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C++ primer
"Reading this book will help such learners familiarize with C++ in the shortest time. Since two-thirds of the programs presented in this book are Programming language evolved from C. By providing programming examples “how to use our fundametals”, C++ Primer is a secured, reliable guide for sophisticated problem-solving skills, classes from abstraction to technical work environment. Examples and Tips sections offer advice that teaches what compiler good programs. Key points present a general review for a better understanding of where the emphasis is placed. Examples of modern applications are inspired for the more experienced audience where object-oriented techniques are applied and Design...... Благодаря соавторам этой книги C++ Primer 5-е издание сочетает лучшие традиции учебных пособий по программированию с... Our preparation at the highlight present up-to-date C++ and the Standard Template Library (STL) include corrections and updates. Elevated understanding is the potential for senior students who have mastered the fundamental aspects of C++ and its libraries. This book does not require the reader's prior knowledge of C orcomputer programming which provide a comprehensive understanding of the language and complex aspects of the C++ features presented in this book."
Ona tili
Qo'llanma 60110500-Boshlang'ich ta'lim bakalavr yo'nalishi talabalariga, shuningdek ,o'qituvchilar,soha mutahasislari, umuman, keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo'ljallangan.
Пособие разработано в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования по направлению «Экономика» с учетом практического опыта подготовки квалифицированных кадров в области макроэкономического анализа, планирования и прогнозирования, действующим учебным планом и программой дисциплины.
Bu kitobda chizmalar chizish haqidagi dastlabki ma’lumotlar, geometrik yasashlar, turli tasvirlar yasash, aksonometrik proyeksiyalar, texnik rasm,sirtlarning tekislik bilan kesishishi, sirtlarning o‘zaro kesishishi, sirtlarni tekislikka yoyish, vint chiziqlar, rezbalar, turli birikmalar, yig‘ish chizmalari, turli sxemalarga, konstruktorlik-loyihalash ishlarini avtomatlashtirishga oid ma’lumotlar to'liq bayon qilingan.
Mri: basic principles and applications
This book, "MRI: Basic Principles and Applications," offers a comprehensive guide on the theory and practical usage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It covers the physics behind MRI, including magnetization, relaxation, and principles of magnetic resonance imaging, ensuring both beginner and intermediate readers can grasp and implement the concepts in clinical or research settings. The content includes practical imaging techniques, pulse sequences, parameter measurements, and various advanced imaging applications. The third edition includes significant updates with an extensive reference list and suggested readings. Important for both students and professionals in the field of radiology and medical imaging.
Каттик, жисм физикаси
Ушбу укув цулланмада каттиц жисмлар физикасининг асосий булимлари хасида маълумотлар келтирилган. К,атгик жисмларнинг айрим хоссалари буйича турлари, хозирги замон цатгик жисм квант физикаси асосий тасаввурлари заминида металлар, ярим утказгичлар, диэлектрикларнинг иссиклик. механик, электрик, магнитик хоссалари баён килинган.
Transformations and projections in computer graphics
This book discusses the theory of transformations and projections in computer graphics, offering in-depth coverage of the mathematical basis and various applications used in the field. It elucidates the basic concepts of 2D and 3D transformations, and further dives into complex topics such as perspective transformations and orthographic projections. Comprehensive examples and practical applications make the subject approachable even for those without a strong mathematical background.
Thin films and nanostructures: electronic excitations in organic based nanostructures, volume 31
This book discusses various properties and applications of organic-based nano-structures. It dives deep into the excitations of electronic systems in nanostructures, the potential for advanced electronic and optoelectronic applications. Designed for materials scientists, chemists, physicists, and engineers, it offers a comprehensive overview of thin films and nanostructures, accompanied by in-depth analysis from leading experts in the field. The volume covers topics ranging from the fundamental physics of excitations in organic materials to their practical applications in modern technology.
Neural networks: algorithms, applications, and programming techniques
The appearance of digital computers and the development of modern theories of learning and neural processing both occurred at about the same time, during the late 1940s. Since that time, the digital computer has been used as a tool to model individual neurons as well as classes of neurons, which are called neural networks. A large body of neurophysiological research has been completed since then. For a good review of these findings, see Neural and Brain Modeling by Ronald J. MacGregor (Plenum, 1987). The study of artificial neural systems (ANS) with computers mimics a similar field of biomedical research. Our interest in this area is not primarily neuroscience research. Rather, we wish to borrow conclusions and ideas from this neuroscience field to apply them to the solution of problems in areas such as science and engineering. Advances such as these are often based more on creative modeling following the results of basic research developed by any number of interdisciplinary teams. Therefore, we have highlighted the key outline and definitions of a book, but not the entire book.
Ўзбекистон Республикасида шахс ҳуқуқий ҳолатининг конституциявий асослари
Ушбу ўқув услубий қўлланмада Ўзбекистон Республикасида шахснинг ҳуқуқий холати тушунчаси, унинг таркибий қисмлари яъни шахснинг ҳуқуқий холати принциплари, инсон ҳуқуқлари, эркинликлари ва бурчлари масалалалари, инсон ҳуқуқ ва эркинликларининг кафолатлари Ўзбекистон Республикаси конституцияси, тегишли қонунлар ва халқаро ҳуқуқий ҳужжатлар асосида ёритиб беришга ҳаракат қилинган. Ўқув қўлланма шахснинг баркамол авлод сифатида камол топиши ва юксак маънавиятли шахс бўлиб шаклланишида, ҳуқуқий маданиятининг юксалиши йўлида хизмат қилади.
Interactive curve modeling
Interactive curve modeling techniques and their applications are extremely useful in computer graphics, vision, and image processing. This technique includes complex algorithms for creating and manipulating curves interactively. The book delves deep into the mathematical foundation and practical implementation of these algorithms. Suitable for students, researchers, and professionals in computer science and graphic design fields, it covers a wide array of topics such as computer-aided geometric design systems and user interaction paradigms relevant to interactive editing of curves. Each chapter provides detailed explanations and examples, which makes complex topics more accessible and easy to understand.
Сўнгги эллик йил давомида мазкур мавзуни ўрганиш соҳасида Европа ва Шарқ олимлари томонидан катта ишлар қилинди. Аммо, афсуски, айрим олимлар тасвирий санъат, хаттотлик ёки бадиий қўлёзмалар устида тадқи қот олиб борар эканлар, кўпинча, ўз мамлакатида топиш мумкин бўлган ёки айрим фондлардангина олинган ма териаллар билан чегараланганлар. Аксар олимлар ўз тадқиқот доираларига фақат машҳур санъаткорларнинг асарларини жалб қилиб, давр стилининг тавсифида аҳа мияти кам бўлмаган иккинчи даражали усталарнинг ишини четда қолдирар эдилар.
Uncertainty and information: foundations of generalized information theory
This book covers the foundational aspects of information theory, particularly in the context of generalized information theory. It delves into topics such as uncertainty, possibility-based uncertainty theory, classical probability-based uncertainty theory, measures of uncertainty, imprecise probabilities, and fuzzy set theory. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of these concepts, their mathematical foundations, and their applications.
В учебном пособии рассмотрены основные понятия бизнеса и общества. Управление бизнес деятельностью организуется на основе инновационных, современных подходов, передовых технологий и методов управления полагаясь на принципах и методах деловой среды.
Ҳорижий мамлакатларда давлат бошлиғи
Ўқув қўлланма Мирзо Улуғбек номидаги Ўзбекистон Миллий Университети Ҳуқуқшунослик факультети Ўқув-услубий кенгашининг 6 декабрь 2006 йил 5-сонли баѐннома билан тасдиқланган ва нашрга тавсия этилган.