Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
математикадан русча-узбекча тугат
Ўрта Осиёнинг Беруний, Ибн Сино, Хоразмий каби буюк олимлари ўз асарларини араб тилида ёзган эдилар. Улуғ Октябрь социалистик револю циясига қадар ўзбек тилида математика ва, умуман, табииёт фанлари ўқи тилмаган, бинобарин, математика терминологияси ҳам бўлмаган (фақат араб- форс терминлари ишлатилган) эди. Ҳатто 1921-1922 йилларгача нашр этил- ган ўқиш китобларида араб-форс терминлари устунлик қиларди. Совет ҳокимияти йилларида Ўзбекистон қолоқ мамлакатдан илғор мада- ниятга эришган, гуллаб-яшнаётган индустриал-колхоз республикасига айланди. Шунга боғлиқ равишда ўзбек тилининг луғат состави ҳам бойиди, унда кат- та ўзгаришлар рўй берди. Рус тилининг самарали таъсири натижасида ўзбек тилида янги-янги терминлар ва сўзлар пайдо бўлди, мавжуд ўзбек ва араб- форс терминлари маъно жиҳатидан бойиди, уларнинг ишлатилиш доираси кенгайди, фан-техника терминологияси юзага келди. математика The
Сигирларда витаминлар ва минерал моддалар алмашинуви бузилишларининг диагностикаси ва профилактикаси бўйича тавсиялар
Тавсияномада сигирларда учрайдиган витаминлар ва минерал моддалар алмашинуви бузилиши касалликларининг этиологияси, диагностикаси ҳамда олдини олиш усуллари шунингдек, муаллифларнинг шу соха буйича илмий изланишларининг натижалари баён килинган.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Is American Science in Decline?
The origin of this book can be traced to Yu Xie’s dissertation, “The Pro cess of Becoming a Scientist,” which he completed at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1989. The dissertation was about social determinants that affect a person’s likelihood of becoming a scientist. Since his graduation, Yu Xie has been teaching at the University of Michigan, where he has maintained a research program on social stratifi cation, statistical methods, social demography, and Chinese studies.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Times of History, Times of Nature
Central to the theme of this book is that this divide also conditioned diff erent approaches to an increasing variety of time frames and historical durations. Not only human societies but also landscapes, species, and the layers of the earth were increasingly temporalized in the nineteenth century, but within diff erent fi elds and practices, creating multiple timescales and divisions between the rhythms and paces of nature and culture.
Қорамолларни касалликлардан ҳимоя қилиш бўйича тавсиялар
Ушбу тавсиянома қорамолларнинг гельминтоз, протозой ва елин ва айрим арахноэнтомоз касалликларига бағишланган бўлиб, ушбу касалликларни даволаш, олдини олиш буйича тавсиялар келтирилган.
Neo- Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science
William Simpson would like to acknowledge a number of institutions for financial support at different stages of this project, including his college, Peterhouse (Cambridge), the Institute for the Study of Philosophy, Politics, and Religion (Cambridge), and the John Templeton Foundation, which supported him through the Scientists in Congregations programme in Scotland. He would also like to thank the Harvey Fellows programme for financial support during part of his studies.
POLITICAL SCIENCE: The Science of Politics
When American Political Science Association President-Elect William H. Riker appointed me Program Chairperson of the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Association, we chose as a theme for the meetings “The Science of Politics.” The 1982 Annual Meetings had focused on “The State of the Discipline,” leading to Ada W. Finifter’s excellent collection of the theme papers from those meetings in the APSA book Political Science: The State of the Discipline. For the 1983 meetings we wanted to build on the very successful 1982 experience, while focusing attention more specifically on the scientific elements of the discipline and encouraging reflection on its scientific status.
Gender, Science and Technology: Perspectives from Africa
This collection is a contribution to current debates on gender, science and technology. Feminist debates and research about science can generally be put into two slots: the women question in science (that is, women’s participation in sciences) and the science question in feminism (that is, the construction of feminine knowledge). The chapters in this collection deal mainly with the first—women’s participation in science.
This book contains original reviews and research papers presented at the XVII International Starch Convention, Moscow-Cracow, which was held in Moscow in June, 2009. In spite of the fact that the history of starch use and scientific and technological investigations of starch containing materials goes last over 3 centuries, the problems of understanding the nature of starches, the structural organization of the native starch granules and features of their behaviour in different chemical and technological processes are increasingly actual.
Gender in Science and Technology Interdisciplinary Approaches
The book emerges also from a specific local project: "For Future Innova tions: Gender in Science and Technology" was the title of a lecture series we organized in the winter term 2011/12 at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria. Our aim was to show how gender becomes relevant in natural sciences, engineering, and technological development. This concern evolved in the context of our interdisciplinary work environment at the JKU, where a university wide development focus in the area of women's and gender studies promotes inter and transdisciplinary research cooperations with colleagues and students from technology and natural sciences.