms for quantum software. The book aims at developing a comprehensive set of theoretical foundations, practical applications, and policies regarding the deployment of quantum information systems in communication and encryption scenarios.
Shape analysis and structuring
The scope of this book arises from the desire to enrich our computational skills by developing new ones while improving those we currently use. The goal is to extend such skills to the analysis and processing of shapes, improving our understanding, description, and characterization of objects. The shape representation of objects is an essential chapter of computer graphics. Objects can be divided into different categories and their representations are fundamental for many scientific and industrial applications. This book captures recent advancements as well as the state of the art in various aspects of shape processing, structuring, and representation. It provides a blend of theoretical insights, methodological approaches, and practical solutions aimed at researchers and professionals involved in computing and sciences.
Мазкур асарда Туронзаминнинг буюк ҳукмдори Амир Темурнинг болалиги, якка ҳукмронлигининг ўрнатилиши, қудратли темурийлар давлатининг вужудга келиши, ҳарбий юришлари, ташқи ва ички сиёсати, маънавияти ва унинг ҳозирги кундаги аҳамияти ҳақида ҳикоя қилинади. Асар кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Nanotechnology for dummies
Get the benefits of the groundbreaking new science of nanotechnology - in plain English. If you ever marvel at how something so physically small can do such astonishingly powerful things, then look into the revolutionary universe of nanotechnology. This book will ease you into a broad understanding and give you everything you need to know for a meaningful understanding of this exciting science.
Практикум по методике преподавания русского языка.
В пособии предлагается система заданий поискового характера, составленных с учетом новейших достижений в области психологии, дидактики, методики и школьной практики.
Проектирование и конструирование компиляторов
Источник представляет собой русскоязычное издание книги по проектированию и конструированию компиляторов. Оно охватывает вопросы разработки компиляторов для различных программных языков, предлагая обширные теоретические и практические знания. В книге рассмотрены такие темы, как высокоуровневые языки, архитектуры и функциональная организация компиляторов. Авторы уделяют внимание методам оптимизации программного кода и другим аспектам современного компиляторостроения. Она предназначена для студентов, аспирантов, исследователей и практиков, работающих в области информатики и языков программирования.
Lecture 2: image processing review, neighbors, connected components, and distance; lecture 3: data structures for image analysis
In these lectures, the foundational concepts of image processing and data structures for image analysis are thoroughly reviewed. Topics such as image basics, sampling and quantization, the delta function, linear systems, color images, histograms, noise, connectivity properties, neighborhoods, the Fourier transform, and distance metrics are covered. Advanced data structures including image maps, chains, run-length encoding, pyramids, trees, relation graphs, and connection matrices are discussed in detail. The lectures also provide insights into properties of connectivity and connected component labeling essential for robust image analysis.
Ebglish for automotive studies_Avtomobilsozlikda ingliz tili.
Mazkur o‘quv qo'llanma 5310600-“Transport vositalari muhandisligi" yo‘nalishida tahsil oluvchi talabalar va avtomobil sohasiga oid ingliz tilini o‘rganuvchilar uchun mo'ljallangan. Ushbu adabiyot CEFR shkalasi bo‘yicha B2 darajasiga erishishni maqsad qiluvchilar uchun boTib, 3 ta qismdan tashkii topgan 15 ta boTimdan iboral. QoTlanma sohaviy so‘zlami, audio mashqlami, interaktiv mashg'ulotlami va mavzuga doir matnlami o‘z ichiga oladi.
Ushbu o'quv qoM lanma barcha Oliy o'q u v yurtlarida bakalavr muhandislar tayyorlash uchun Oliy va o ‘rta maktab muammolari instituti tomonidan 2-fevral 2004 yilda tasdiqlangan namunaviy dastur asosida o ‘n sakkizta amaliy-laboratoriya mashg‘ulotIari ko'rinishida tuzilgan. Har bir mashg'ulotning mavzusi va rejasi, adabiyotlar, tayanch iboralar va takrorlash uchun savollar keltirilgan.