Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Textile Fibers and Their Use (Sixth Edition)
As was the case in the earlier volumes, this sixth edition represents a thorough revision and a further expansion of subject matter in response to new developments in the field of textiles. Again, changes in synthetic fibers and finishes of fabrics have taken place with such rapidity, that a marked revision was necessary to bring the subject matter up to date. In keeping with modern trends, even greater emphasis has been given to consumer interest in textiles. Throughout the text is emphasized the importance of a knowledge of certain fundamental facts concerning textile fibers and the fabrics made from them. With the increasing complication of manufacturing processes, the amazing development of new fibers possessing new and varied properties, the combination of different fibers into yarns and fabrics, and the many new and unusual finishes for fabries, the subject of textiles continues to become more and more complex. As a result, the casual acquiring, tinugh personal observation, of those facts which are basic for intelligent selection and use has become improbable. Today, definite organized information covering the field is recognized as essential for wise consumption. Textile Fibers and Their Use, Sixth Edition, attempts presentation of such subject matter on a level suited to college instruction. The subject is handled from a general to a specific approach, beginning with fabrics and their construction, with which the student is more or less familiar, and working through yarns to fibers, the least known part of the subject.
Mahsulot sifatini boshqarish
Qo’llаnmа O’zbеkistоn Rеspublikаsi Оliy O’quv Yurtlаrining iqtisоdiyot аsоsiy mаqsаd qilib оlingаn. Sifаt tushunchаsi, mаhsulоtning sifаt dаrаjаsini аniqlаsh, mаhsulоtlаrni sеrtifikаtlаsh, stаndаrtlаshtirish, mеtrоlоgiya vа istе’mоlchilаr huquqlаrini хimоya qilish mаsаlаlаrigа ilmiy аsоsdа yondоshilgаn.
Effective Concurrency in Go
his book will attempt to explain how to think in the Go language using concurrency constructs so you can understand how the program will behave when you are given a piece of code, and others can understand what you produce. It starts with a high-level overview of concurrency and Go’s treatment of it. It will then work on several data processing problems using concurrent algorithms.
Iqtisodiyot nazaryasi
Qo‘llanmada iqtisodiyotdagi asosiy masalalar, muammolar, yetakchi nazariy maktablar, yo‘nalishlar va ularning namoyandalari fikrlari, konsepsiyalari hisobga olingan. Unda iqtisodiyot nazariyasi fanining o‘quv dasturida o‘rganish ko'zda tutilgan barcha mavzular qamrab olingan.
Madaniy tadbirlarni tashkil etish mahorati
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma san'at va madaniyat sohasi bo'yicha shug'ullanuvchilar hamda keng kitobxonlar ommasiga mo'ljallangan.
Logistika asoslari
O'quv qo`llanmada logistika fanining vujudga kelishi tarixi, uning rivojlanish bosqishlari, ishlab chiqarish va taqsimot logistikasi, logistik markazlar va ularning samaradorligi haqida tushunchalar bayon etilgan.
United States-European community trade resources
An instant ``export rolodex'' listing thousands of key individuals, businesses, agencies and organizations dedicated to European Community (EC) trade including U.S. law firms, consultants and trading companies, translators and interpreters, advertising agencies, foreign trade organizations, conferences and trade shows and much more. Each chapter on an EC member commences with a brief investment analysis and includes a longer essay chapter which examines the current trade picture.
The autism & ADHD diet
In this book she sets out clearly what dietary interventions are, who they might help, how they might help, the mental and emotional struggles in coming to terms with trying dietary interventions, and how to go about affordably imple menting them.
C# Concurrency MEAP V03
This book is about writing real world software that for some reason (probably performance) is multithreaded and asynchronous. We will talk about how multithreading and asynchronous programming work, why they work this way, and most importantly, the easiest way to use them safely.
Logistika asoslari
O`quv qo`llanmada logistika asoslari fanining vujudga kelishi tarixi, uning rivojlanish bosqishlari, ishlab chiqarish va taqsimot logistikasi, logistik markazlar va ularning samaradorligi haqida tushunchalar bayon etilgan.
Strategic management: In small and medium enterprises 1st edition
Statistics show that, in most countries, 99% of businesses are classified as 'Small Businesses'. In the UK alone, 99.8% of businesses employ less than 250 staff and these companies contribute more than a half of UK turnover. This new textbook goes where other Strategic Management books have not and focuses on these Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) rather than the large corporations and the actions of their CEOs. The authors consider how managers of small firms perceive the processes associated with strategic management, what decisions and actions they adopt to ensure competitive advantage, how business strategies are formulated and implemented in SMEs and what the strategic role of entrepreneurship within small businesses is. They also discuss how SMEs should act for maximum competitive advantage and consider the 'gap' between ideal theory and practice. This unique book will be essential for professionals working in small businesses and for entrepreneurs as well as those managers interested in strategy and business policy.
Madaniyat va istirohat bog'lari hamda aholi dam olish markazlari ishi
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma fanning asosiy o‘rganish ob’yekti bo‘lgan madaniyat va istirohat bog‘lari hamda madaniyat va aholi dam olish markazlari faoliyati bilan bog'liq masalalarni yoritadi.
O`quv qo'llanmada logistikaning zamonaviy konsepsiyasi va vazifalari aks ettirilib, logistik jarayon qatnashchilariga tavsif berilgan.
The Pain Procedure Handbook
This manual was designed with the physician trainee (medical students, residents, fellows, and others) in mind as they work to achieve their educational and technical competencies.
Axborot texnologiyalari
O ‘quv qo‘llanma “Axborot texnologiyalari” fanini o‘rganayotgan texnik ta’lim yo‘nalishidagi bakalavr talabalariga tavsiya etiladi. Shuningdek, o‘quv qo‘llanma axborot texnologiyalarining zamonaviy rivojlaish tendensiyalarini o‘rganayotganlar: magistrantlar, professor- o‘qituvchilar va malaka oshirish tizimi tashkilotlarining tinglovchilariga, hamda fanni mustaqil o‘rganuvchilarga foydali bo‘lishi mumkin.