San’at. San’atshunoslik
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Behind Deep Blue
In late April 1997, posters for an unusual chess event were appear- ing on the streets of New York. They showed a somber and pondering gentleman in his early 30s peering over a chess set at the viewers. The small caption under his chin said, "How do you make a computer blink?" The gentleman on the poster was the World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov, possibly the strongest chess player who has ever lived.
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композитор выпуск 1
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композитор в облегченном переложении для фортепиано
along came google a history of library digitization
Along Came Google sheds light on the transformational effects of the Google Books project on scholarship and discusses how we can continue to think imaginatively and collaboratively about expanding the digital availability of knowledge.
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композиторов Выпуск_2
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композиторов в облегченном переложении для фортепиано Выпуск_2
O'quv qo'llanma 810000 — „Xizmat ko'rsatish", 340000 — „Biznes va boshqaruv" sohalari bakalavriat yo'nalishlari bo'yicha tahsil olayotgan talabalarga mo'ljallangan. Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma Davlat ta’lim standartlari hamda o'quv dasturiga mos ravishda yozilgan bo'lib, u matematik programmalashning quyidagi bo'limlarini o'z ichiga oladi: chiziqli programmalash masalalari, chiziqli programmalashning maxsus masalalari, dinamik programmalash.
Create Your Own Operating System
Take a look around you right now and count how many electronic devices you can see from your current point of view. If you are like most people, you probably have numerous devices just within your current eye sight. In order for many of those devices to work, they have some sort of operating system (OS) that allows them to boot up and provide whatever experiences it is they have to offer. In fact, if you are reading the digital version of this book, the very device you are now holding has an operating system of its own.
Распевание на уроках пения и в детском хоре начальной школы.
Распевание на уроках пения и в детском хоре начальной школы. С.Миловский.