Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Texnika va amaliy fanlar
Coding theory: algorithms, architectures, and applications
This book provides a comprehensive overview of key areas of coding theory and its applications in modern telecommunication systems, computer networks, and storage devices. By providing a unique blend of theoretical foundations, algorithms, and practical implementation techniques, the authors offer a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners in the field. The text covers both classical and most recent coding techniques, ensuring readers are up to date with current trends and challenges in the domain of coding theory.
«В Национальной программе по подготовке кадров» и «Законе об образовании» Республики Узбекистан определены основные цели и Республики Узбекистан определены основные цели и условия обеспечения непрерывности и повышения качества системы образования и воспитания Для реализации «Национальной программы по подготовке кадров» необходимо организовать обучение студентов путем внедрения передовых педагогических технологий, а также демократических принципов в систему образования.
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с программой курса «Экономика предприятия» для студентов, обучающихся в высших учебных заведениях.
Pattern classification
This is the second edition of "Pattern Classification" by Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. The book covers various approaches and techniques for pattern recognition and classification, providing comprehensive insights into algorithms, decision theory, nonparametric techniques, clustering, and machine learning. It is a foundational text for students and professionals in fields such as computer science, engineering, and statistics.
Structural theory of automata, semigroups, and universal algebra
В данном издании изложены новейшие теоретические результаты и подходы к изучению автоматов, полугрупп и универсальной алгебры. Авторы представляют работу, основанную на материалах семинара NATO Advanced Study Institute, проходившего в Монреале, Канада, в июле 2002 года. Этой книге уделяют внимание не только исследователи в области математики и компьютерных наук, но и практикующие специалисты, интересующиеся этими смежными науками. Читатель найдет в этой книге структурированный подход к теоретической информатике, охватывающий различные математические и логические аспекты.
O'zbekiston Respublikasi bojxona tarif siyosati
Ushbu o’quv qo’llanmada mamlakatning iqtisodiy rivojlanishini, uni jahon iqtisodiy ho’jaligiga intеgrallashuvini taminlovchi davlat siyosatlaridan biri - bojxona tarif siyosatini mohiyatini, mazmunini, shakllanish boskichlarini va uni rivojlanishiga tasir etuvchi asosiy omillari yoritib bеrilgan, shu bilan birga tashki iqtisodiy faoliyatda moddiy, moliyaviy va intеllеktual mulk tovarlarini halqaro savdo jarayonlarida almashinishining turli yo’nalishlari, shakllari va vositalari ifodalangan.
Python scripting for computational science
The primary purpose of this book is to help scientists and engineers who use computers for numerical computations with Python. It teaches them how to use the Python programming language to solve scientific and engineering problems. The book is tailored for both beginners and advanced users and covers essential programming techniques, numerical methods, and real-world applications. It starts from the very basics of Python, teaching how to get started, how to script, and gradually delves into more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming. Practical examples are utilized throughout to demonstrate the application of Python to problems in computational science. Whether the reader is looking to develop quick scripts or more complex applications, this book provides the necessary tools and knowledge to accomplish these tasks efficiently.
R for everyone
Руководство пользователя по статистике с использованием языка программирования R. В книге рассматриваются основные концепции анализа данных, основанные на применении R - популярного языка программирования, используемого в статистике и для работы с данными. Пособие предназначено для студентов, исследователей и специалистов, занимающихся обработкой данных.
Introduction to programming with fortran
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to programming in Fortran, focusing on the 90, 95, 2003, and 77 versions. It is aimed at educational purposes in computer science and engineering fields, designed to help readers develop skills in modern Fortran programming. It covers the essentials of programming practices, language syntax, and problem-solving techniques through practical examples and exercises. The book also includes discussions on software engineering aspects and best practices in scientific computing.
Multimedia image and video processing
This book reflects theoretical advances that continue to push the envelope of algorithms and applications for image and video processing. Experienced and novice educators, researchers, students, and working professionals will discover a thorough analysis of current trends, methodologies, future directions, and applications in various subfields of multimedia image and video processing. Multimedia image and video processing continues to evolve rapidly and offers increasing capabilities for multimedia processing in all fields of science and engineering.
Fundamentals of electromagnetics 2: quasistatics and waves
This book is the second of two volumes which have been created to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of electromagnetic fields for students of electrical engineering. The focus in this book is on quasistatic (time invariant) electromagnetic fields and waves. These two topics are equally vital to understand the behavior of antennas, radar, microwave ovens, and navigational aids. Both books are designed to be studied in sequence: the first book deals primarily with Maxwell's curl equations in their static forms and their physical interpretations; the present book deals equally with the classical laws of conservation of charge, energy and momentum, with velocity and inductance being stressed prominently. This modular presentation helps students to understand what changes and what does not change across the electromagnetic spectrum. It also enables students to easily access the subject material in the books in order to pursue future studies in electromagnetism.
Азбука логичного мышления
В книге в популярной форме излагаются элементарные, азбучные правила массовых проблемных ситуаций, постоянно возникающих в мышлении. Эти ситуации связаны с недостаточным умением пользоваться понятиями, суждениями, вопросами и г п формами мышления Логичность мышления достигается изучением правил разрешения мыслительных проблемных ситуаций В книге приводятся типичные массовые ситуации, для каждой из которых формулируются правила ее разрешения.
Robot mechanisms and mechanical devices illustrated
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and mechanical devices used in robots. It covers various components such as motors, power transfer methods, arms, legs, and other subsystems, with detailed explanations and illustrations. The book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of robotic mechanisms, offering practical insights and technical knowledge beneficial to engineers and robot enthusiasts alike.
Statistics and analysis of shapes
This book provides an accessible and up-to-date overview of the most important theoretical and practical aspects of shape analysis. The presented methodologies cover a wide range of applications, from medical imaging and biology to computer vision and pattern recognition. The text is structured to gradually introduce readers to the field, starting from the basic concepts and leading to more advanced topics. By focusing on both established methods and recent developments, the book is an essential resource for anyone interested in the analysis and statistics of shape in various scientific and engineering contexts.
Mathematics of digital images: creation, compression, restoration, recognition
Compression, restoration and recognition are three of the key components of digital imaging. This mathematics textbook aims to understand and carry out all these components as they are applied in real-world tasks. It uses real examples and practical data with many worked examples, exercises in visualization procedures, and sample calculation-computer maps. The introduction aims to first teach the basic skills and steps in Digital Compression and explains ideas and theory that pertain, which should enhance understanding. The next part shows many different and more geometrically oriented ways, with writers best on using 3D thinking and developing instances, following chapters show geometry, features and finally, metric and topological analysis and imaging. The book will be useful for all those interested in theory, analysis of both the mathematical topics in imaging and design concepts or graphics including wavelet, texture working, image processing, and information theory used in digital subjects.