Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Youth in the unece region, Realities, challenges and opportunities
Young people represent an asset upon which the future of any society depends. The more knowledgeable, skilful, healthy and happy is youth, the more prosperous the future path of society.
Dickens Journalism and nationhood
all foreign intelligence’.10 This sets off nicely the amount of ‘foreign intelligence’ that follows—clearly, newspapers and journals have moved on since. The second item, for instance, is a description of ‘Modern Greek Songs’, which describes in some detail the customs and traditions of contemporary Greece.11 A short piece entitled ‘Jack and the Union Jack’ then discusses the excellent conditions of employment in the British navy and draws attention to the professional opportunities that Britannia’s rule of the waves offers.
Direct and Indirect Speech-English Speaking
You need to change expression of tin1e when changing direct speech (DS) into indirect speech (IDS) to n1atch the 1non1ent of speaki ng. hnpo1tant expressions of tin1e in direct and indirect speech are as follows:
We are grateful to the authorities of the Uzbek State University of World Languages for project coordination as well as continuous support in the programme pilot and implementation. Special thanks to Abbas Iriskulov for his valuable advice and input throughout the project.
Curriculum development in language teaching
The activities of language teaching have often been viewed from a very narrow perspective. The is evident from the fascination with teaching methods that has characterized the history of language.
Culture, body and language
This volume grew out of a theme session with the title of “Looking for the Mind inside the Body”, which was part of the 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference held at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, July 17th–22nd, 2005. The editors wish to thank the organizers of the conference for their help and support.
Second Edition Skillful 3 Reading & Writing
This means that you should show up well fed, well rested, and prepared with the proper materials. Watch the video online and look at the discussion point before starting each new unit. Ask questions and interact. Learning a language is not passive. You need to actively participate. Help your classmates, and let them help you. It is easier to learn a language with other people.
Агар огохсен
Кенг жамоатчиликда катта қизиқиш уйготган мунозараларга сабаб бўлган мақолалари жамланган. Огохликка даъват этувчи ва Ватанимиз тақдирига дахлдор бўлган ижтимоий иқтисодий масалалар ва қатор ечимлари ўзига хос тарзда баён қилинган.
Vocabulaire juridique
Современную жизнь сегодня можно охарактеризовать как науку, просвещение и образование невозможно представить без прогресса, поскольку человечество вращается вокруг оси науки как будто вращается.
The seamless enterprise
Published by Oliver Wight Publications, Inc. with arrangement from HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. This book or any parts thereof may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher
Хрестоматия по этике
В книгу включены оригинальные произведения: рассказы, новеллы, притчи, написанные В. А. Сухомлинским. Они могут быть использованы учителями и родителями для проведения этических бесед с детьми о добре и зле, трудолюбии, любви к близким, об отношении к товарищам. Многие произведения, взятые из архива В. А. Сухомлинского, публикуются впервые. Для широкого круга читателей.
Химия нефти и газа
Учебник предлагает новейшие сведения о составе нефти и газов. Приводятся данные по составу органического вещества осадочных пород как исходного материала для образования нефти и газа.
O'zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi
Mazkur darslik "O'zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi" fanidan nomutaxassislik oliy talim muassasalari tarix fani professor-o'qituvchilari va bakalavriat bosqichi barcha yo'nalishlari talabalari uchun mo'jallangan.
Pedagogik innovatika
Bugungi keskin raqobatbardoshlik va iqtisodiy globallashuv sharoitida oliy ta`lim tizimida tayyorlanayotgan kadrlarning tayyorgarlik sifati, ularning salohiyati va raqobarbardoshligini oshirish kabi masalalar o`tkir muammoga aylanmoqda.
Aholi yashash joylarini ko'kalamzorlashtirish
O'zbekiston kam o'rmonli mamlakat, shu sababdan yashil o'simliklar bu erdagi tabiat ko'rinishini belgilaydi. Mamlakatimizda aholi yashash joylari, yo'llar, irrigasiya inshootlari, suv omborlarini ko'kalamzorlashtirish ishlari keng ko'lamda olib boriladi. Ihota va tog meliorativ o'rmonchilik ulkan ahamiyatga ega, chunki suv, havo va tuproqni muhofazalashda o'rmonning o'rni beqiyosdir. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti va hukumat qarorlarida aholi yashash xududlarini obodonlashtirishga alohida e'tibor qaratiladi. Hozirda ko'kalamzorlashtirish ishlarini olib borishda bir qancha ilmiy tashkilotlar, nihol o'stiriladigan ko'chatxonalar faoliyat ko'rsatmoqda.