Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Minna no Nihongo I (Topics 25)
This book has been with the aim of allowing people not only become used to reading Japanese but also to enjoy it. The book closely follows the material in the individual lessons of Minna no Nihongo. This book can also be used by students using other textbooks.
Essentials of Investments. Seventh Edition
The last two decades have brought rapid, profound, and ongoing change to the investments industry. This is due in part to an abundance of newly designed securities, in part to the creation of new trading strategies that would have been impossible without concurrent advances in computer and communications technology, and in part to continuing advances in the theory of investments.
Қишлоқ хўжалиги тармоқларига инвестициялар жалб қилиш ва улардан самарали фойдаланишни рағбатлантириш бўйича услубий тавсиялар
Ушбу услубий тавсиялар қишлоқ хўжалиги, айниқса унинг қуйи тармоқларига инвестиция ресурсларини кўпайтириш зарурияти ва имкониятларини асослаш ва бошқа масалаларга бағишланган.
Менеджмент корпорации и корпоративное управление
В книге показана сущность корпоративных организаций и их правовой статус, социально-экономические факторы создания корпораций. Рассмотрены тенденции и особенности формирования корпоративных структур. Показан инструментарий, позволяющий менеджерам компаний эффективно управлять корпоративными структурами и их подразделениями (дочерними организациями).
Коллектив манфаати йўлида
Ушбу китобда корхоналарнинг ўзини ўзи молиявий ресурслар билан таъминлашнинг моҳияти ва ривожланиш йўллари ва бошқа мавзулар берилган.
Minna no Nihongo I Shokyu I, Kanji Workbook
Here is a kanji workbook conforming to the kanji and vocabulary found in the second edition to Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I. The book enables stress-free study of 218 kanji commonly used in daily life. The book is structured so the learner first studies via kanji sheets, followed by reading practice and then writing practice, allowing for steady progression. Review tests are found every few chapters. The sheets being detachable and also having file punch holes, they can be detached from the book for separate study and then kept in a file.
Травянистые растения
В книге даются общие сведения по биологии и экологии кормовых растений, необходимые для понимания всех остальных глав курса.
LAWS OF THE SEA. Interdisciplinary Currents.
This collection assumed oceanic qualities from its very start. Born on the cusp of the Covid pandemic, the original idea of organizing a four-day in-person work- shop in Puerto Rico to assemble scholars from three continents quickly became inconceivable. Rather than postpone this meeting indefinitely, the scholars offered to ride the wave and meet over Zoom. We were then novice Zoom users, but have become adept in the intricacies of this mode of communication as time lingered on. Our first daylong workshop took place in September 2020 and then we met again in January 2021. Our final workshop over Zoom was in May 2021 and lasted three days, the third of which was dedicated to discussing themes that weave across the papers as well as to a “wavewriting” performance by one of the participants, which appears here in written form as the collection’s Afterword. In between the workshops, multiple discussions among the partici- pants enriched the exchange on myriad levels and scales.
Иқтисодий география фанидан амалиёт машғулотларини ўтиш учун услубий қўлланма
Услубий қўлланмада Ўзбекистон Республикасининг маъмурий ҳудудий бўлиниши, Ўзбекистоннинг иқтисодий географик ўрни ва бошқа мавзулар ўрин олган.
Дикорастущие полезные растения
В книге изложены описание основных лекарственных, пищевых и технических растений, способов их сбора и сушки.
Iqtisodiy geografiya (ma`ruza matnlari)
Ma`ruza matnlarida geografiya faninig mohiyati, uslubi va vazifalari, O`zbekiston Respublikasining tabiiy sharoiti va boshqa mavzular berilgan.
Сто лет со дня рождения Владимира Леонтьевича Комарова
В сборнике включены доклады, прочитанные на юбилейной сессии.
Golubika (Vaccinium uniginosim L.) ko`chatini yetishtirish texnologiyasi
Tavsiyanoma Toshkent davlat agrar universitetida olib borilgan ko`p yillik ilmiy-tadqiqotlar natijalari va umumlashtirilgan amaliy tajribalar asosida tuzilgan.
Bolalarni saxnalashtirish va ijodiy faoliyatga o’rgatish
Ushbu qo’llanma bolalarni saxnalashtirish va ijodiy faoliyatga o’rgatish fanining mazmunidan kelib chiqib tayyorlangan.Qo’llanmagan maktabgacha ta’lim yo’nalishi bakalavriat talabalari,shu yo’nalishning maxsus sirtqi va sirtqi ta’limi talabalari hamda bolalar bog’chalari tarbiyachilari foydalanishlari mumkin.
Растительность мира
Одной из существенных особенностей экспозиции "Растительность мира" является максимальное привлечение документальных материалов.