Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
THIS BOOK CONTAIDES 320 unconventional problems in algebra, arithmetic, elementary number theory, and trigonometry. Most of these problems first appeared in competitive examinations sponsored by the School Mathematical Society of the Moscow State University and in the Mathematical Olympiads held in Moscow. The book is designed for students having a mathematical hackground at the high school level; very many of the problems are within reach of seventh and eighth grade students of outstanding ability. Solutions are given for all the problems. The solutions for the more difficult problems are especially detailed. The third (Russian) edition differs from the second chiefly in the elimination of errors detected in the second edition. Therefore, the preface to the second edition is retained,
Касбий таълим жараёнида педагогик лойиҳалаш ва педагогик технологияларни қўллаш
Малакавий битирув ишининг мақсади: Касбий таълим жараёнида педагогик лойиҳалаш ва педагогик технологияларни қўллаш асосида касбҳунар коллежи таълим мазмунини янгилаш орқали малакали мутахассисларни тайёрлаш.
Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and the author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.
Сборник упражнений охватывает все разделы английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения. Дополнен теоретическим материалом и словарем
The Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem has been with us for over 4000 years and has never ceased to yield its bounty to mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. Amateurs love it in that most new proofs are discovered by amateurs. Without the Pythagorean Theorem, none of the following is possible: radio, cell phone, television, internet, flight, pistons, cyclic motion of all sorts, surveying and associated infrastructure development, and interstellar measurement. The Pythagorean Theorem, Crown Jewel of Mathematics chronologically traces the Pythagorean Theorem from a conjectured beginning, Consider the Squares (Chapter 1), through 4000 years of Pythagorean proofs, Four Thousand Years of Discovery (Chapter 2), from all major proof categories, 20 proofs in total. Chapter 3, Diamonds of the Same Mind, presents several mathematical results closely allied to the Pythagorean Theorem along with some major Pythagorean “spin-offs” such as Trigonometry. Chapter 4, Pearls of Fun and Wonder, is a potpourri of classic puzzles, amusements, and applications. An Epilogue, The Crown and the Jewels, summarizes the importance of the Pythagorean Theorem and suggests paths for further exploration. Four appendices service the reader: A] Greek Alphabet, B] Mathematical Symbols, C] Geometric Foundations, and D] References. For the reader who may need a review of elementary geometric concepts before engaging this book, Appendix C is highly recommended. A Topical Index completes the book.
Касб ҳунар коллежи ўқувчиларида маънавий сифатларни шакллантиришнинг самарали омиллари
Битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади-ўрта махсус таълим тизимидаги маънавий-маърифий фаолият мазмуни, шакл ва методлари орқали ўқувчи ёшларда маънавий сифатларни шаклланишини ўрганиш.
Умар Хайёмни дунёга машҳур қилган унинг рубоийларидир. Умар Хайём шоир бўлмаган, лекин ҳаёт ҳақида баъзи мулоҳазаларини 4қаторлик шеър қилиб қоғозга тушириб қўяверган. XVIII асрга кадар унинг рубоийлари ҳақида тадкикотлар олиб борилмаган. У хакда дастлаб Оксфорд университети профессори Томас Гайд, ундан сўнг Фон Гомер Биргестел ва Меме Николослар тадкикот олиб боришган. 1859 йили инглиз шоири ва таржимони Эдвард ФитзЖералд Умар Хайёмнинг 70 рубоийсини таржима қилиб эълон қилгандан сўнг, бу шеърлар жуда машҳур бўлиб кетган ва инглиз тилидан жаҳоннинг бошқа тилларига ҳам таржима қилинган.
Big Data Fundamentals
Big Data is a field dedicated to the analysis, processing, and storage of large collections of data that frequently originate from disparate sources. Big Data solutions and practices are typically required when traditional data analysis, processing and storage technologies and techniques are insufficient. Specifically, Big Data addresses distinct requirements, such as the combining of multiple unrelated datasets, processing of large amounts of unstructured data and harvesting of hidden information in a time-sensitive manner. Although Big Data may appear as a new discipline, it has been developing for years. The management and analysis of large datasets has been a long-standing problem—from laborintensive approaches of early census efforts to the actuarial science behind the calculations of insurance premiums. Big Data science has evolved from these roots.
Илдиздан ташқари озиқлантиришни кузги буғдойнинг дон сифатига таъсири
Илмий ишнинг мақсади бўлиб Ўзбекистоннинг суғориладиган шароитида кузги буғдойнинг дон ҳосили ва технилогик сифатини оширадиган энергия ва маблағ тежайдиган технологияларни яратиш ва ишлаб чиқаришга жорий этишдан иборат.
Ушбу тўпламга туркшуносликнинг бугунда эътиборда турган манбашунослик, адабиётшунослик ва тилшунослик йўналишларидаги илмий мақолалар жамланди. Китоб туркшунослар, классик филология мутахассислари ва шу соҳада билим олаётган талабалар учун мўлжалланган.
Сборник упражнений охватывает все разделы английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения. Дополнен теоретическим материалом и словарем
The Math Problems Notebook
Valentin Boju was professor of mathematics at the University of Craiova, Romania,until his retirement in 2000. His research work was primarily in the field of geometry. He further promoted biostatistics and biomathematics as a discipline within the Department of Medicine of the University of Craiova. He left Romania for Canada, where he has taught at MontrealTech since 2001. He was actively involved in coaching college students in problem-solving and intuitive mathematics. In 2004, he was honored with the title of Officer of the Order “Cultural Merit,” Category “Scientific Research.”
Ushbu kitobda turkiy qavmga mansub turk, ozarbayjon, qozoq, qirg'iz, turkman xalqlari adabiyotlarining ilk rivoji, og'zaki va yozma adabiyotining taraqqiyoti, jahon adabiyotidagi o'ziga xos o'rni, madaniyat va ma'naviyat sohasiga qo'shgan hissasi, turli davrlarda faoliyat ko'rsatgan ko'zga ko'ringan adiblarning hayoti va ijodi tahlil etiladi.
The 10 best decisions a women can make
I was at a simple gathering of friends. All of us were standing in the kitchen and chatting, as women often do at a party. Our conversation had drifted to the subject of vital areas of need in women's lives. Just then, a friend, a successful businesswoman, grabbed my hand and said, "Pam, I know a book you should write. Women need a book that shows us how to be successful without being so hard on ourselves! I have a friend who listens to self-help tapes-you know, the ones that say: `You are the master of your own destiny. You can achieve anything. You are all powerful. You... you...you' The focus is all wrong! She's been feeding herself for months on this junk, as though she is the god of her own universe or something. She thought it would help boost her self-esteem and empower her, but just the opposite has happened. She just keeps hearing how she can make all her own successes, and when she doesn't have the results the tapes promise, she feels as though she is more of a failure than ever before. I think she's going to end up in a padded cell. She's driving herself to the edge of a nervous breakdown!"
Tana tili
Ushbu tarjima kitobida ruhshunos Allan Piz izlanishlari, tadqiqotlari asosida inson tana a’zolarining harakati, yuz ifodasi noverbal muloqot asosi ekanligi, shaxsni anglash. uni idrok etish tana tiliga bog'liqligi misollar orqali bayon etilgan. Undan barcha qiziquvchilar foydalanishi mumkin.
In the United States, the Standards for Mathematical Practice describe proficiencies we want all our students to gain. In Canada, process standards are articulated, which have many similarities with the practice standards, although more attention is given to visualization, mental math, and estimation. I have heard many arguments against particular content goals but never disagreement with these practice and process standards. Yet several years aft er their release, many uncertainties remain about what they actually mean and how they can be achieved. In my work with teachers, I often hear questions such as Where can I find problems that would require students to persevere? What does justification look like in a second-grade classroom? What’s the diff erence between looking for structure and looking for regularity? Th is book off ers us the insights we need to more deeply understand the practice and process standards. It also helps us understand how to facilitate students’ development of these profi ciencies, that is, how to help them become mathematical thinkers. Th e book includes a chapter for each practice standard and then a final chapter on visualization, mental math, and estimation. Th e last chapter should not be thought of as an add-on; visual thinking permeates the book, and mental math and estimation are highlighted throughout as appropriate.