Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Basic Immunology functions and disorders of the immune system
The sixth edition of Basic Immunology has been revised to include recent important advances in our knowledge of the immune system. The original goals of this book, from the earliest edition, were to present current concepts in immunology cogently and also in sufficient detail that they would be understood by students of the discipline, as well as to emphasize clinical aspects, including disease pathogenesis and the development of novel therapies based on the basic science of immunology. These are the goals that we continue to strive for. With improving understanding of the normal immune response, we believe it is possible to present the fundamental knowledge in a concise way. In addition, there has been exciting progress in applying basic principles to understanding and treating human diseases, a topic that is of paramount interest for students of medicine and allied health sciences. Foremost among these recent advances is the development of cancer immunotherapy, which dramatically illustrates how foundational science can be translated into clinical practice.
Building Serverless Applications on Knative
Serverless has become a major selling point of cloud service providers. Over the last four years, hundreds of services from both major cloud providers and smaller service offerings have been branded or rebranded as “serverless.” Clearly, serverless has something to do with services provided over a network, but what is serverless, and why does it matter? How does it differ from containers, functions, or cloud native technologies? While terminology and definitions are constantly evolving, this book aims to highlight the essential attributes of serverless technologies and explain why the serverless moniker is growing in popularity.
Learning GitHub Actions
The views expressed in this work are those of the author and do not represent the publisher’s views. While the publisher and the author have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights.
Praise for Building Recommendation Systems in Python and JAX
How did you come to find this book? Did you see an ad for it on a website? Maybe a friend or mentor suggested it; or perhaps you saw a post on social media that referenced it. Could it be that you found it sitting on a shelf in a bookstore—a bookstore that your trusty maps app led you to? However you came to find it, you’ve almost certainly come to this book via a recommendation system.
Praise for Building Multi-Tenant SaaS Architectures
When I first started digging into the software-as-a-service (SaaS) domain, I expected to find plenty of existing best practices guidance. After all, SaaS certainly wasn’t a new concept. There were multiple examples of successful SaaS companies and a general sentiment that SaaS was establishing itself as the preferred mode of delivery for many companies. To me, this meant I’d mostly be absorbing and applying an existing set of patterns and strategies. Surprisingly, it didn’t go that way.
Architecting for Scale
This book is intended for architects, managers, and directors who build and operate large-scale applications and systems, whether in an engineering or an operations organization. If you manage software developers, system reliability engineers, or operation teams, or you run an organization that contains large-scale applications and systems, the suggestions and guidance provided in this book will help you make your applications run smoother and more reliably.
Tayyorlash, payvandlash va montaj ishlarining texnika va texnologiyasi.
O`quv qo`llanma injenerlik tarmoqlari qurilishi yo`nalishi bo`yicha ta`lim olayotgan bakalavrlar,"Issiqlik-gaz ta`minoti, ventilatsiya,havoni mo`tadillash va havo havzasini muhofazasi" va "Suv ta`minoti, kanalizatsiya,suv resurslarini muhofoza qilish va ulardan samarali foydalanish" mutaxassisliklarida ta`lim olayotgan talabalar uchun mo`ljallangan.
Learning Generative Adversarial Networks
In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning. A block of code for importing necessary packages and libraries modules is set as follows.
Umumiy kimyo fanidan laboratoriya mashg`ulotlari
Qo`llanmaning maqsadi talabalar umumiy kimyodan oladigan bilimlarini mustahkamlash va tajriba yo`li bilan sinab ko`rishdan iborat. Laboratoriya mashg`ulotlarini ma`ruza bilan parallel ravishda o`tkazilishi mashg`ulotning unumli va foydali bo`lishiga yordam beradi.
Tribotexnikadan amaliy mashg'ulotlar
O'quv qo‘llanma «Yer usti transport tizimlari» hamda «Texnologik mashina va jihozlar» ta’lim yo‘nalishlarida bilim olayotgan talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan.
Umumiy geologiya
Ushbu “Umumiy geologiya” fanidan o’quv qo’llanma oliy ta’limning tabiiy fanlar sohasi: 5440800 - «Foydali qazilma konlari geologiyasi va qidiruv ishlari» yo’nalishining bakalavriat talabalari uchun o’quv reja asosida tuzilgan. Fanni o’qitishdan maqsad talabalarda umumgeologik tayyorgarlikning asosini yaratishdir. Umumiy geologiya Yer qa’rida va uning sirtida bo’ladigan endogen va ekzogen jarayonlarni, tog’ jinslari va minerallarni o’rgatadi.
Learning eBPF
This book is for developers, system administrators, operators, and students who are curious about eBPF and want to know more about how it works. It will provide a foundation for those who want to explore writing eBPF programs themselves. Since eBPF provides a great platform for a whole new generation of instrumentation and tooling, there will likely be gainful employment for eBPF developers for some years to come.
Turar-joy tumani loyihasi
Mazkur o'quv - uslubiy majmuada turar-joy tumani va kichik tumanning arxitekturaviy -rejaviy strukturasini shakllantirish asoslari bo'yicha nazariy bilimlar berilgan. Shu bilan birga ularni ko'kalamzorlashtirish va obodonlashtirish, yashash muhitini shakillashtirishning kompozitsion usullari ko'rib chiqiladi.
Uglevodlar kimyosiga kirish
Mazkur o’quv qo’llanma “Uglevodlar kimyosi” fanidan “5A140501-Kimyo” ta'lim yo’nalishi uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, Tabiiy fanlar fakulteti, Kimyo kafedrasining professor-o’qituvchilari tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. “Uglevodlar kimyosi” fani o’quv qo`llanmasini yaratishda yetakchi xorijiy OTMlari o’quv dasturlarining asosiy adabiyotlar ro’yxatiga kiritilgan.
Lotin tili va tibbiy farmatsevtik terminologiya asoslari
Uch bo`limdan iborat bo`lgan mazkur qo`llanmada barcha grammatik mavzular keng yoritildi. Stomotologiya oliygohi barcha fakultetlari uchun leksik minimumlar hamda nazorat ishlari variantlari kabi qismlar kiritildi.
Learning Digital Identity
This book is the answer. Let me explain. When most people hear the term “digital identity”, they think of two things: the persistent pain of logging in with usernames and passwords and the bane of identity theft.