Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
O`zbek mifologiyasi
Ushbu darslik "O`zbek mifologiyasi" fanining asosiy mazmunini qamrab olgan bo`lib uning asoslarini o`zlashtirishga xizmat qiladi. Unda mif va mifologik tasavvurlar haqidagi nazariy qarashlar, miflar tasnifi, inson dunyoqarashining ilk badiiy shakli, so`z san`atining boshlang`ich namunasi ekani, mifologik tafakkurning badiiy-estetik tafakkuriga o`tish bosqichlari o`zbek folklori janrlari misolida asoslanib, mifning inson ma`rifiy dunyoqarashi, estetik didini shakillantirishdagi o`rni yoritilgan.
Introducing human resource management
Introducing Human Resource Management is a lively and engaging introduction to the key topics and issues surrounding people management. Clearly linking HR theory to the work environment, this book explores core areas such as HR strategy and planning, employee engagement, diversity and equality, and talent management and development.
Организация и планирование машиностроительного производства.
В учебнике рассмотрены теоретические и методические вопросы организации машино-строительного производства: организация инновационных и производственных процессов, производственной инфраструктуры предприятий, организация, формирова-ние и оплата труда, стратегическое, тактическое и оперативное планирование производ-ства. Значительное внимание уделено вопросам обеспечения качества и конкуренто-способности продукции предприятий, проблемам обоснования и выбора организа-ционно-технических решений в условиях рыночной среды. Для студентов технических специальностей машиностроительных вузов. Может быть использован практическими работниками.
Биология 6-класс
Дорогие ученики! Занимаясь по этому учебнику, вы познакомитесь с растительным миром, занимающим огромное место в природе.
A-Z Emergency Radiology
The book is divided into conveniently recognised body sections;head and face, cervical spine, thorax, abdomen, upper limb and lower limb.Within each section we have covered a‘core’set of diagnoses that regularly present themselves toA&E and, where possible, have subdivided each diagnosis according to characteristic, clinical features,radiological features and management.The supplied radiographs have been chosen both for their high quality and as excellent examples of the conditions being described. We have intentionally avoided being over-expansive with the text in this book, as it is intended to be a concise overview to emergency radiology and is meant to help expedite a patient’s passage through theA&E setting.It is with this in mind that we feel this work is not only suited to both undergraduate students and doctors at all stages of their training, but also to A&E nurse practitioners and to other ancillary medical staff involved in emergency medicine.
Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death A Practitioner’s Guide
Our interest in health anxiety has been developing over the past 20 years. It grew out of our work with adults with a variety of anxiety disorders. We often found that our clients would describe intense anxiety about illness and death. When we asked about significant life events related to the development of anxiety, many people noted that their problems intensified when there was serious illness or death among those who were close to them. As our interest in fears of illness and death developed, we started to ask clients more directly about these concerns, and we were struck even more by how common these fears of illness and death were for people with various anxiety disorders.
Технология ремонта металлорежущих станков
В книге приведены типовые технологические процессы ремонта наиболее распространенных групп металлорежущих станков, в том числе прецизионных, применительно к условиям индивидуального и серийноrо производства, даны рекомендации по применению прогрессивной ремонтной оснастки, подробно изложены типовые технологические процессы ремонта базовых (корпусных) узлов станков.
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting 11e successfully implements a real-world, single focus company approach in every chapter. The companies chosen are engaging and the decision-making focus shows the relevance of financial accounting regardless of if a student has chosen to major in accounting.
Fizika ta`limi texnologiyasi
Ushbu metodik qo`llanmada fizika kursidan ma`ruza darslarni olib borishda pedagogik va axborot texnologiyalardan foydalanishning metodlari va ishlanmalari keltirilgan.
Social Psychology Handbook of basic principles
To the extent that our choice of topics reflects the ongoing research activities in the field, it is apparent that the cognitive approach continues to grow as a significant presence in social psychology. Twelve contributions reflect this perspective—more than any other category. This strong showing is indicative of the richness and diversity of social psychological topics approached these days from the cognitive perspective. Still, the personal motivational emphasis continues to grow as well, suggesting its fruitfulness and utility for understanding social psychological phenomena. A significant innovation in the present edition is the inclusion of chapters dealing with the applications of social psychology to a variety of applied domains such as “health behavior,” “clinical psychology,” “organizational behavior,” “politics,” “marketing,” “law and the justice system,” and “social action.” Indeed, it is encouraging to witness how useful and influential social psychological principles have been across wide swaths of practical domains, attesting once again to the wisdom of Kurt Lewin’s famous dictum that “there is nothing as useful [to applied concerns] as a good theory”—good theoretical social psychological principles, that is. As in the prior edition of our handbook, all our contributors were asked to orient their discussions toward principles and issues rather than toward a detailed examination of specific studies. Indeed, it is our impression that they have done so quite admirably, tempered by the degree to which clear principles or issues were naturally emerging in the specific domains being reviewed. At least in spirit, then, the quest for social psychological principles was apparent in all our varied contributions.
Возрастная физиология и основы гигиены
Среди многих биологических наук важное место занимает физиологическая наука, вобравшая в себя современные достижения в области биохимии, биофизики, морфологии, электронной микроскопии. Опираясь на эти знания, физиология свою задачу видит в широком обобщении современных достижений науки, выявлении закономерностей функционирования физиологических систем целостного организма, его систем, структурных и субклеточных образований.
Social Psychology
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История немецкого языка
Учебник "История немецкого языка" предназначен для студентов педагогических институтов иностранных языков и филологических вузов, а также для преподавателей, работающих над повышением своей квалификации по специальности.
Информатика и информационные технологии 6 класс
Учебник для 6 класса школ общего среднего образования