Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
JаvаSсriрt iѕ аn intеrрrеtеd рrоgrаmming lаnguаgе, built оn thе ECMASсriрt ѕtаndаrd. Thе language dеfinitiоn iѕ rеаllу brоаd ѕinсе it can bе dеfinеd аѕ арrосеdurаl lаnguаgе bаѕеd оn рrоtоtуреѕ, imреrаtivе, wеаklу tуреd, аnd dуnаmiс.
Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy
This book is also useful for Engineering degree students and Masters degree students during their academic preparations. In all the chapters you will see that there is more emphasis on problems and their analysis rather than on theory. In each chapter, you will first read about the basic required theory, which is then followed by a section on problem sets. In total, there are approximately 700 algorithmic problems, all with solutions.
Ушбу методик қўлланмада Мавлоно Жалолиддин Румий (1207-1273) маънавий-ахлоқий тарбияга доир қарашларининг педагогик концепцияси ҳамда улардан фойдаланиш шакл, метод, воситалари кўрсатилган бўлиб, ҳозирги кундаги ёшлар аълимтарбияси жараёнида замонавий таълим технологиялари асосида фойдаланиш йўллари келтирилган.
Таълим-тарбия жараёнини модернизациялашнинг педагогик ва психологик асослари мавзусида ўтказиладиган иқтидорли талабалар илмий-амалий анжумани материаллари
Таълим тарбия жараёнини самарадорлигини оширишнинг педагогик психологик ўзига хосликлари, инновацион ёндашувлар. Амалий психологик фаолият муаммо ва ечимлар.
Алоҳида ёрдамга муҳтож болаларни тарбиялашда оила ва мактаб ҳамкорлиги
Илмий тўплам алоҳида ёрдамга муҳтож болаларни тарбиялашда оила ва мактаб ҳамкорлигига бағишланди. Мутаҳассисларнинг тўпламда жамланган мақолаларида ривожланишида муаммоси бўлган болаларни коррекциялаш, уларга махсус таълим-тарбия бериш, ижтимоий мослаштиришда ота-оналар ва мутахассислар хамкорлиги масалалари батавсил ёритилган.
ABC of common grammatical errors. For learners and teachers of english
The ABC of common grammatical errors is a practical reference book for learners and teachers of English as a second or foreign language.
Математика для взрослых. Лайфхаки для повседневных вычислений
Эта книга — самый дружелюбный и доступный ликбез по математике. После ее прочтения вы разберетесь в большинстве базовых терминов и вычислений, сможете применять их в жизни и даже узнаете несколько математических трюков, которыми можно произвести впечатление на друзей. Глоссарий в конце книги позволит вам быстро освежить в памяти любое определение. Книга будет полезна широкому кругу читателей.
A Commonsense Guide to Grammar and Usage
A Commonsense Guide to Grammar and Usage, Sixth Edition, helps students write clear, error-free sentences by combining the easy access of a reference handbook with the practicality of a skills workbook. This book is intended for a range of students who need a firmer foundation in the grammar and usage of formal writing. These students might be enrolled in a beginning writing course, an ESL course, a first-year composition course, or a course in a discipline such as business, history, or science.
A Thesaurus of English Word Roots
When you read these words you probably do not fully understand what you have in your hands. Were I to say that you have a whole dictionary in your hands, you might find that unremarkable; we often think of thesauri, those treasure-books of words, as mere extensions of dictionaries anyway. But if I were to say that you had a lexicographical library in your hands, you might first wonder at the meaning of 'lexicographical'—you may look it up in this book—and then express a note of incredulity at my claim. Yet that is what you do actually have in your hands: Dr. Danner has compressed into one volume all the knowledge of words and learning regarding their origins to be found in an entire library of foreign language dictionaries as well as related linguistic tools for the study of English developed by historians of the language. This is an altogether singular achievement.
Сўздаги ўзлик
Ушбу китоб "Ёшлар маънавий-ахлоқий тарбиясида адабиётнинг таъсири ва аҳамияти" мавзусидаги давлат гранти лойиҳаси доирасида тайёрланди. Адабиётшунос олим Иброҳим Ҳаққулнинг мустақиллик йилларида адабиётнинг ўрни ва роли, унинг ёшлар тарбиясига таъсири, айниқса, мумтоз ва тасаввуф адабиётининг назарий масалалари ҳақидаги илмий мушоҳадалари ўқувчини бефарқ қолдирмайди.
A plain english guide to political terms
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) is an independent membership organisation, concerned with developing policy, advocacy, research and offering advisory services in adult literacy work in Ireland. NALA was established in 1980 and has campaigned since then for the recognition of, and response to, the adult literacy issue in Ireland.
Tengdoshlarim - tuyg`udoshlarim
Ushbu kitob O'zbekislon Yozuvchilar uyushmasi tomonidan o'tkazilgan «Istc'dod maktabi» Respublika yosh ijodkorlari seminarida ruishrga tavsiya qilinib, «Ijod» fondi tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan.
Oliy ta`lim taraqqiyoti istiqbollari
Tempus milliy ekspertlar guruhi tomonidan tayyorlangan mazkur ilmiy-uslubiy to`plamning birinchi soni oliy ta`limni rivojlantirishning dolzarb masalalariga bag`ishlangan. To`plamni chop etishdan maqsad o`zbekistonlik mutaxassislarni Yevropa davlatlari va respublikamiz oliy ta`lim sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan ta`lim sifatini oshirishning zamonaviy uslublari, tendensiyalar va innovatsiyalari bilan tanishtirishdan iborat. To`plam keng doiradagi mutaxassislarga - Oliy va o`rta maxsus ta`lim vazirligi rahbarlari, oliy ta`lim muassasalari o`qituvchilari hamda talabalarga mo`ljallangan.
Навоий ўгитлари
Алишер Навоийнинг ҳаёти ва ижодини ўрганишда қўшимча манба ва материаллардан фойдаланишнинг ҳам жуда катта илмий, тарихий, маърифий аҳамияти мавжуд. Бунда бевосита мутафаккир адибнинг ўз асарларидаги касби ҳоллардан фойдаланиш эса янада кучлироқ таъсир кучига эга. Китобда шу ҳақида мулоҳазалар берилган.
A Mathematical Jamboree
This book is the fifth in this series, each filled with new ideas to challenge the puzzler. It continues with the usual mix of activities from matchsticks to matrices, with a plethora of magical configurations to engage the attention. For the traditional geometer there is a 'proof that all triangles are isosceles and a deceptively simple figure where you are challenged to find a missing angle. Wouldbe managers can test out their shunting skills, or organise an expedition of explorers into the interior or minimise transport costs, while pilots can go formation flying with the Red Arrows. A section on ways of making harmonographs will encourage readers with a practical bent to make their own and enjoy the resulting patterns, while the numerous games and tricks can be tried out on your friends.
A history of the english language
Man lived in what we now call the British Isles long before it broke away from the continent of Europe, long before the great seas covered the land bridge that is now known as the English Channel, that body of water that protected this island for so long, and that by its very nature, was to keep it out of the maelstrom that became medieval Europe. Thus England's peculiar character as an island nation came about through its very isolation. Early man came, settled, farmed and built. His remains tell us much about his lifestyle and his habits. Of course, the land was not then known as England, nor would it be until long after the Romans had departed.