Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Functional programming and parallel graph rewriting
Functional languages encompass a simple and elegant form to express computations in a declarative manner. These languages, although limited in use to the academic world in the past time, now start gathering great interest in the software industry. This widening circle of users must be provided with more complete forms to practical tools. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the implementation of functional languages on various architectures from the point of view of the language implementer. Compared to the traditional emphasis on parallel architectures, this volume especially focuses on sequential machine implementations. This book has its foundation in the ideas brought about by Graph Rewriting Systems, a systematic development idea giving structural clarity to language implementations and also automating the methods needed for the actual implementation steps. This monograph particularly investigates into the crucial issues that have not been given sufficient attention so far, such as concurrency issues in functional languages, type and strictness inference, garbage collection, and the ability to utilize fine-grained parallelism.
Engineering of creativity: introduction to triz methodology of inventive problem solving
Any successful enterprise, be it a Fortune 500 company or a small shop, recognizes the importance of innovation and innovation to its business. The need to allocate any investment into investing in a sedulous technical problem and this book explores a problem-solving methodology, TRIZ, that focuses on solving such problems efficiently, effectively, and creatively.TRIZ (a search theory of trials) is the Russian abbreviation of what can be translated as “theory of inventive problem-solving.” It was developed by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (who wrote with his team under the collective alias G. S. Altov) in the former Soviet Union, starting in 1946 and publishing his first paper in 1956 (working with G. Filkovis, Ralt and Shapiro) was published in the USSR. The concept was published there. Altshuller later left his basic ideas and developed an official institutional basis. He worked in Baku where TRIZ based organizations later developed. Nevertheless, the official beginning resulted from his program and work on creative processes. Based on thousands of patent reviews, TRIZ is created models for technology (Germans, European and American, the US and within the East Bloc, and general “global practice,” both standard and leading to innovations.)
Estrada va ommaviy tomoshalar rejissurasi
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanmada rejissuradagi ijodiy uslublar, estrada san'at spetsifikasi va klassifikasiyasi, ommaviy-badiiy sport tomoshalari rejissurasi, fon va badiiy fon rejissurasi, estrada va ommaviy tomoshalar rejissurasida ta'sirchan vositalar, estrada va ommaviy tomoshalar rejissurasi ssenoggrafiyasi kabi masalalar tadqiq etilgan.
Практикум по теории статистики
Составлен в соответствии с типовой учебной программой курса «Теория статистики». Содержит: краткий обзор основных понятий общей теории статистики как отрасли статистической науки, группировку статистических данных и ее роль в анализе информации, абсолютные, относительные и средние величины, статистические распределения, выборочное наблюдение, ряды динамики, индексы и их использование в экономико-статистических исследованиях и т. д. Представлены типовые примеры с решениями и задачи (с ответами) по изучаемому материалу. В приложениях даны необходимые для решения задач математико-статистические таблицы, а также основные формулы теории статистики.
Media theory
The focus of this book is a mathematical structure modeling a physical or biological system that can be seen as a storage of states. The mathematical characterization of a set of binary states distinguishes between whether states are related to each other. Such states can be manipulated under certain rules and operations, resulting in logical and algebraic structures that can transform one state into another. The text contains rigorous examination of these transformations and applications in various fields, notably in media and communication theory.
Ushbu o`quv qo`llanma qurilish chizmachiligi kursi o`rganiladigan kasbhunar kоllеjlari o`quvchilari uchun amaldagi fan dasturi asоsida tayyorlandi. Qo`llanmada qurilish chizmachiligining kasb-hunar kollejlarida o`rganiladigan asosiy mavzulari qisqacha, sodda usulda bayon qilib berildi. O`quvchilar bajaradigan mashqlar mazmuni va ular bilimlarini tekshirish uchun nazorat savollarini tanlashda qo`llanmada yoritilgan nazariy materiallarga tayanildi
An introduction to quantum computing
This book introduces the theory and practice of quantum computation to newcomers and experts alike. It covers concepts such as classical computation theory, quantum mechanics, and the computational complexity theory for quantum computing. Quantum algorithms and protocols, quantum error correction, and the potential future of quantum computing are also discussed in depth.
Chiziqli algebra va analitik geometriyadan masalalar yechish
0 ‘quv qo‘llanma oliy texnika o‘quv yurtlari talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Mazkur qo'llanm a 5 bobdan iborat. Dastlabki uchta bobida chiziqli algebra elementlari, 4-bobda tekislikda analitik geometriya, 5- bobda fazoda analitik geometriya qaralgan bo‘lib, birinchi kursda amaliy mashg‘ulot darslarida o'tiladigan «01iy matematika» kursini o‘z ichiga oladi.
Estrada va ommaviy tomoshalar rejissurasi
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma Rejissorlik ta'lim yo'nalishi talabalari uchun mo'ljallangan. Unda fanning amaliy asoslari va ishlanmalari, amaliy mashqlar hamda misollar berilgan. Birinchi va ikkinchi bosqich talabalari uchun etyudlar ustida ishlash, inssenirovkalar va ularni yaratish usullari haqida so'z boradi.
Iqtisodchilar uchun oily matematikadan masalalar to`plami
O`quv qo`llanma oliy matеmatikadan iqtisodchilarga mo`ljallangan noаn’anaviy dasturlar asosida yaratildi. Unda Oliy matеmatikaning chiziqli algеbra, analitik gеomеtriya, diffеrеnsial va intеgral hisobi, diffеrеnsial tеnglamalar, qatorlar kabi bo`limlariga tеgishli masala va misollar (jumladan iqtisodiy mazmundagi masalalar) bеrildi. Har bir bo`limda qisqacha nazariy ma`lumotlar kеltirilib, ularning qo`llanishi ko`plab mashqlarda tushuntirilgan.
Сжатие данных, изображений и звука
В учебном пособии большое количество наглядных примеров сжатия данных, изображений и звуков. Рассматриваются методы энтропийного сжатия, такие как коды Хаффмана и алгоритмы словарного сжатия. Приводится описание популярных алгоритмов и их практическое использование в приложениях. Подробно рассматриваются форматы графических и звуковых файлов, включая JPEG, MPEG, а также их возможности для уменьшения объема данных. Рассматриваются как простые, так и сложные алгоритмы сжатия, архитектура сжатия и декомпрессии.
Basic ship theory
This book provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of ship theory. Topics covered include hydrostatics, stability, resistance and propulsion, ship dynamics, and design. An essential resource for maritime students and professionals involved in ship design and construction.
Каломи шарифда Оллоҳнинг минг битта исми борлиги айтилади. Муҳаммад пайғамбар саллаллоҳу алайҳи васалламнинг олти юз исми бор экан. Туркистонда ва бутун дунёда машҳур азиз авлиёлардан Аҳмад Яссавийнинг табаррук ўн бир исмини ёд этишади. Ислом динида табаррук номлар беҳудага айтилмайди. Бу муборак номларда теран рамзий маънолар бор. Зеро, инсонлар ўзига берилган исмлар билан дунёдаги барча жонли ва жонсиз Исмларда эзгу ниятлар ёхуд хашаки ҳою ҳаваслар акс мавжудотлардан фарқланиб туради. этади. Қадимги Юнонистон донишмандлари «исм қисматдир», деб бежиз айтишмаган. Баъзи исмлар ўша инсоннинг тириклигидаёқ унутилиб кетади, баъзи табаррук исмларни эса асл фарзандларига инсониятнинг ўзи беради.
Artificial neural networks technology
This report is intended to help the reader understand what Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are, and why they are currently being studied. Artificial Neural Networks are being touted as the wave of the future for computing. Long derided as being “too simple” to do anything useful, ANNs have actually been successfully utilized in a variety of applications. Artificial Neural Networks display self-organization, robustness and fault tolerance, continuing to function even when the individual parts fail. The actual operation of an Artificial Neural Network depends on the task it has been given. The more complex the task, the more complex the network's design must be.
Quantum communications and cryptography
This book covers current topics in quantum communications and cryptography, from operational and practical applications to fundamental science and foundational theory. It elaborates on the development of quantum hardware resistant to decoherence and novel algorithms for quantum software. The book aims at developing a comprehensive set of theoretical foundations, practical applications, and policies regarding the deployment of quantum information systems in communication and encryption scenarios.