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Open Concept apartments
Opening up an apartment's floor plan appears to be a desirable home improvement, one that resolves the lack of space and promotes a more casual, family-friendly lifestyle. Open plans seem to have become the "default" layout in both newly designed and refurbished apartments. Could the reason be that they have become a trend or perhaps they are the reflection of a lifestyle that calls for convenience and sociability? These changes might explain how the kitchen, which for a long time has occupied a separate space in the home, has become the epicenter of family life and entertainment. It shares a large open space with the living and dining areas. Combining these spaces surely makes sense when dealing with limited space. If we think about it, walls, doors, and hallways can take up a considerable amount of floor area. With fewer walls, open floor plans feel larger, allow for more natural lighting, and promote flexible use of space, adapting to the users' changing needs and living patterns.
Raumplan versus Plan Libre
A number of factors have contributed to the exhibition Raumplan versus Plan Libre. Both the exhibition and the accompanying publication were developed within an educational institute: the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology, Hol- land. The comparison is one of the means through which de- sign can be discussed of vital importance in a situation in which an educational program can no longer be con- structed around one, all-encompassing architectural theo- ry. This not only the result of the size of the institution, but also due to the lack of such a theory within the discipline itself. Consequently, the architectural student finds himself faced with a multitude of views concerning design, and just as many products of those views, both within and without the educational situation. This is neither good nor bad, for it is the result of the increased division of labour and special- ization within the building process itself.
Eisenman Architects
Following the example of music publication, Source Books in Architecture offers an alternative to the traditional architectural monograph. If one is interested in hearing music, he or she simply purchases the desired recording. If, however, one wishes to study a particular piece in greater depth, it is possible to purchase the score—the written code that more clearly elucidates the structure, organization, and creative process that brings the work into being. This series is offered in the same spirit. Each Source Book focuses on a single work by a particular architect or a special topic in contemporary architecture. The work is documented with sketches, models, renderings, working drawings, and photographs at a level of detail that allows complete and careful study of the project from its conception to the completion of design and construction. The graphic component is accompanied by commentary from the architect and critics that further explores both the technical and cultural content of the work in question.
Michelangelo, God’s architect
Having written a biography of Michelangelo, I thought I was “done” with the artist. But, as Leonardo famously mused, “Tell me if anything is ever done.” And as my mentor Howard Hibbard once remarked, “There is no such thing as a definitive book or a final word on great art or artists.” Indeed, as I wrote the final pages of my biography, I became increasingly drawn to the poignant narrative of an aging artist confronting the greatest challenge of his creative life: to build New St. Peter’s all the while knowing he would never see it to completion.
Design drawing
While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.
Architecture and cityscapes
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by the producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book.
Дневник книготорговца
Противник тотальной цифровизации, однажды в порыве ярости Байтелл расстреливает Kindle из винтовки, в другой раз - из простого Kindle делает Kindle Fire, сжигая его в саду. Неужели он считает, что электронные книги вовсе не имеют права на существование? «Вообще я не против того, чтобы люди покупали книги для Kindle. Я не отрицаю, что у современных технологий есть свои преимущества. Однако я против тотального перевода всего, что когда-либо было напечатано, в цифровой формат».
Architectural graphic standards
The drawings, tables, data, and other information in this book have been obtained from many sources, including government organizations, trade associations, suppliers of building materials, and professional architects or architecture firms. The American Institute of Architects (AlA), the Architectural Graphic Standards Task Force of the AlA, and the publisher have made. every reasonable effort to make this reference work accurate and authoritative, but do not warrant, and assume any liability for, the accuracy or completeness of the text or its fitness for any particular purpose. It is the responsibility of users to apply their professional knowledge in the use of information contained in this book, to consult the original sources for additional information when appropriate, and, if they themselves are not professional architects, to consult an architect when appropriate.
The architecture
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book.
Drawing for interior designers
It is by means of severalkinds of representation, drawings and plans, that we learn how to develop a project. In this book, some of theserepresentations rurebased on real spaces- houses and flats - and we will give you finished examplesof real conversions, like the numerous books on home decoration or irrterior design which you will find in the public library.But becauseyou live in your own space,the cxamples you find are never just right. This book therefore aims to show above all a real method of clrawing, with a progressive acquisition of the skills which wiii enable you to carry out operations logrcllly, and to put your own ideas down on paper.
Architectural graphics
While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with the respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom.
Туронзамин азиз авлиёлари ва уламолари тазкираси
Кўҳна Турон курраи заминнинг Аллоҳ назари тушган табаррук диёрларидан биридир. Илму маърифат ва аҳли донишлари билан эътибор топган, азиз авлиёлар ва олиму уламолар яшаб ўтган тупроқ сифатида янада мумтоздир. Қўлингиздаги «Туронзамин азиз авлиёлари ва уламолари тазкираси» китоби билан танишар экансиз, бунга яна бир карра иқрор бўласиз. Тазкирада Бухоро, Навоий ва Самарканд вилоятлари сарҳадларида ўз давридан ҳозирга қадар азизланган 770 дан ортиқ сиймо ҳақида баёнлар берилган. Ахборот ва тадқиқотлар ёзма қадимий манбалар асосида мушоҳада этилиб, эътиборингизга ҳавола қилинган. Бинобарин, китоб миллий ва маънавий қадриятларимиздан маърифий суҳбатлар сифатида сизга маъқул ва манзур бўлади, деган умиддамиз.
Общая химическая технология. Часть 1
Growth of the chemical industry is proceeding by increasing the capacity of indu-vidual units, changeover to more advanced equipment at existing plants, introdu-tion of new technological processes and extensive integration of production. The study of chemical processes and appratus remains as the chief jbjective of Chemical Texnology
Freiwilliges Engagement in Deutschland.Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey 2014.
Der Verlag, die Autoren und die Herausgeber gehen davon aus, dass die Angaben und Informationen in diesem Werk zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung vollständig und korrekt sind. Weder der Verlag noch die Autoren oder die Herausgeber übernehmen, ausdrücklich oder implizit, Gewähr für den Inhalt des Werkes, etwaige Fehler oder Äußerungen.
Носиров қабулхонада ҳурмат юзасидан ўрнидан турган ёрдамчиси—йигирма икки ёшлардаги баланд бўйли, хушқомат, жуда нозик қизга салом бериб, кабинетига кириб кетди. Кейин бир даста газета-журнал, битта қизил папкани олиб, унинг кетидан кирди, бу нарсаларни секретарнинг столига қўйди-да, бориб деразаларни очиб юборди.
Зарарли кокцидлар ҳамда уларнинг табиий паразитлари экологиясининг таҳлили
Тадқиқот мақсади, вазифалари ва объектлари: Мевали боғларнинг асосий зараркунандалари хисобланган Кокцидлар, яъни қалқондорлар Турон сохта қалқондори – Rhodococcus turanicus Arch., Бинафшарангли қалқондор – Parlatoria oleae Colvee, Ўрта Осиё вергулсимон қалқондори – Lepidosaphes mesasiatica Borchs, Олхўри қалқондори – Сhlidaspis prunorum Borchs, Акация сохта қалқондори - Parthenolecanium corni Bouche, Шафтоли сохта қалқондори- Parthenolecanium persicae F., Калифорния қалқондори – Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comst. тарқалишига тўсиқ қўйиш, келтириладиган зарарни камайтириш ва етиштирилган меваларни сақлаш ҳамда сифатини ошириш учун бу зараркунандаларга қарши курашнинг самарали усулларини ишлаб чиқиш лозим.