Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Методология научного исследования
В книге с позиций системного анализа в логике современного проектно-технологического типа организационной культуры изложены основы методологии научного исследования (методологии науки, методологии научной деятельности – синонимы) как учения об организации научной деятельности. Работа предназначена для научных работников, а также студентов, аспирантов и докторантов.
Олий таълим. Меъёрий-ҳуқуқий ва услубий ҳужжатлар тўплами
Тўпламда Ўзбекистон Республикаси Кадрлар тайёрлаш Миллий дастурининг тадбиқ этилишидаги олий таълим тизимининг асосий меъёрий-ҳуқуқий ва услубий ҳужжатлари келтирилган. Тўплам Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий таълим муассасалари ходимлари ва таълимни ташкил қилиш ва ўтказиш билан қизиқувчилар учун мўлжалланган.
Мичуринское учение и физиология растений
Тимирязев является признанным главою современной физиологии растений, и ее его влияние на всё развитие этой науки как в нашей стране, так и за границей, чрезвычайно велико.
Играет Анатолий Тихонов.
Концертные пьесы для балалайни и фортепиано. Концертные вариации на тему русской народной песни "Калинка"
Олий таълим меъёрий ҳужжатлар тўплами (2-қисм)
Тўпламга киритилган меъёрий ҳужжатлар йилнома тарзида кетма-кетликда ва асл нусхасига мос равишда келтирилган. Мазкур тўплам таълим жараёнини ташкил этиш ва бошқариш билан шуғулланувчи барча бўғиндаги раҳбарлар учун зарурий қўлланма сифатида тавсия этилишидан ташқари мамлакатимизда узлуксиз таълим тизими билан шуғулланувчи тадқиқотчилар учун ҳам фойдали бўлади.
15 легких дуэтов.
Этюд. Напев. Русская песня. Канон. Детский марш. Прелюдия. За книгой. Скерцо. Скерцо. Романс. Мазурка. Карманьола
В сборнике представлены работы по исследованию Т-ассоциаций и экстремально молодых звездных скоплений. Рассмотрены вопросы взаимосвязи молодых комплексов с межзвездной материей.
International Trade law: Problems, Cases, and Materials
International Trade Law: Problems, Cases, and Materials is written by the authors of the eminently teachable International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials, which has been carefully designed for ease of use. Focusing on the World Trade Organization's multilateral trading system and its implementation in the United States, this comprehensive casebook also covers, in a less extensive fashion, the WTO's implementation in the European Union. Attributes that make this casebook a solid choice for advanced courses include: Exceptional accessibility through the authors' lucid explanatory text as well as probing problems and questions; Organization around the four principal channels of trade, covering WTO obligations relating to technology trade (intellectual property), services trade, foreign direct investment, and the trade in goods; Focus on the public regulatory aspects of international trade, including trade barriers, unfair trade, safeguards, and dispute resolution; Extensive coverage of issues of interest to developing countries, including intellectual property rights; Discussion of the relationship to international trade of important social issues, such as protection of the environment, human rights, and labor; Discussion of classic cases, such as Belgian Family Allowances, Italian Tractor, and Spanish Coffee, as well as the most recent cases, such as EC-Bananas and U.S.-Zeroing; Examination of many related issues, such as potential and existing conflicts between the laws of the United States and its obligations under the WTO, and the practical application of important areas of U.S. trade law; Supplementation of text and cases with statutory materials as appropriate. Intentionally and intelligently selective in its coverage, International Trade Law: Problems, Cases, and Materials, provides focused, concise, accessible coverage of the regulatory aspects of international trade under both public international law and U.S. law.
Textbook on Labour Law
The 8th edition of Textbook on Labour Law has been throughly updated to include the provisions of recent secondary legislation and latest cases. Whilst exploring both the practical aspects of labour law and the theoretical issues this text also considers future developments in this fast moving area of law. Covering all essential areas of employment and labour law this text is the ideal resource for students studying law degrees and students coming to the subject for the first time on business courses.
B сборнике излагаются методы и результаты исследований точных шкал, а также неправильностей цапф меридианного круга. Рассматриваются некоторые вопросы теории измерения времени, методика и результаты определения прямых восхождений звезд, наблюдаемых с целью получения точного времени.
Мазкур дарслик ўзбек тилида ёзилган илк китоблар жумласидан бўлиб, бунда ирсият ва ўзгарувчанлик қонуниятларини ўрганиш, ирсиятнинг цитологик ва молекуляр асослари, жинсий кўпайишда ирсий белгиларнинг наслдан-наслга берилиши қоидалари, ирсиятнинг хромосома назарияси, жинс генетикаси, мутация назарияси, иммуногенетика ва бошқа қисмлар ёритилган.
Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
This book provides a complete resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students of intellectual property law. The first text of its kind in the field, it combines extracts from major cases and secondary materials with critical commentary from experienced teachers in the field. The book deals with all areas of intellectual property law in the UK: copyright, trade marks and passing off, confidential information, industrial designs, patent, procedure and enforcement. It also tackles topical areas, such as the application of IP law to new technologies and character merchandising. While the focus of the book is on IP law in a domestic context, it provides international, EU and comparative law perspectives on major issues. It also addresses the wider policy implications of legislative and judicial developments in the area. It is an ideal resource for all students of intellectual property law who need cases, materials and commentary in a single volume.
Business Law
This is a comprehensive introductory textbook with supporting material in the form of syllabus guides, exam questions and answers. It includes the following new legislation: Human Rights Act (2000), Limited Laibility Partnership Act (2000), Employment Relations Act (1999), Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999), Employment Relations Act (1999), Contracts (Right of 3rd Parties) Act (1999), Employment Rights (Dispute Resolution) Act 1998, Competition Act (1998), EC Competition Law (1998), Arbitration Act (1996), Family Law Act (1996), Employment Tribunals Act (1996).
The International Law on Foreign Investment
This new edition of Sornarajah's book, available for the first time in paperback, surveys the international law developed to protect foreign investment by multinational corporations. The area has always been one of controversy due to the different political and economic conflicts that exist in the field. The book assesses the role of multinational corporations in making foreign investments, and considers the ways in which misconduct on the part of such corporations in host states could be controlled. Sornarajah focuses on the protection of foreign investment and the problems associated with such protection. He explores treaty-based methods, and examines several bilateral and regional investment treaties. The failure to agree on a multilateral treaty system and the inability to incorporate a discipline on investment within the WTO are also considered. He takes account not only of the law, but also of the relevant literature in economics, political science and other associated disciplines.
Стивен Кинг. Великие исторические персоны
Кинг, которого обычно числят по разряду фантастики, на самом деле пишет сугубо реалистично. Кроме этого, так сказать, внешнего пласта биографии Кинга существует и внутренний — судьба человека, который долгое время балансировал на грани безумия, убаюкивая своих внутренних демонов стуком пишущей машинки.
Яи мои друзья.
Франсис Пуленк принадлежит к плеяде талантливых композиторов, закрепивших международный престиж французской музыки, установленный Дебюсси и Равелем. Пуленк и его сверстники сформировались в годы первой мировой войны, привлекли внимание своими новаторскими исканиями еще в 20-е годы, завоевали признание в 30-е годы и возглавили французскую музыку в 40 - 50-е годы нашего века.