Oziq-ovqat sanoati
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
This book was written for an introductory one-semester or t wo -quarter course in probability and statistics for students in engineering and applied sciences. No previous knowledge of probability or statistics is presumed but a good understanding of calculus is a prerequisite for the material. The development of this book was guided by a number of considerations observed over many years of teaching courses in this subject area. This book is concerned with the development of basic principles in constructing probability models and the subsequent an alysis of these models. As in other scientific modeling procedures, the basic cycle of this undertaking consists of a number of fundamental steps.
Molekulyar genetika
Darslik O'zbekiston Respublika si Oliy va o'rta maxsus ta'lim vazirligi hamda O'zbekiston Respublikasi Sog'liqni saqlash vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan
Физическая и колоидная химия
В книге освещаются вопросы молекулярно-кинетической теории агрегатных состояний вещества.
Graphic design for the 21st century: 100 of the worlds best graphic designers
Covering a vast range of cutting-edge graphics, with politically charged anti-commercial work placed in the same context as Nike's latest ads, this book presents highlights of today's most progressive graphic currents -- from signage and packaging to branding and web-design.
Design leadership: How top design leaders build and grow successful organizations
Based on scores of interviews he conducted over a two-year period—from small companies to massive corporations like ESPN—author Richard Banfield covers a wide range of topics, including: How design leaders create a healthy company culture; Innovative ways for attracting and nurturing talent; Creating productive workspaces, and handling remote employees; Staying on top of demands while making time for themselves; Consistent patterns among vastly different leadership styles; Techniques and approaches for keeping the work pipeline full; Making strategic and tactical plans for the future; Mistakes that design leaders made—and how they bounced back.
Аналитическая химия
В учебнике достаточно полно и в доступной форме излагаются все разделы аналитической химии, предусмотренные программой по данному курсу.
Ремонт и монтаж оборудования предприятий пищевой промышленности.
В книге приводится описание ремонта и монтажа оборудования, используемого на большинстве современных пищевых предприятий, а также сведения по испытанию и наладке оборудования после ремонта и монтажа.
Курс коллоидной химии.
Книга -второе переработанное и дополненное издание курса коллоидной химии, являющегося учебником для химик технологических вузов.
Учебник написан в соответствии с программой изучения предмета на основе современных требований. Предназначен для студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и слушателей факультета повышения квалификации институтов физической культуры и факультетов физического воспитания педагогических высших учебных заведений.
История древней русской литературы
Предлагаемый курс в хронологической последовательности обозревает основные явления истории древней русской литературы на протяжении от XI до XVII в. включительно. Выбор материала, привлеченного к изучению, определяется — при наличии в этом материале специфически литературных элементов — преимущественно степенью отражения в нем существенных сторон исторической действительности. Изложение материала сопровождается библиографическими ссылками на важнейшую литературу вопроса.
Элементарный учебник физики Том II
В книге изложены электрические заряды, действие электрического заряда на окружающие тела и другие темы.
Basics of Environmental Science (2nd Edition)
Basics of Environmental Science is an engaging introduction to environmental study. The book offers everyone studying and interested in the environment, an essential understanding of natural environments and the way they function. It covers the entire breadth of the environmental sciences, providing concise, non-technical explanations of physical processes and systems and the effects of human activities. In this second edition, the scientific background to major environmental issues is clearly explained. These include global warming, genetically modified foods, desertification, acid rain, deforestation, human population growth, depleting resources and nuclear power generation. There are also descriptions of the 10 major biomes. Michael Allaby is the author or co-author of more than 60 books, most on various aspects of environmental science. In addition he has also edited or co-edited seven scientific dictionaries and edited an anthology of writing about the environment.
Ko‘p qatlamli strukturalar fizikasi va texnologiyasi
Xozirgi vaqtda Quyosh nurlanishing energiyasini elektr energiyasiga o‘zgartirishda kremniyli fotoelementlardan foydalanish katta axamiyatga ega. Quyosh nurlanishi manba’larining energiya samaradorligini baholash va energiyani tejovchi choralarni baholash usullari, yorug'likda elektr energiyasini tejash usullari ko'rib chiqiladi. Darslikda quyoshning keng qamrovli spektridan optimal foydalangan holda yarimo‘tkazgichli material sifatida kremniy va boshqa turdadagi foydalanib fotoelektrik batareyalar va qurilmalarning texnologiyalari taxlili qilib chiqilgan.
Analytical Chemistry
Analytical chemists and others in many disciplines frequently ask questions such as: What is this substance?; How concentrated is this solution?; What is the structure of this molecule? The answers to these and many other similar questions are provided by the techniques and methods of analytical chemistry. They are common to a wide range of activities, and the demand for analytical data of a chemical nature is steadily growing. Geologists, biologists, environmental and materials scientists, physicists, pharmacists, clinicians and engineers may all find it necessary to use or rely on some of the techniques of analysis described in this book. The layout of the book has been determined by the series format and by the requirements of the overall analytical process.