Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
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100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them puts a spotlight on common errors in Go code you might not even know you’re making. You’ll explore key areas of the language such as concurrency, testing, data structures, and more—and learn how to avoid and fix mistakes in your own projects. As you go, you’ll navigate the tricky bits of handling JSON data and HTTP services, discover best practices for Go code organization, and learn how to use slices efficiently. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About this technology, understanding mistakes is the best way to improve the quality of your code. This unique book examines 100 bugs and inefficiencies common to Go applications, along with tips and techniques to avoid making them in your own projects. About this book, 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to replace common programming problems in Go with idiomatic, expressive code. In it, you’ll explore dozens of interesting examples and case studies as you learn to spot mistakes that might appear in your own applications. Expert author Teiva Harsanyi organizes the error avoidance techniques into convenient categories, ranging from types and strings to concurrency and testing.
JAVA MADE EASY. A beginner's Handbook to easily Learn JAVA
This book will help you learn how to code in Java very easily. Also this book is intended for students, programme, developers, hardware technicians, IT professionals and all those who are keen to know more about the IT world. The language used is simple and easily understandable. Examples and programs provided in each chapter would help the reader to understand the object-oriented programming language. The primary advantage of object-oriented programming is that it enables the programme to create modules which need to be changed when a new type of object is added.This makes object-oriented programs easier to modify. What you will discover from this book. how to move from a biginner to an expert in Java. Learn JAVA from scratch. How to avoid most mistakes that most programmers in JAVA make. How to become a PRO in JAVA Programming. How to avoid most errors in JAVA.
Кардиология. Справочник
Книга "Кардиология. Справочник" под ред., Качковского М.А., рассматривает краткую историю развития кардиологии, профилактику сердечно-сосудистой патологии, ее эпидемиологию. Освещены вопросы обследования пациентов с патологией сердечно-сосудистой системы (ЭКГ, методика регистрации и интерпретации ЭКГ, тесты с физической нагрузкой, эхокардиография, чреспищеводная электрокардиостимуляция, ультразвуковая допплерография). Изложены болезни системы кровообращения (кардиомиопатии, врожденные пороки, дислипидемии, ИБС, гипертонии различного генеза, нарушения ритма и проводимости, остроая и хроническая сердечная недостаточности, синкопальные состояния), принципы фармакотерапии данных заболеваний используемых в практике кардиолога. Для студентов-медиков, терапвевтов, кардиологов.
Jakarta EE for Java Developers
This book provides a practical introduction to Enterprise Java Edition, Jakarta EE, including detailed features and capabilities. Equipped with numerous projects, each chapter demonstrates Jakarta EE capabilities with clean coding. The book starts with an introduction to Jakarta EE and its architecture. This will help to create a project using the Jakarta Servlet and exposure of an HTTP endpoint. The CDI is then used to inject dependencies, work with events asynchronously, and interact with CDI interceptors. Then, in the RESTful style, it can help to create a Jakarta RESTful resource to expose HTTP endpoints. We then investigate the Jakarta Enterprise Bean, which teaches us how to manage transactions and schedule tasks. The Jakarta Persistence is then used to integrate an application into a relational database, and the Jakarta Message is used to create an application using the Message Oriented Middleware (MOM). In terms of security, we use Jakarta Security to secure the endpoint of a Jakarta application. By the end of this book, the reader will be able to set up a Jakarta project and write applications that expose HTTP endpoints, integrate with a database, and deal with authentication and authorization.
Основы теплотехники и гидравлики
В книге рассмотрены вопросы гидравлики теоретической термодинамики и основы теплопередачи, дано понятие о теплообменных аппаратах и некоторых гидравлических машинах. приведены краткие сведения о всех видах топлива. рассмотрены основные типы топок и принцип работы котельного агрегата.
Diyqansnılıq hám melioraciya
Bu sabaqlıqta diyqanshılıqtın ilimiy tiykarları ham tiykargı nizamları topıraq rejimleri hám basqarıw usılları; jerge islew beriw, jabayı ósimliklerge qarsı gures, eginlerdi egiw, almaslap egiw hám diyqanshılıq sisteması; pán hám aldinǵi óndiris jetiskenliklerin óyreniw topiraqtiń shorlaniw topiraqtiń shorlaniw haqqında tolıq tósinik berilidi
Педагогик инновация - амалиётга!1-қисм
Замонавий таълим-тарбия жараёнларимиз учун яхлит тизимлар методологиясининг услублари ва назариясини яратиш каби хайрли ишларга киришилган экан, мен хам асосан ДАРС хакидаги, таълимнинг энг долзарб муаммоси ДАРСНИНГ ТАХЛИЛИ Хақидаги, умуман, дарс жараёни ҳақидаги уз иш тажрибамдан келиб чикдан холда, фикр мулохазаларимни хамкасбларга тавсия этиб курмоқчиман.
Hands-on Rust Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play
Rust is an exciting new programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters - and what better way to learn than by making games. Each chapter in this book presents hands-on, practical projects ranging from "Hello, World" to building a full dungeon crawler game. With this book, you'll learn game development skills applicable to other engines, including Unity and Unreal. Rust is an exciting programming language combining the power of C with memory safety, fearless concurrency, and productivity boosters. With Rust, you have a shiny new playground where your game ideas can flourish. Each chapter in this book presents hands-on, practical projects that take you on a journey from "Hello, World" to building a full dungeon crawler game. Start by setting up Rust and getting comfortable with your development environment. Learn the language basics with practical examples as you make your own version of Flappy Bird. Discover what it takes to randomly generate dungeons and populate them with monsters as you build a complete dungeon crawl game. Run game systems concurrently for high-performance and fast game-play, while retaining the ability to debug your program. Unleash your creativity with magical items, tougher monsters, and intricate dungeon design. Add layered graphics and polish your game with style.
Biologiyani o`qitishda pedagogik texnologiyalar
Akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari biologiya o‘qituvchilari uchun o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma
Beginning IntelliJ IDEA Integrated Development Environment for Java Programming
Get started quickly with IntelliJ, from installation to configuration to working with the source code and more. This tutorial will show you how to leverage IntelliJ’s tools to develop clean, efficient Java applications. Author Ted Hagos will first walk you through buidling your first Java applications using IntelliJ. Then, he’ll show you how to analyze your application, top to bottom; using version control and tools that allow you expand your application for big data or data science applications and more. You'll also learn some of the IDE’s advanced features to fully maximize your application's capabilities. The last portion of the book focuses on application testing and deployment, and language- and framework- specific guidelines. After reading this book and working through its freely available source code, you'll be up to speed with this powerful IDE for today's Java development. This book will give to learn, how use IntelliJ IDEA to build Java applications, how set up your IDE and project, how work with source code, how extend your Java application to data science and other kinds of applications and how test and deploy your application and much more. This book is for programmers, which new to IntelliJ IDEA who may have some prior exposure to Java programming.
Fizika kursi
Darslik oliy texnika o’quv yurtlari uchun moʻljallangan boʻlib, undan barcha taʻlim yoʻnalishlari va mutahassislar foydalanishlari mumkin.
Fizik va kolloid kimyo
Darslik 7 bo`limdan iborat bo`lib, modda tuzilishi, kimyoviy termodinamika qonunlari, barqarorligi bo`yicha nazariy materiallarni o`z ichiga oladi.
Вопросы общей технологии и ускорения твердого бетона
Изложены результаты экспериментальных исследований роли крупного заполнителя в прочности и деформативности бетона и основные положения технологии получения высокопрочных бетонов. Приведены результаты сопоставления прочности и морозостойкости бетона и раствора, подвергавшихся пропариванию и выдержанных в нормальных условиях.
Fizik jarayonlarni kompyuterda modellashtirish
Darslik 5140200- Fizikа ta‘lim yo‘nаlishi bo‘yichа tаhsil оlаyotgаn tаlаbаlаr va bu sохаdа ilmiy izlаnishlаr оlib bоrayotgаn mutахаssislаr uchun mo‘ljаllаngаn.
Судебно-медицинская экспертиза. Термины и понятия
Учебное пособие "Судебно-медицинская экспертиза. Термины и понятия" под ред., Буромского И.В., и соавт., является толковым словарём судебно-медицинской терминологии, используемой в ежедневной практике судебного медика при производстве экспертиз, заполнении медицинской документации. Книга содержит больше двух тысяч терминов, понятий, обозначений. Для студентов-медиков, адвокатов, врачей судебно-медицинской экспертизы.