Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Matematik analiz
Darslikda matematik analizning analiz kirish, bir o`zgaruvchili funksiyaning differensial va integral hisobiga oid nazariy materiallar to`liq berilgan.
Mashinasozlik materiallari
Darslikda quyidagi ma‘lumotlar: mashinasozlikda va iqtisodiyotning barcha soxalarida foydalaniladigan metallar va uning qotishmalari, ularning tarkibi, tuzilishi, hossalari va ularga ishlov berish usullari keltirilgan.
Marketingni boshqarish
Darslikda asosiy e’tibor firmalarning tovar va narx siyosatini ishlab chiqishga, strategik va taktik rejalashtirish, marketingning faolligini oshirish va uni axborot texnologiyalari yordamida yanada faollashtirishga tovarlarning raqobatbardoshligini baholash usullari va yo'l-yo‘riqlariga qaratilgan.
Ma`muriy huquq
Darslikda ma`muriy huquq fanining hozirgi zamon sud-huquq islohotlari sharoitida ijtimoiy huquqiy, iqtisodiy rivojlanish bosqichlarida tutgan o`rni, ma`muriy huquq nazariyasi va ma`muriy huquqiy munosabatlarning mazmuni ichki ishlar organlari faoliyati bilan bog`liq ravishda yoritib berilgan.
Теория автоматического управления
Рассмотрены основные положения и принципы управления техническими и организационно-техническими системами современного машиностроения, описаны методы анализа и синтеза линейных и нелинейных систем. Изложены основы адаптивного управления технологическим процессом, динамики станков и построения программного управления технологическим оборудованием. Даны принципы построения систем управления с использованием ЭВМ в контуре управления. Первое издание вышло в 1992 г.
Основы автоматизации машиностроительного производства
Описаны основные принципы, способы и средства автоматизации производства в машиностроении. Производственный процесс рассмотрен как поток материалов и информации. Задачи автоматизации решены как задачи проектирования и обеспечения размерных, временных и информационных связей в автоматическом процессе. Для студентов машиностроительных специальностей.
Reflective Practice in Language Teaching
This Element examines the concept of reflective practice in language teaching, reconsidering a framework for a holistic approach to language teacher re flection and reflective practice. It includes a brief description of reflective practice and how it is operationalized by two of its main protagonists, John Dewey and Donald Schön, as well as some of the limitations of their conceptions. This Element is used as an introduction to how the author developed Dewey and Schön’s ideas when creating a five-stage framework of reflective practice for language teachers. The author then presents an in-depth case study of the reflections of an English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher working in Costa Rica as he moved through the five stages of the framework. The author then outlines and discusses how reflective practice may be moved forward and calls attention to the importance of emotions in the process of reflection for language teachers.
Information Assurance Architecture
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The Authors and Publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.
Selected Readings on Information Technology and Business Systems Management
The fundamental advantages of information technology in regard to efficiency and effectiveness assure that its diffusion in society and in most industries will continue. The constant and rapid development of Internet-related technologies in the accompanying net economy has inevitably had a significant influence on various possibilities for developing innovative online business concepts and realizing these by establishing entrepreneurial ventures.
Biologiyani o`qitishda pedagogik texnologiyalar
Ushbu darslikda pedagogik faoliyat ushun zarur bo`lgan zamonaviy metodik bilim berishda kerakli bo'lgan tavsiyalar berilgan.
Культурология история мировой культуры
Учебник «Культурология. История мировой культуры» знакомит студентов с основами культурологии, узловыми вопросами истории культуры различных стран - от первобытного общества до сегодняшнего дня. Материал излагается по основным этапам развития культуры (Первобытная эпоха и Древний мир. Средневековье, Новое время, Новейшее время), что дает представление о поступательном движении мировой цивилизации и повышении уровня материальной и духовной культуры человечества. В учебнике освещены узловые вопросы истории и теории культуры, ее типы и формы, раскрыты социальные функции культуры, охарактеризованы основные культурно - исторические центры и цивилизации мира, а также творчество крупнейших представителей различных школ и направлений в культуре. В отличие от предыдущего издания учебник значительно расщирены - включены страны Востока и цивилизации Нового Света, Арабский Восток, Византия, проанализировано развитие культуры XX века.
Family Language Learning
This series provides immediate advice and practical help on topics where parents and teachers frequently seek answers. Each book is written by one or more experts in a style that is highly readable, non-technical and comprehensive. No prior knowledge is assumed: a thorough understanding of a topic is promised after reading the appropriate book. This guidebook isn’t like other bilingual parenting books. They’re written for parents who have spoken a second language from birth, and often include case studies of people who’ve traveled the world, who’ve grown up around many languages, or who live in a multilingual environment.
English for Specific Purposes
The seven papers in this collection have certain similarities: they all describe particular projects in English for academic purposes (now often referred to as EEP: English for educational purposes); they all refer to ESP materials actually produced or selected and they all stress the importance of getting the administrative as well as the professional side of things right. Some of the most crucial current questions come under scrutiny and a comparison of the various answers suggested should be revealing for those involved in ESP both at the theoretical and practical levels. ESP practitioners may well find the comments on local operational constraints in the papers on the two overseas projects particularly revealing. The importance of establishing close, clearly-defined relationships with administrators and specialist staff, for example, is given considerable emphasis.
More step by step. Listening 1
Listening is a three-level integrated listening and speaking series for students ranging from pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate. The series is aimed at helping learners improve their listening comprehension and speaking ability through a variety of skill-based activities. Contemporary and informative theme-based units are used to motivate students and provide interesting topics for class discussions. More Step By Step Listening follows a formal that lets students practice their skills in both everyday and academic situations.
Biofizika va radiobiologiya
Darslikda veterinariya va chorvachilik sohalari uchun katta ahamiyatga ega bo‘lgan biomexanika, bioakustika, gidrodinamika, biologik tizimlarda ko‘chish hodisalari, termodinamikaning biologik asoslari, bioelektromagnetizm, kvant biofizikasi, atom nurlari, radiobiologiyaga oid ma’lumotlar bavon etilgan.