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Schaltungstechnik – analog und gemischt analog/digital
Das Stoffgebiet der analogen und gemischt analog/digitalen Schaltungstechnik ist in Grundrissen darzustellen und in seiner gesamten methodischen und praktischen Systematik zu vermitteln. Das hier erarbeitete Schaltungstechnik-Buch enthält dazu die wichtigen Grundlagen. Es wird unterteilt in allgemeine Methodik der Entwicklung und Analyse von Schaltungen, in Aufgabenstellungen für Funktionsschaltungen - analog und digital -, Verstärker mit ihren spezifischen Parametern und in den abschließenden Abschnitt der Funktionsschaltungen. Die Themenverteilung folgt der Zielstellung praktischer Anwendungsorientierung mit didaktischer Systematik in der Methodik. Dabei findet der Leser eine Vielzahl an Beispielen, Übungsaufgaben und Umfassungen mit der gesamten Aufgabenstellung entspricht. Die Bearbeitungen der Aufgabenstellungen dauern kontinuierlich Jahrzehnte an. Erfahrungen auf diesem Sektor sind die Basis für die umfassende und zeichnende Darstellung aller Aufgabenstellung, von den analogen Funkionen der Spannungsversorgung, Takt- und Oszillatorschaltungen bis zu den Verstärkerschaltungen unterschiedlicher Art und Komplexität. Während das Kapitel der Aufgabenstellungen, besonders der messtechnischen Realisierungen, sich in der Regel dem Hauptbereich zur Gruppen integrierter Schaltungstechnik in demselben Umfang widmen, der in der Methodik der Entwicklung und Analyse von Schaltungen ihre Gliederung und Schritte der Optimierungen praktisch und theoretisch begegnet.
Effective computational geometry for curves and surfaces
Computational geometry emerged as a discipline in the seventies and has had a flourishing development since then. The aim of this book is to be a reference to the multidisciplinary community of professionals who use computational geometry in their daily work. It contains descriptions of algorithms for fundamental computational problems in the plane and in high-dimensional spaces, practical level algorithms, implementation details, and applications aligning with the current state-of-the-art. It is targeted towards graduate-level students in computer science with a specific interest in computational geometry.
Мазкур ўқув қўлланма топонимикага оид асосий терминлар, топонимик тадқиқотлар тарихи, топонимларнинг халқ географик терминлари асосида таркиб топиш хусусиятлари, топонимларнинг тўғри ёзилиши қоидапари, топонимикада стратиграфик қатлам тушунчаси каби масалаларини ўз ичида қамраб олган.
Қуёш физикаси
Ушбу ўқув қўлланма "Астрономия" йўналиши бўйича бакалавр ўҳув режасидан ўрин олган "Қуёш физикаси" номли махсус курснинг ўқув дастури доирасида ёзилган. Қўлланмада Қуёш ҳақида асосий маълумотлар ва унинг физик характеристикалари келтирилгап. Хусусан, Қуёш доғларининг хосил бўлиши, уларнинг тузилиши ва табиати, машаллар, хромосфера чацнашлари
Feedback systems
This book provides an introduction to the basic principles and tools for the design and analysis of feedback systems. It emphasizes the classical roots of the field, but also includes connections to recent research. The text integrates key concepts and motivations from control, computation, and communications into a single coherent framework. The primary focus is on those features of feedback that are common to a variety of different application areas. In addition to the text, the authors provide a comprehensive set of resources available at a supplemental website, useful for both instructors and students: multiple textbooks, Matlab commands, homework exercises, video lectures, and detailed notes.
Quantum information: an overview
Quantum information is a rapidly developing area of interdisciplinary research. It brings together fields such as computer science, computational physics, classical and quantum information theory, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. This book covers the fundamental concepts of quantum information and its practical applications. It is designed for those who already have a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and classical information theory and wish to acquire a deeper understanding of the subject. Readers will be introduced to the key concepts of quantum computation, including quantum bits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms, as well as quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing.
AUTOCAD® 2012 and AUTOCAD LT® 2012
Вы научитесь рисовать в двумерном пространстве, создавать сложные фигуры, управлять объектами с помощью слоев, организовывать их с помощью блоков и групп, добавлять размерные линии и аннотации, работать с листами, печатать чертежи, создавать трехмерные модели, реалистичные визуализации и многое другое. Издание будет полезно как начинающим, так и опытным пользователям, выбравшим AutoCAD 2012 и AutoCAD LT 2012 как основной инструмент проектирования.
Geometric properties for incomplete data
This book provides a comprehensive account of geometric approaches and algorithms for dealing with incomplete data that arise in the context of computer vision. It includes topics such as the reconstruction of 3D objects, the handling of occlusions, and optimal geometries in the presence of uncertainties. It aims to bridge the gap between theoretical foundations and practical applications, delivering insights that are vital for researchers, developers, and practitioners in computer vision and related fields.
Мазкур қўлланма Ўқув дастурига мувофиқ тузилган бўлиб, унда болалардаги тишлар тараққиёти, стоматологик муолажалар вад тида ишлатиладиган огриқсизлантириш усуллари батафсил ёритилган. Тиш касалликлари, уларии даволаш йўлларига ҳам етарлича эътибор берилган. Кўлланмада тегишли миқдорда жадваллар, ҳар хил тасапр пару расмлар ҳам келтирилган. Тиббиёт виститутларининг стоматология факультетлари талабалари учун мўлжалланган.
Lessons in electric circuits, volume i – dc
Эта книга представляет собой учебное пособие по электрическим цепям постоянного тока. В ней рассматриваются основные понятия электричества, такие как ток, напряжение и сопротивление, а также принципиальные законы и теории, включая закон Ома и законы Кирхгофа. Книга включает в себя простые задания и задачи для практического закрепления материала. Это важный ресурс для студентов и преподавателей в области электротехники и электроники.
Data mining using grammar-based genetic programming and applications
Data Mining Using Grammar-Based Genetic Programming and Applications explores methods to employ genetic programming (GP), an inductive machine learning technique, for data mining tasks. Grammar-based genetic programming (GBGP) integrates these methods with grammar rules, providing a principled way to construct complex structures as outputs from a genetic algorithm. The book delves into evolutionary algorithms, data mining concepts, GP theory, and practical applications, offering insights into how GBGP can be applied efficiently in solving data-intensive problems. It aims to bridge the gap between data mining practitioners and genetic programming researchers.
Ўзбекистон давлат бошқаруви тарихи
Турли халқлар ўз давлагчилигининг шаклланиши босқичини ижтимоий иқтисодий ва тарихий-маданий жараёнларга боглик холда турли тарихий даврларда босиб ўтдилар. Бир умумий географик минтака - Ўрта Осиёда яшаб келган кўшни кабила ва элатларни бир-биригаяқин бўлган маданий ижтимоий -иқтисодий жараёнлар умумий маданий ва етник илдизлар бирлаштириб турган.
Pythagorean-hodograph curves: algebra and geometry inseparable
Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves are distinguished by the special property that their hodographs (derivatives) are themselves parameterized by polynomials, rather than the more general rational functions. This property leads to many remarkable properties, including the existence of closed-form expressions for their offsets and exact evaluation of rigid-body motions. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of PH curves and surfaces, covering both the underlying mathematical principles and their diverse applications in computer geometry, CAGD, robotics, animation, and CNC machining. Targeted towards mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists, it presents new geometric concepts, applications, and algorithms and includes high-quality illustrations, exercises, and extensive references.