Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
В учебнике в сжатой форме изложены основы ботаники: Внешнее и внутренние строение высших и низших растений их систематика затронуты вопросы экологии и географии растений. Более подробно описаны растения имеющие практическое значение в сельском хозяйстве. Предназначается учебник для студентов зоотехнических и ветеринарных факультетов сельскохозяйственных вузов а также с успехом может быть использован практиками сельского хозяйства.
RESTful Web API Patterns and Practices Cookbook
Many organizations today orchestrate and maintain apps that rely on other people's services. Software designers, developers, and architects in those companies often work to coordinate and maintain apps based on existing microservices, including third-party services that run outside their ecosystem. This cookbook provides proven recipes to help you get those many disparate parts to work together in your network. The author provides step-by-step solutions for finding, connecting, and maintaining applications designed and built by people outside the organization. Whether you're working on human-centric mobile apps or creating high-powered machine-to-machine solutions, this guide shows you the rules, routines, commands, and protocols—the glue—that integrates individual microservices so they can function together in a safe, scalable, and reliable way.
Python without prior knowledge
This guidebook covers the basics of Python programming. Real practical examples, graphics and smaller exercises help in parallel with understanding. With the help of this beginner's guidebook, many satisfied readers have already been able to get started and expand their own skills.Advantages of this book: Simply explained - written for everyone to understand, to the point - 140 pages in a practical paperback format, close to everyday life - real practical examples to help you calculate, clear and structured - important mnemonics and formulas are highlighted.
Теплообменные аппараты и выпарные установки
Промышленная теплотехника представляет собой обширную и важную отрасль энергетики, связанную с потреблением тепла и топлива предприятиями различных отраслей промышленности.Тепловое оборудование промышленных предприятий (в том числе теплообменные и выпарные аппараты) весьма разнообразно.
Pro Database Migration to Azure
This book covers the best practices to plan, implement, and operationalize the migration of a database application from your organization’s data center to Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. Data modernization and migration is a technologically complex endeavor that can also be taxing from a leadership and operational standpoint. This book covers not only the technology, but also the most important aspects of organization culture, communication, and politics that so frequently derail such projects. You will learn the most important steps to ensuring a successful migration and see battle-tested wisdom from industry veterans. From executive sponsorship, to executing the migration, to the important steps following migration, you will learn how to effectively conduct future migrations and ensure that your team and your database application delivers on the expected business value of the project. This book is unlike any other currently in the market. It takes you through the most critical business and technical considerations and workflows for moving your data and databases into the cloud, with special attention paid to those who are deploying to the Microsoft Data Platform in Azure, especially SQL Server. Although this book focuses on migrating on-premises SQL Server enterprises to hybrid or fully cloud-based Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instances, it also cover topics involving migrating non-SQL Server database platforms such as Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL applications to Microsoft Azure.
Основы радиоэлектроники.
Учебник для студентов физических специальностей университетов. Написан в соответствии с программой одноименного курса. Содержит последовательное изложение теоретических основ радиоэлектроники и описание комплекса лабораторных работ. Может быть использован как учебное пособие для студентов технических специальностей вузов.
Practical TensorFlow.js
Develop and deploy deep learning web apps using the TensorFlow.js library. TensorFlow.js is part of a bigger framework named TensorFlow, which has many tools that supplement it, such as TensorBoard, ml5js, tfjs-vis. This book will cover all these technologies and show they integrate with TensorFlow.js to create intelligent web apps. The most common and accessible platform users interact with everyday is their web browser, making it an ideal environment to deploy AI systems. TensorFlow.js is a well-known and battle-tested library for creating browser solutions. Working in JavaScript, the so-called language of the web, directly on a browser, you can develop and serve deep learning applications.You'll work with deep learning algorithms such as feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), and generative adversarial network (GAN). Through hands-on examples, apply these networks in use cases related to image classification, natural language processing, object detection, dimensionality reduction, image translation, transfer learning, and time series analysis.
Умумий социология
Ушбу қўлланма матнлари асосида ёзилган бўлиб асосан социолог мутахассислигини оладиган талабаларга.аспирпнтларга соцология ўқитувчиларига ва кенг жамоат оммасига мўлжалланган. Бу сохада Ўзбекистонда социолог мутахассислар учун ўзбек тилида адабиетлар хали етарли бўлмагани учун ушбу қўлланма ўқувчиларда катта қизиқиш уйғотиши мумкин.
Повышение надежности машин
В книге кратко рассмотрены теоретические основы надежности машин; приведены сведения по обеспечению надежности в процессе проектирования, выбора материалов и способов формообразования заготовок; изложены основные вопросы обеспечения надежности при формообразовании заготовок в готовые детали и сборке машин; освещены проблемы в области повышения надежности.
PostgreSQL Query Optimization. The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries
This book helps you write queries that perform fast and deliver results on time. You will learn that query optimization is not a dark art practiced by a small, secretive cabal of sorcerers. Any motivated professional can learn to write efficient queries from the get-go and capably optimize existing queries. You will learn to look at the process of writing a query from the database engine’s point of view, and know how to think like the database optimizer. The book begins with a discussion of what a performant system is and progresses to measuring performance and setting performance goals. It introduces different classes of queries and optimization techniques suitable to each, such as the use of indexes and specific join algorithms. You will learn to read and understand query execution plans along with techniques for influencing those plans for better performance. The book also covers advanced topics such as the use of functions and procedures, dynamic SQL, and generated queries. All of these techniques are then used together to produce performant applications, avoiding the pitfalls of object-relational mappers. Identify optimization goals in OLTP and OLAP systems, read and understand PostgreSQL execution plans and etc.
Уход за хирургическими больными
В учебнике представлены как методы, проверенные клинической практикой, так и инновационные технологии, используемые в уходе за пациентами.
Microsoft Azure for Java Developers. Deploying Java Applications through Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud
Learn Azure-based features to build and deploy Java applications on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. This book provides examples of components on Azure that are of special interest to Java programmers, including the different deployment models that are available. The book shows how to deploy your Java applications in Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud. Also covered is integration with components such as Graph API, Azure Storage, Azure Redis Cache, and Azure SQL. The book begins with a brief discussion of cloud computing and an introduction to Java support on Azure. You’ll then learn how to deploy Java applications using each of the deployment models, and you’ll see examples of integrating with Azure services that are of particular interest to Java programmers. Security is an important aspect, and this book shows you how to enable authentication and authorization for your Java applications using Azure Active Directory. Implementing a DevOps strategy is essential in today’s market when building any application. Examples in this book show you how to build continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines to build and deploy Java applications on Azure. The book focuses on the best practices you should follow while designing and implementing Java applications on Azure. The book also elaborates on monitoring and debugging Java applications running on Azure using Application Insights and Azure Monitor.