Qurilish. Arxitektura
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
механическая очистка сточных вод
Очистка сточной воды от содержащихся в ней загрязнений, как правило, проводится в несколько стадий. Общим принципом последовательности рас- положения очистных сооружений на канализационной станции очистки является удаление из сточной воды загрязнений по их уменьшающейся крупности
Prisma consolida C1
PRISMA Consolida C1 se compone de PRISMA del alumno (180 horas lectivas), PRISMA de ejercicios (60 horas), PRISMA del profesor (60 horas) y CD de audiciones.
Повышение надежности бетонов транспортных сооружений
Все включенные в данный сборник работы в той или иной степени посвящены разработке возможных путей решения вышеприведенных задач, поставленных перед промышленностью строительных материалов и строительной индустрии СССР
404 Self Improvement Tips
This ebook is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter. This ebook is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal or expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The publisher wants to stress that information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user’s particular business.
This book is meant to help the average student crack the IELTS essay. over 10 years ofmy IELTS coaching experience has taught me a lot about what all would help the students do betEr in the writing module of the IELTS. Over the years, I have seen fairly good students getting 7+ in the other modules of the IELTS, fall to less than 6 bands in the writing module, but I have also seen those with less t}lan 6 in the other modules, get a 6 in writing. Over the years, I have oached thousands of students, checked their writings almost every day, and so t somehow know what precisely they have written in their exam. From their writing band scores, I have made important deductions as to what work, and what does not work in an IELTS essay
Ehtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika
Darslik ehtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika fani o‘qitiladigan oliy ta’lim muassasalarining aniq va tabiiy fanlar ta’lim yo‘nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan bakalavrlar hamda ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari olib borayotgan magistrantlar uchun mo‘ljallangan. Unda zamonaviy ehtimollar nazariyasi va matematik statistika fanining asosiy da’volari, tushunchalari va tasodifiy tajribalar natijalarini tahlil qilish uslubiyatlari namunaviy misollar bilan batafsil bayon qilingan. Darslikda fan bo‘limlari bo‘yicha mavzularni chuqur o bzlashtirish uchun mustaqil yechishga mo‘ljallangan misollar, masalalar va test-topshiriqlari ham keltirilgan. Darslikdan ilmiy tadqiqot ishlari bilan shug'ullanuvchi barcha mutaxassislar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
240 Speaking Topics with Sample Answers
The event that I remember well is my 15th birthday. On that day, all my close friends came to celebrate it. My best friends including James, David, Nina, and Rocko came, and we had a great time together having food and playing games. Another reason I remember well is that I received many expensive gifts. My friends bought me a game DVD, my brother bought me a new electronic dictionary, and my parents got me a new bicycle. My 15th birthday was great. I received the things that I always wanted and my best friends and I had a great time.
Este manual de Ortografía surge con el propósito de facilitar el aprendizaje de la escritura correcta de nuestra lengua tanto a estudiantes como a cualquier persona interesada en mejorar su ortografía.
Davlat tilida ish yuritish
Hozirgi kunda barcha soxa xodimlaridan ish rasmiy ish hujjatlarini tuza olish va rasmiylashtirish talab etilyapti.
Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing
To complete an organization coherent piece of writing ypu need to take 2 - 5 minutes to plan. During this time , you can consider what position you will adopt .
В учебнике даны основные сведения о природе грунтов и показателях их физических свойств. Рассмотрены механические свойства и напряженное со- стояние грунтов. Дан расчет и приведены типы и конструкции фундаментов зданий и соору- жений, применяемых в промышленном и гражданском строительстве. Изло жены основные положения САПР в фундаментостроении.ме Для студентов строительных специальностей вузов.
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
A friend sends them to him from India. And the animals are not the only wild things in the garden; there are also gipsies. My stepfather likes these wild people, and they can come and go where they like. Poor Julia and I had very unhappy lives. We had no servants. They always left because they were afraid of my stepfather, and we had to do all the work in the house. Julia was only thirty when she died, and her hair was already grey, like my hair now.
UZBEKISTAN A LAND OF MULTIFARIOUS GENIUSES (O'zbekiston-buyuk allomalar yurti)
Thanks to the independence gained by our country, great positive changes have taken place in all spheres of our life.
Tibbiyot institutlarida chet tillarni o brgatishdan maqsad talabalarda mutaxassislik bobyicha chet tillarda adabiyotlarni o‘qish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish va rivojlantirish, o‘quv va kundalik, amaliy mavzular doirasida so‘zlashish, o‘z mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha muloqotlar mazmunini tushunish. Dastur chet tillarini oliy o‘quv yurtlarida o^gafiishni davom ettiruvchi talabalarga mo4jal!angan. Asosiy maqsad maktabda o‘tilgan leksik-grammatik materiallami takrorlash, talabalami mustaqil o‘qishga tayyorlash va tibbiyotga oid original matnlami lug‘atdan kamroq foydalangan holda tushunish, o‘z mutaxassisligi doirasida og‘zaki nutq ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish.
Эҳтимоллар назарияси ва математик статистика
Ушбу маьруза матклари иястигугда итисодий йунашшшарда бил им оластгап бакаланрдар учун тасдикланган намунавий дастур асосида схилг.ш Кулмнма икки кнснлан иборэт. Вириичи кием жтююлдвр камринсини лсоскй гушуичапари , ласодифкй чивдорпар , гахеимел '.ар, тасодифий микдорларии сопли характерисгихалари на чаоодифий кикдорлар системаларини у» ичига олади.