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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Tuproqshunoslikda ilmiy izlanishlar asoslari fanidan olingan bilimlar yordamida talabalar tuproq-o'g'it-o'simlik tizimida kechadigan jarayonlarni, tuproq xossalari va xususiyatlari, ularning turlari, xossalarini, tuproqda bo'ladigan fizik-kimyoviy va hakoza jarayonlarga ilmiy tahlillar, xulosalar va tavsiyalar berish imkoniyatga ega bo'ladilar. Kompleks bilimlarga ega bo'lgan mutaxassislar o'z navbatida murakkab ilmiy-tadqiqotlarni, ilmiy muammolarni yechishlari, ma'lum yo'nalish bo'yicha magistrlik va nomzodlik dissertasiyalarni tayyorlashlari mumkin bo'ladi.
Хотиралардан ўрин олган тарих
Ушбу қўлингиздаги "Хотиралардан ўрин олган тарих", иккинчи китоби Ўзбекистон халқининг иккинчижаҳон уруши фронтларида кўрсатган жасорати ва матонати ҳамда фронт ортида "Ҳамма нарса фронт учун, ҳамма нарса ғалаба учун" шиори остида қилган мардонавор меҳнати ҳақидаги хотираларни ҳамиша ёдда тутиш мақсадида "Ғалаба боғи" ёдгорлик мажмуаси "Шон-шараф" давлат музейи ходимлари томонидан нашрга тайёрланди.
О наследовании в популяциях и чистых линиях
В этой работе большая заслуга принадлежит Иоганнсену который должен быть отнесен к числу первых генетиков оформляющих первые шаги этой новой отрасли знания.
System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Cookbook
This book covers the newest VMM 2012 R2 version. Developing and updating this book was a real challenge. I have worked so hard to gather and put the content together, deploying the solutions, validating test scenarios, investigating, and also reporting issues back to MS, to provide you with a useful, accurate, and worth-the-time master resource. It has been an amazing journey, and I greatly appreciate all those who gave me their full support.
Global Literary Studies Key Concepts
The editors wish to thank all the authors for their commitment and great work, as well as for kindly accepting our suggestions. We also wish to thank all our re- viewers for their valuable comments and feedback, and our two proofreaders: John Shakespear and Cristina Fernández-Hall.
Исследования по генетике
Для ученого нет более убедительного доказательства правильности научной теории, чем свершение предсказанных ею событий.
Мир музыки.
Мы рады представит Вам первый номер "World of Music" ("Мир Музыки") - итог совместной работы советских и американских издателей. Надеемся, что разнообразный, удивительный мир музыки, которому посвящено наше издание, принесет читателям много приятных впечатлений и новую неизвестную информацию.
Биологик инженерия
Биологик инженерия деганда организмлар ва биомуҳитни инсон учун керакли томонга маълум бир мақсад билан тубдан ўзгартириш тушунилади.
Refiguring Minds in Narrative Media
I am fortunate to have had all kinds of support for this project, rang- ing from the generous research and conference funding from the University of Otago to the encouragement of family and friends near and far.
Занимательная генетика
В этом шуточном определении известного польского писателя-юмориста есть и вполне серьезная мысль генетика наука о наследственности.
Cases & Materials on International Law
Cases & Materials on International Law is a topical and engaging companion for study, offering broad coverage on public international law and placing disputes directly within the context of contemporary debate. The book contains the essential cases and materials that students need in order to fully understand and analyse the international legal system, drawing on a truly global range of jurisdictions and sources. Expert author commentary and notes place selected extracts within the wider legal framework and explain the complexities of the principles of law to students.The sixth edition includes expanded discussion of developing areas, including UN resolutions on climate change and international environmental law, new material from the International Law Commission, and coverage of major events, such as the annexation of Crimea, the legal context for Scottish independence and the UK's exit from the European Union, and the United Nations Security Council's Resolution on Malaysia Airlines MH17.
Unsettled States Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies
In the early morning of December 16, 1811, the first of a major series of earthquakes struck the Mississippi Valley. The earthquakes continued through the following spring, numbering over 1,800 in total.
The two chains of the trausoontineutal triaugulation near the thirty-ninth parallel, which had been carried westward from Chesapeake Bay and eastward from the Mississippi, having reached a junction npon a line in the State of Indiana in September, 1890, the measurement of a base of verilication became desirable.
Классики советской генетики
В сборнике представлены лишь некоторые статьи выдающихся русских генетиков, имеющие особое историческое значение, но малоизвестные нашей молодежи.
Fear and Loathing in the North Jews and Muslims in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region
This volume of articles is a direct outcome of the conference Fear and Loathing in the North: Muslims and Jews in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region generously sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and held in Stockholm on 10–11 June 2013.
Algunos animales feroces en el teatro venezolano Teatralidad de la violencia en la dramaturgia de los 70 en Venezuela
Los que me conocen de cerca saben que soy argentino, y como tal quiero mucho a mi país. Pero no lo quiero únicamente por razones de origen o nacimiento, o porque viví allí hasta los primeros años de mi adolescencia.