Training methodology complex biologically active additives in agriculture
Khojanazarova M. Q.,Q/x biotexnologiyasi, -
Ўқитувчиларнинг мустақил билим олишлари учун тил ва методикадан материаллар
Огамирзаева З., Сайназаров Х.,Til, -
English in Topics and some Jokes
Лутфуллаева М., Муратова Г., Абдуганиева Ш., Абдуллаев Ш.,Tilshunoslik, -
English language teaching methodology (theory and praetice)
Jalolov J. J., Mahkamova G. T., Ashurov Sh. S.,Til, -
Belolipov I. V., Arabova N. Z.,Suggested lectures in Botani consist of 20 themes and cover the whole course of Botany.
Training methodology complex for the discipline of gen engineering
Artikova R. M.,The task of science is to study the molecular mechanisms of processes in the cells of biological objects, the stages of genetic engineering research, the creation of vectors and their types, methods of transforming genes into cells, genetic engineering enzymes, the creation of recombinant DNA constructs, improving the quality of plants using genetic engineering methods.
Training methodology complex biologically active additives in agriculture
Khojanazarova M. Q.,The task of science is the requirements of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, biological phenomena and the skills of methodical approach to processes and formation of scientific outlook harvest from doing village economy crops productivity increase, them quality and ecological cleanliness improve, nature from pollution storage and Agrarian work release another all in networks this methods apply about theoretical knowledge, practical skills, biological event and to processes methodical approach and scientific in terms of worldview necessary was is to impart knowledge.
Hamidov M. M., Hamidova T. R., Abdullayeva U. T.,Бу луғат ҳозирги ўзбек тилидаги антонимларнинг дастлабки луғати бўлиб унда 495 антонимик группага бирлашувчи 1800 га яқин антонимик жуфтлик тасвирланган.
Busness english for esp students
Saidova Z. U.,O`quv qo`llanma axborot-kutubxona muassasalarining turlari, ularning o`ziga xos xususiyatlari,axborot-kutubxona faoliyatining asosiy jarayonlari bayon etilgan.
Conversational english
Fayzieva А.,Mazkur o`quv qo`llanmada O`zbekiston va Toshkentga oid tekstlar, Evropa davlatlari haqidagi matnlar, ekologiya va atrof-muhitni muxofaza qilish, sayoxat turlari, kitoblar xaqida va turli she`r qo`shiqlar berilgan.
Legal English
Satimov G`.,Darslik ikki qismdan iborat bo`lib, unda bo`lajak huquqshunos o`zining kelajakdagi amaliy faoliyati davomida duch kelish mumkin bo`lgan mingdan ortiq hududiy atamalar va ilovalarning o`z ichiga olgan matnlar berilgan.
English as a second language
Sadullaeva N. A.,Ushbu o`quv qo`llanmada Buyuk Britaniya haqidagi ma`lumotlar, matnlar, leksik materiallar, drammatika va amaliy dars mashg`ulotlari hamda mustaqil ishlari berilgan.
Ўқитувчиларнинг мустақил билим олишлари учун тил ва методикадан материаллар
Огамирзаева З., Сайназаров Х.,Мазкур қўлланмада ўқитувчиларнинг мустақил ўқишларининг айрим томонлари, яъни ўқитувчининг методик ва тил билими даражасини ошириш масаласи баён этилган.
Herbal plants
Tilovova G. A.,Ushbu uslubiy qo`llanmada asosiy e`tibor mamlakatimizda o`sadigan hamda yurtimizga chetdan introduktsiya qilingan dorivor o`simliklarning ingliz va o`zbek tillaridagi nomlari, qisqacha ta`rifi hamda umumiy tushunchalari bayon qilingan.
Ideology-The uniting principle of nation, society and state
Karimov I.,In the second issue of the Tafakkur magazine, 1998. answers of the first President of the country I.Karimov to the questions of Editor-in-Chief of the magazine have been published. The thoughts of the Head of the government about the spiritual development of our society, about the must important issues affiliated with our history and our future and about modern mature problems have been reflected in this interview.
English in Topics and some Jokes
Лутфуллаева М., Муратова Г., Абдуганиева Ш., Абдуллаев Ш.,Ўқув қўлланмада ўзлаштирилиши лозим бўлган барча мавзулар атрофлича, замонавий ўқитишнинг илғор усул ва шаклларидан фойдаланилган ҳолда хорижий давлатлар талаби даражасида ёритилган.
English language teaching methodology (theory and praetice)
Jalolov J. J., Mahkamova G. T., Ashurov Sh. S.,Darslik ingliz tili fakultetlari talabalarining kasbiy kompetensiyasini shakllantirishga mo`ljallangan bo`lib u uch qisimdan iborat bo`lib 1) chet tillarni o`qitish qisqacha tarixi va nazariyasi, 2) nutq malakalarini o`rgatish va 3) o`quv jarayonini tashkil etish to`g`risidagi ma`lumotlari keltirilgan.
English in Topics
Abdullayev Sh., Oripov Sh., Shomahmudov Sh., Ibratov B.,Mazkur qo`llanmada xorijiy mamlakatlarning davlat tizimi, mashhur odamlari, diqqatga sazovor joylari, bayramlari, shuningdek, o`quvchining faoliyatiga doir mavzular berilgan.