To‘liq matnni ko‘chirib olish uchun kutubxonaga a'zo bo‘lish shart | |
Hujjat turi: | O'quv qo'llanma |
Nashr tili: | Inglizcha |
Kataloglashtirish manbai: | Inglizcha |
Hujjat tipi: | Bosma shaklda |
Kirish huquq turi: | OCHIQ KIRISH |
Food quality management technological and managerial principles and practices
Kitob mualliflari
Luning P. A.,
Marcelis W. J.,
This book describes Food Quality Management (FQM) in one integrated concept. Topics covered in the book include food quality properties and concepts, essentials of quality management and food technology, and details about food and human behaviours.
Bilimlar sohasi: | | Menejment. Marketing. Tadbirkorlik | |
UDK | |
Kitob nashriyoti nomi: | Wageningen Academic |
Kitob nashr qilingan shahar: | Netherlands |
ISBN: | 978-90-8686-348-8 |
Kitob nashr qilingan yili: | 2020 Yil |
Betlar Soni: | 472 |
Kitobga aloqador kitoblar
Механизация и автоматизация хранения и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции
Худоёров З. Ж.,
Мирзаходжаев Ш. Ш.,
Мустафаева Н. А.,